DM: Tina Brown ‘sees Meghan’s judgement as dreadful and the facts bear this out’

It’s been interesting to watch the British media try to selectively piggyback on Tina Brown’s interview on The Ankler this week. Tina Brown talked a lot of sh-t about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but she also said some unflattering things about Prince William. Guess which part of Brown’s interview is being glommed onto by the British media? You guessed it. Brown spoke in unspecific terms about how Meghan “is a perfectionist about getting it all wrong. Her issue is that she doesn’t listen. She has all these people, asks them their opinion, and then doesn’t follow it. She does what she wants to do. And all of her ideas are total crap, unfortunately.” Brown also revived the sexist/racist trope about Meghan ordering Harry around and Harry being “in thrall” of Meghan. As you can imagine, the old white royalist men are delighted that they get to talk about how Tina Brown is right about everything (in regard to Meghan alone).

A British royal expert has said he agrees with Tina Brown’s comments made earlier this month that Meghan Markle has the ‘worst’ judgement. Ex-Vanity Fair editor Brown, who famously once described Megxit as a ‘disaster’ and accused the couple of being ‘addicted to drama,’ alleged that Meghan has the ‘worst’ judgement while appearing on The Ankler podcast with the media brand’s CEO Janice Min.

Richard Fitzwilliams – a royal expert and commentator – told MailOnline he agrees with Brown’s judgement on the Duchess of Sussex. He said: ‘Tina Brown is highly respected journalist and royal biographer. I have consulted her brilliant study of Diana several times in the last week. She has highlighted Meghan’s terrible judgement on the prestigious Ankler podcast. Brown is right that Harry is led by Meghan. She is also correct in saying that the split when they left was “a disaster all round”.’

‘With the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) about to begin in Samoa, we would do well to remember how Queen Elizabeth made Harry President and Meghan Vice-President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. They deserted these patronages and in their documentary Harry and Meghan for Netflix, had talking heads rubbishing the institution which was a form of betrayal, something that Harry, however frustrated he was with royal life, would never have done on his own.’

Fitzwilliams said Brown’s point that ‘all of her ideas are total crap’ brought to mind a reference by Meghan in The Cut Magazine that people celebrated in the streets of South Africa when she married Prince Harry in 2018. He said: ‘Meghan quoted an individual who was never identified. He was supposed, at the 2019 premiere of The Lion King, to have told her that there was rejoicing in the streets in South Africa when they married which was similar to that when Nelson Mandela was released from prison. With an ego like that, it is clear that Brown’s comment that Meghan “has the worst judgement of anyone in the entire world” is all too true.’

Fitzwilliams adds: ‘Brown sees Meghan’s judgement as dreadful and the facts bear this out. The couple’s Charitable Foundation Archewell has made little impact, they lost their contract with Spotify and have actually done little [to] save their kiss and tell documentary, for Netflix who may not renew their contract next year. Also when she signed with the William Morris Agency in April last year, what did it lead to?’

Fitzwilliams concurred: ‘Brown is correct in saying that the split when they left was “a disaster all round”. As she has noted, the parting was a “disaster” as they obviously represented the contemporary face of the royal family and she notes that he can be a great success as a prince as it’s all he understands. Now he’s in exile. Their tours are “faux-royal”.’

[From The Daily Mail]

The main thrust, for me, of Tina Brown’s interview was that she’s beyond furious that Prince Harry refuses to divorce his wife and come crawling back to the UK so he can “do his duty” as a prince… and then Harry would outshine his brother, much to William’s chagrin. Like, they’re saying that explicitly: Harry needs to come back so he can do William’s work and steal William’s thunder, which will make William incandescent with rage. Tina Brown and Dick Fitzwilliams blame Meghan for the fact that Harry wants no part of the royal trainwreck, rather than give a 40-year-old prince any agency. Also: Harry and Meghan didn’t “desert” their patronages – they were more than willing to retain all of their patronages and continue to do that work. QEII and her courtiers were hellbent on punishing the Sussexes, so the palace removed H&M from the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust and everything else.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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84 Responses to “DM: Tina Brown ‘sees Meghan’s judgement as dreadful and the facts bear this out’”

  1. Tessa says:

    Brilliant book about Diana. No way.No it was more of a hatchet job with dubious stories. Like Tina claiming Diana threw herself at Charles during that weekend house party where Charles showed interest in her. Brown claims Diana sat on his lap. Brown claimed she was Diana a friend based on one lunch they had together. Sarah Bradford book was lot better. Brown needs to keep quiet about meghan.

    • Rumorhasit says:

      In today’s gaslighting PR handbook edition – every confession is a projection….what if we swapped out every mention of Meghan and we put in Camilla’s name instead. And Charles for Harry.
      Would this article make more sense?

      Camilla has no allegiance to Charles, the man, the marriage to him (APB still around) – and who drives a father to cast out his biological children? She’s even undermining the monarchy.with her horrific shambling public appearances.

      She wanted all the rights but none of the responsibilities.

      I think these stories are meant to center Camilla without getting the rota in trouble.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Or, swap out Meghan’s name with Kate. Neither Camilla nor Kate have the work history (and successes) Meghan does. At all.

  2. Agnes says:

    Who the hell does Tina Brown think she is, and why is she qualified to say a woman she does not know who has two cute kids and a husband who loves her in a nice house in a good neighborhood has “dreadful judgement?” Meghan is living the American Dream. F*ck the British Nightmare.

    • Megan says:

      I was on tour in Sri Lanka last week and a Brit in our group started bitching about Meghan. I was delighted to tell her they are huge in America. She said she heard people were sick of them and I said don’t believe everything you read in the Daily Mail.

      • Agnes says:

        The scary thing is: propaganda works.

      • Miranda says:

        Oh dear. My husband and I are going to England for a wedding the week after next, then spending a couple of weeks in Scotland to celebrate our anniversary, and I’ve kinda been wondering if Meghan is actually a common topic of conversation, or if the BM and the RR are just shouting into an echo chamber. I’ll be ready to defend her honor if it comes up!

        (BTW, isn’t Sri Lanka beautiful?! We spent 3 days there as a side trip after attending a wedding in Kerala, and it wasn’t nearly enough!)

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Megan Kudos to you for ripping up that lady’s tabloid trash talk with FACTS.

  3. sevenblue says:

    lol. For a person who does everything wrong, she has a stellar CV. I would say much much better than the current Queen and the future Queen. She made more tangible contributions to the charities in UK in her short time there than any of the royals with her own projects.

    • Megan says:

      Tina Brown also has a stellar CV, credibility, and a huge platform. It’s unfortunate she is taking her talking points from a family she knows is vicious, untrustworthy , and downright petty.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Megan, who did Tina help, but herself? Meghan was doing good charity work even before she married Harry. Tina is just another gossip journalist talking sh*t about other people without any credible evidence. Her “sources” are as unnamed as any other royal reporter’s. That is not serious journalism, please.

      • Jais says:

        Her stellar cv is far from blemish free. In fact, there are some spectacular fails. Which in a long career makes sense but she is accusing Meghan of things she has no proof of and when in fact she herself is guilty of, yelling at staff, not knowing their names and not taking advice. In one of my comments further down, I link to a piece about her time at Talk Magazine. It’s a doozy. Is it all true? Idk but I’m willing to bet it’s more true than anything she has to say about a women she’s never met. TB seems like the one with bad judgment.

      • Julia says:

        Tina Brown was once seen as a rival to Anna Wintour and her equal in power and influence. Anna is still editor of Vogue, Tina is writing a blog. Not sure why anyone would take her advice. Not only did she break up a marriage by sleeping with another woman’s husband, she supported Harvey Weinstein and bankrupted a magazine!

      • Jais says:

        🎯 Julia

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Right @Julia! Tina’s CV is so stellar. She supported and partnered with Weinstein.

        As if, TB, didn’t know/hear about Weinstein’s behavior. I guess she’s put her head in the sand like others. That’s the gossip TB should be revealing.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Regardless of what she’s saying, Tina Brow is talking about Meghan, not about Kate or Camzilla. To me, she’s making it clear that they are nonfactors when it comes to the future of the dying monarchy.

    • Embee says:

      Agreed. Meghan’s CV includes that incredible cookbook, capsule collection and award-winning podcast. Her judgment seems pretty good to me.

  4. Caitlin says:

    This interview was a bit of a joke. Tina pretty much had free reign to say whatever she wanted without being checked or questioned. The interviewer just appeared to take everything as gospel, no questions asked. I simply couldn’t sit through the whole thing.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It’s called propaganda. It was perfected during WWII by a certain notorious German guy. The British aristocracy admired him tremendously. Just look up some old documentaries about that class, including the ones about the Midford sisters.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Proud Mary – The Duke of Windsor (formerly King Edward VIII) and his wife, Wallis Simpson, were also admirers of that notorious German guy.

  5. JENNIFER says:

    Honestly, I am tired of white British women in the media and their absolute allegiance to patriarchy and white supremacy.
    Tina Brown is a bigot. Someone who has no room in their “critique” to see the other side, to acknowledge the wins and successes and to manufacture ire and hate and racist trope, is a bigot.
    I think most of her power, however, comes from her relationships with American media. They’ve also shown that the reset they promised after George Floyd was just lip service.
    How is the bullying and harassment of Meghan allowed and acceptable after 2020?
    As for the mail and Fitzwilliams, that is just pure racism. And they’ll partake anyway.

  6. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Yes Meg has dreadful judgment from uk salty’s royal experts standpoint: because of her judgment, they only got shadows of careers, they’re trash writing, the monarchy will end, they’ll all be fired. How did we get to “can we do half in half out” to this? **Chef’s kiss** I love this for the monarchy and freedom for meg and harry

  7. Tessa says:

    The Diana book by Tina was bizarr o world. Diana’s mother said she never tried to interfere or advise Diana. Tina said she did. Did tina take over in her own marriage

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Tessa – Diana’s mother did interfere at one point during Diana’s relationship with Dr. Hasnat Khan. It was the reason Diana and her mother were not on speaking terms at the time of Diana’s death.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    Tina Brown is the typical washed up old white woman angry with Meghan because Meghan knows her self worth and chooses to advocate for things important to her. Harry is his own man and chooses to advocate for the things important for him. Any one who sees this couples interaction with each other can feel they are both deeply in love with each other.Their Archewell Foundation is a stellar view of what they both advocate for and what they both have done. The bitterness is because their work is not done under the royalties foundation website and they cannot get credit for it. The more these gutter rats harp on this couple the more we understand how regretful they are for what they have left to support. A prince in waiting who is not taken seriously and a mumbling queen in waiting who is as bad.

  9. Miranda says:

    I would LOVE to be such a “failure” as the Duchess of Sussex. A husband who worships her (in a sweet way, not the “in thrall” crap), 2 beautiful kids. Intelligent and well-educated.TV show and lifestyle brand in the works. Friends that include some of the most powerful people in the industry. Until she married into the BRF, literally every single person she had actually worked with have nothing but praise for her. And on a shallow note, she could easily pass for a woman in her 20s. We should all be such “failures”.

  10. aquarius64 says:

    This witch Brown knows William is a joke as heir and will be a disaster as king. Harry chose love and his immediate family over a life of royal slavery. Brown and the rest of the rota rats are mad their pockets are empty because the Sussexes are not granting them access and the US press, press that don’t denigrate them, are granted interviews. They’re mad their hit jobs are not barring the Sussexes to do their projects and be invited to events.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Whatever. These people have been saying the same thing for almost 10 years. Perhaps they believe their comments will come true one day.

    • Eurydice says:

      I’ll second that “whatever.” And even if what TB says is true, so what? Harry still doesn’t want to go back and Charles and William still don’t want him back.

      • Proud Mary says:

        I believe Charles does want him back, but not under circumstances favorable to Harry.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Proud Mary: Which is why I believe the meeting in February only lasted 45 minutes and Charles was seen leaving CH with tears in his eyes.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Proud Mary – First of all, nothing Charles has done over the last 5 years shows that he wants Harry back. So, let’s ignore the family thing and move to the “good of the monarchy” thing. If Harry is so necessary to the health of the monarchy (as the BM keeps intimating), then that means Harry has something valuable to exchange. Why should he give away that value for nothing in return? And if Charles isn’t willing to give something favorable in return, then that means he doesn’t believe Harry is worth it.

  12. Lizzie says:

    Is asking for advice then making your own decision something to criticize?

    • Amy Bee says:

      No. But apparently members of the Royal Family are supposed to just do what they’re told and I think Meghan having her own views was a problem for staff.

    • aftershocks says:

      LOL! Exactly @Lizzie 💯

      That’s exactly what presidents, CEOs, successful managers, and bada$$ bosses do: surround themselves with knowledgeable experts; conduct hands-on research; seek out sound advice; and Make Their Own Final Decisions!

  13. Jais says:

    Here’s a somewhat long but very good read about Tina Brown and the failure of Talk magazine from Russ Baker. Fascinatingly she is described as yelling at staff, not even knowing all their names, and wait for it…getting advice but not taking the advice and refusing to listen to any advice. Huh, the same thing she’s accused Meghan of. Interesting. Meghan is none of the things she says. In truth, Tina Brown could be describing herself though?

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Isn’t that how it always is? Lots of projection from RF and BM. So much self hatred but because they lack introspection, they just keep aiming the venom outward. It’s always the Sussexes fault. They gaslight the successes that H&M have in their country visits and their charities. It’s crazy watching the RF and BM and their inability to make that leap that connects their current predicament with what they did.

      • aftershocks says:

        🎯 💯 The left-behinds and pandering media loser has-beens know nothing better to do but endlessy whine and project with these bitter, angry, gaslighting, misbegotten hit pieces. 🤡

    • CreoleTomato says:

      WOW! @Jais – an amazing article about the true depth of this woman’s so called success. I love that the article reaches back to the 2000s and reads her raggedy pedigree every step of the way. Thanks!

    • Jaded says:

      Great article. It clearly shows her “management by terrorism” style, her lack of respect for staff, her unalloyed arrogance and obsessive self-promotion, all things she has accused Meghan of being. Quite a bit of projection there, but we can clearly see Tina’s jealousy and racially motivated spite coming through loud and clear.

    • Jais says:

      The funniest part was that as the article listed all the ways Tina was floundering, ahem some may say FAiLInG, was this gem: however,she was having some success back home as Queen Elizabeth II gifted her with an OBE, or something. Y’all😂. There was also an appearance at TAlk magazine of that writer from the Hollywood Reporter who did the non-sourced hit job on Meghan. It’s a small world right? And yet, here’s Tina, beingg described as getting everything wrong and having a management style that sounds a million times worse than whatever they strait-up invent about Meghan. I’m really shook that this person is writing a dang thing about anyone. She has no clue and is absolutely projecting. This is what she’s sunk to? Lordy.

    • Kirk says:

      Thank you for that long read from Russ Baker! I had forgotten “Hillary Clinton called Tina “the Junk Food of Journalism.” Which she was at that time. Now she’s trading on her former glory. Too bad everybody’s forgotten about her hiring Roseanne Barr or resurrecting Princess Diana for a magazine cover so she could profit off it.

  14. s808 says:

    So what ever to the commonwealth trust btw? Has anyone been appointed in H&M’s place?

    • Proud Mary says:

      William and Kate were jealous of the Queen’s appointment of Harry and Meghan to as President and VP of the CWT. They pushed them out because they really believed that they could do what Harry and Meghan were doing, hence that ill-fated Caribbean tour. So without Harry and Meghan, the Trust has pretty much disappeared. It’s as if William and Kate have decided that they would rather have these charities die than have Harry and Meghan be in charge. The firm simply cut off it’s own nose to spite it’s face. Harry and Meghan were the shiny stars of that family. BTW, the Sussexes were really good at this. If those videos are still on YouTube, you should look up their discussions with some of the young people of the Commonwealth. Really insightful stuff.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Charles is the patron and no one has replaced Harry and Meghan.

  15. girl_ninja says:

    They all use Meghan’s name to draw views, and some people really believe all of the lies and bullshit. I maintain that Tina Brown is a fucking racist bitch.

    • Iolanthe says:

      I don’t think Kate was the flavour of the month till Meghan came along . She was seen as this jobless go getter but the British are big on class and pedigree and the Middletons didn’t really didn’t hold up . If Harry had married an aristocrat with a bloodline like Diana or the Mountbattens , I think Kate would have been dethroned faster than we can blink . So this is entirely because the contender is mixed race and American ..suddenly Kate is the English rose with picture perfect heirs and spares , never mind if she and her family are as chav as can be . I never thought the Brits were this racist under the polite veneer and I am so disillusioned with people like Judy Dench , Clarkson and Ms Tina..I actually thought they all had a brain apiece . The fact that they can see what losers the Waleses are and still promote them over the completely classy and naturally aristocratic Sussexes beggars belief .

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I used to be quite active in a royal fashion/style blog comments and the tone really changed post Meghan. To the point where the blog owner decided it wasn’t fun any more and shuttered it.

        Kate definitely changed her style when she was trying to position herself as “the English Rose” (really: the white duchess).

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, she is. A fucking racist bitch who is bizarrely not even that good of a gossip. Her interpretation of Meghan makes no sense bc there’s so much evidence to the contrary. And there’s a dozen random YT people saying the same thing. It’s unoriginal and fully based on hate clicks and racism and sexism. But that’s her market and that’s who she is. Apparently it was less obvious in the 90s when she worked with Weinstein🙄.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Wait a minute, what’s up with the moderation on this site? You can say that (which a truly do echo) but I can’t?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      That she is..just like the rest of the British tabloid media. They have two cancer patient royals to focus on and a useless heir it’s time to leave Meghan and her family alone. All of these people are beyond evil and their cruelty is extremely disturbing at this stage because Meghan left five years ago and no one deserves what they continue doing to her. I have been looking at five year survivor rates for different cancers for research purposes, I would not be surprised if the monarchy becomes even slimmer in the very near future.

  16. Eurydice says:

    They just can’t stop beating that dead horse, can they?

    I had a whole screed written up in rebuttal, but this is all too tiresome and pointless.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yep, exactly. It’s boring. Yes yes you hate her, she’s the worst thing ever, she’s ruined the monarchy, Harry’s just a poor lost little boy with no agency and is so stupid he can barely tie his shoes himself. I would love for just one interviewer, to ask ” why are you still talking about her?”.

  17. Nanea says:

    Royal “expert” Richard Fitzwilliams?

    The expert who wasn’t shy about giving his expert opinion on an interview that hadn’t yet aired — that of Harry and Meghan, by Oprah?

    Expert without expertise. And anything he says can be dismissed without further arguing.

  18. Mrs. Smith says:

    I would love to ask Tina about the half-in offer that W & Charles rejected. Wouldn’t that prove as a win-win solution today, per Tina’s own argument? I get it, they just want to use H&M as a punching bag because the RF is sad skeleton crew now and they want to blame someone for it. But all of these royal experts sound so ridiculous when the half-in arrangement would essentially solve the problem at hand. 🙄

  19. wolfmamma says:

    This is all so boring now and has been for a long long time. How old is this licture- that’s how long it’s all been rubbish
    The monarchy is pathetic now

  20. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    This is the stuff that Karma comes after.

    It won’t be long now Tina. Lack of sales and engagement will be the first thing you’ll experience Tina

  21. Dora says:

    Tina Brown is just another bitter racist white woman who hates that a biracial woman is in the place that she feels should only be occupied by a white woman. They hate Meghan because he loves her. They are bitter because they feel that Meghan should have been grateful to be in their presence. I keep waiting for one of the experts or people like Brown to call her uppity.

  22. MsIam says:

    Australia was Flop Tour 2.0 so of course they have to beat up on Meghan for something as a cover. “All of her ideas are total crap” even though she broke the internet by re-wearing a red dress, lol. Meanwhile Chuck and his Whorse lurching around Australia was one big yawn.

  23. Jennifer Smith says:

    Imagining Meghan catching wind of this article and how hurtful it is. Even the most confident women worry about how they are conducting their professional life and feel they are not up to the job of being a good parent. I’m sending her all the comfort and peace of mind I can–I know articles like these tend to bunch up and through their idiocy become ridiculous…but sometimes it still takes my breath away how cruel they are.

    • RRN says:

      I’ve been thinking the same. Like, if Meghan doesn’t read it, there has to be a person (in their PR) who has to read all such articles in order to respond or improve or change their PR accordingly. So Im sure the gist of such coverage gets reported to Harry & Meghan. I cannot imagine having the mental bandwidth to deal with it. All this cruelty for what exactly? And the worst part is…this hateful propaganda will get 10x worse when William becomes king. we all know he is thaaaat petty. The smear campaign was initiated by Kensington palace.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Jennifer Smith and RRN, I doubt that anything is reported to H&M unless there’s a legal issue, or there’s an issue that needs a response. I really doubt that they spend time looking back when their calendars are full looking forward.

      I’m sure the bm/brf would love to believe that these stories are making some impact on the Sussexes, but I think that ship has sailed. Now, it’s all about the people who do read the bm–which is migrating over to the US. The problem they have is that there’s approximately 340,000,000 people in the US with a tiny fraction believing everything they read. It just doesn’t have the same impact here. We tend to watch what people are doing, not what someone is saying about them.

  24. Walking the Walk says:

    If all it took was one Black woman, who was divorced, “washed up”, with the worst judgement in the world, to destroy the monarchy, I think that says more about that institution than her.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    You want to talk about terrible judgment, Tina? How about a cancer patient putting out a sepia-toned video of herself skipping through a meadow? How about turning up to a royal assignment looking like you’d just emerged from a 10-day bender? How about making racist comments about a baby? How about staying silent when an entire industry viciously drives a family member to suicidal ideation? How about forcing the most popular and most interesting members of the family to leave for safety in another country?

    F*ck you, Tina.

  26. L4Frimaire says:

    The Sussexes know enough people in media to get the real tea on Tina Brown and have been advised to completely ignore her and any overtires she makes. She definitely has an axe to grind. What she expects Harry to do for the monarchy is never gonna happen. The fact is the Sussexes are doing very well. As for tours, how are these royal tours going compared to what the Sussexes do? Brown needs to get over herself. She sounds so dated.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Spot-on @L4Frimaire! That’s a great example of Meghan & Harry kicking TB to the curb with their excellent judgment and superb decisionmaking in completely ignoring her smarmy, grifting a&&, and her speculative overtures. TB is angry and bitter about never being able to gain entré into the Sussexes’ inner circle. For that matter, Harry already knew about TB’s lack of character and integrity from the hit job ‘bio’ crap she cravenly spewed about Diana.

  27. ABritGuest says:

    Lying Richard Fitzwilliam (remember the prank before the Oprah interview aired) seems upset that Meghan & Harry aren’t in Australia/samoa being the “face of the modern monarchy”. Maybe he should ask his press friends why they thought it was a good idea to bully Meghan to extent of suicidal ideation& for the palace to smear her AND turn down the half in half out offer where they could have kept doing things on behalf of the monarchy. That is totally on them & all this constant negativity is because they can’t accept that THEY fumbled the bag & the monarchy is in a worst state cos of it – see unsuccessful royal tours like the infamous Caribbean one v Harry & Meghan’s very successful & productive Colombia & Nigeria trips. The disaster Fitzwilliams speaks of was cos of press & palace actions alone.

    Also as a guest editor hasn’t Meghan bested Tina with her record breaking Vogue? Meghan’s had two NYT best selling projects, a charity clothing collection that supplied the charity with enough clothes for a year, a record breaking docuseries, a chart topping & award winning first podcast project. Not bad for someone with apparently poor ideas.

  28. Ivy says:

    Her name stays in their mouth ugh. Just leave her alone

  29. yipyip says:

    Tina Brown is a scummy person.
    Will say anything for money or attention.
    This is known.

  30. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I wonder when it will finally dawn on the bm that one person cannot save the Monarchy. They don’t seem to understand that the institution itself needs to change to be relevant. If H&M were still there (God forfend), the Monarchy would still be in decline. I won’t be around to know, but I wonder if the Monarchy will be around in 100 years.

    • Kirk says:

      Thank the Lord those courtiers followed their worst instincts vis-à-vis the Sussexes, and the left behind royals followed their own worst instincts and the courtiers’ advice! Half-in half-out would not have been in M&H best interest IMHO.

  31. Lau says:

    I just love how she uses the dumbest facts to support her nonsense.

  32. Nerd says:

    What does it say that according to them Meghan didn’t listen or take advice yet all of her projects during the short time she was there were and still are more successful than all of the other royals who now copy everything she did, said or wore? They still copy Harry and especially Meghan but with none of her success. Meghan’s very first project as a royal is still successful and impactful to the UK five years later. Name one success of the future king and queen of that country that puts them above Meghan as far as accomplishments. Charles of the four can take credit for some accomplishments but neither Camilla, William, Kate or any of the others can say anything regarding accomplishments. William and Kate went to Jamaica and failed miserably only to blame their failures on their staff, so who exactly is the problem if they listened to their staff and got fired on live television? Tina can’t even say that she’s accomplished anything besides lie and make money off of other peoples name by bashing them. Fitzwilliams is just a hack who doesn’t even report on things that happen yet, so his credibility is worse than Tina’s. Meghan’s judgment was to not take advice from racists which in my book, is exactly what anyone with sense would do. The Queen didn’t seem to have an issue with Harry’s or Meghan’s judgment since she appointed them the President and Vice President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust and was smart enough not to appoint any of the left behinds after they left. Them leaving and no longer being President and Vice President of the QCT doesn’t say anything about Harry or Meghan’s judgment, it says that the Queen’s judgment is that none of the left behinds are as capable or competent as Harry and Meghan to take on their roles.

  33. bisynaptic says:

    What these dimwit goobers don’t understand/have probably never considered is that Harry is now and forever a very wealthy man. Even if he WERE to come back to the UK, to be part of the Firm, he would be independently wealthy. He would not have to “earn” his keep. He would, therefore, have no motive to stay under the thumb of anyone, including William. The arrangement they’re desperately pushing for can simply not exist.

  34. kelleybelle says:

    What facts exactly, Tina?

  35. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Honestly this sort of thing is part of a standard deranger “truther” script. I first started seeing it for real when I happened into a section of tumblr that was pointing and laughing at Benedict Cumberbatch “truthers” (sham marriage, pregnancy etc).

    Meghan is so bad at being a “drama queen fame whore” – she would know how to work the system if she really wanted to. She wouldn’t be living in Montecito if she wanted to.

    It’s people like Tina giving Meghan so much air. I mean any time M goes outside we hear ALLLLL about it.

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