Prince William will do ‘fewer engagements day to day’ in South Africa next week

Next week, Prince William will fly to Cape Town, South Africa for this year’s Earthshot Prize ceremony. William will be in Cape Town for several days, doing events around Earthshot and environmentalism. It didn’t occur to Kensington Palace, when they were scheduling any of this, that William is unlikely to get much international media attention next week, given the American presidential election. William is particularly desperate for American media to cover his events, and I doubt any American outlet – save maybe People Magazine? – will bother. On the plus side, it’s unlikely that William will be protested in the loud way his father was in Australia, where Lidia Thorpe challenged the king inside of Parliament. So, this is curious – Becky English at the Mail has a piece on how William’s South Africa trip will be a lot different than Charles and Camilla’s tour.

It was the royal tour that established King Charles as a monarch overseas in his own right. From Sydney to Canberra and onwards to Samoa he was greeted by tens of thousands of well-wishers and lauded for his long international leadership on issues such as climate change, while Commonwealth leaders praised him as a man with whom difficult conversations, about difficult issues, can be had.

Naysayers will always find a way to argue the toss over the size of the crowds or make hay over the tiny handful of protestors that turned out (aside from the antics of firebrand senator Lidia Thorpe I barely saw two or three – mostly campaigning over deeply complex indigenous rights issues – per crowd. And each crowd numbered more than a thousand people).

Take it from someone who was there every step of the way, the turnout for the King was overwhelming – and far exceeded anything Buckingham Palace had even dared hope. Many of those I spoke to were genuinely touched that he had even attempted such an arduous journey – 30,000 miles door to door – in spite of his ongoing cancer treatment, undertaking up to ten engagements a day. There is no doubt that King Charles is complex man, but he is also an extraordinarily brave one who has inherited his late mother’s sense of duty – and from my vantage point people very much recognised and appreciated that.

Next week I travel to Cape Town with the Prince of Wales as he undertakes engagements around his Earthshot Prize awards, a trip that is likely to be a very different kettle of fish. William has long made clear he is less enamoured of the traditional royal tour mould, preferring to focus on single issues in greater detail. You are likely to see significantly fewer engagements day to day – two or three at most – but ones his team feel he can offer more engagement with, and a focus very much on the subject matter in hand.

In fact the prince’s last ‘traditional’ royal tour was with his wife, Catherine, to the Caribbean back in March 2022, which was, notoriously, beset with issues. While the trip was far from the disaster that partisan keyboard warriors would have you believe (again, I was there and can say, hand on heart, the couple were largely welcomed wherever they went), it was, nevertheless, a salutary lessons for royal aides that they must continue to think out of the box and be prepared to change course on the ground.

What the King and Queen’s latest trip has proved is that if you can find the right balance, both approaches are valid. People are still fascinated by monarchy and want to see all the pomp and pageantry – not to mention the fabulous frocks and uniforms – that comes with it. But they also want a Royal Family that is grounded in the here and now, willing to use its extraordinary privilege to amplify the issues that matter.

[From The Daily Mail]

“Or make hay over the tiny handful of protestors that turned out” and “aside from the antics of firebrand senator Lidia Thorpe I barely saw two or three” – like, does English not understand that the royal protection officers and Australian authorities were doing the most to push protesters far away from Charles and Camilla? And as it turns out, far away from the royal rota. “I didn’t see many protestors” says the woman corralled into a fixed position, whose job is embiggening a dying hereditary monarchy. It also feels like Kensington Palace is trying to tamp down expectations for William’s jaunt to Cape Town – he won’t be doing much and he definitely isn’t organizing it like a traditional royal tour, huh? And this is not the first pseudo-tour since the Caribbean Flop Tour. Will and Kate went to Boston in 2022 (they got booed) and William went to New York and Singapore last year, and both were considered “tours” as much as whatever this Cape Town mess will be.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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26 Responses to “Prince William will do ‘fewer engagements day to day’ in South Africa next week”

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  1. North of Boston says:

    As the song says:

    “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing”

    • Advisor2U says:

      Pravda Becky is speaking guys: “Believe my royals’ embigaging propaganda, I never lie. I was there, I’m the Rota Captain, please believe my reporting, it’s true, hands on heart, it’s all true. ” (🙄)

  2. yipyip says:

    When is it going to become clear to Charles and William that these visits are not wanted.
    They get nothing useful done.
    Stop calling it work!


    South African here, I forgot this was even happening because literally no one is talking about it. It’s not on the news, radio or SA social media. He’ll be a footnote for us as much as everyone else who will rightfully be focused on the US election.

  4. ariel says:

    It is ironic that the only people left doing the work of royal tours- and by that i mean- back to back engagements, super busy- are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The left behind windsors are unpopular and phoning it in. Watching the monarchy implode in real time is kind of a delight.
    Though we still need to take all their money and redistribute it.
    As they tell it- they work so very hard- i am sure they can find real jobs- since they are such hard workers.

  5. Nic919 says:

    Becky English and Baghdad Bob are the same person. I don’t think most of the British public realizes this. They are fooled into believing they live in a democracy but they really don’t when an elected family gets a huge portion of their treasury funds and the public has no choice to remove them.

    Senator Thorpe is an elected member of the Australian senate bringing attention to the genocide caused by the British crown in Australia. They were a colony until 1901 and a lot of the horrors happened under direct British watch.

    And Australia isn’t the only country where horrors happened in the name of the British crown.

    Wearing fashionable frocks means fuck all to the generations of indigenous people who had their culture destroyed because of the greed of the British crown.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Again, the incompetents at KP (three headless chickens in a trenchcoat being led by Jason Knauf) show their idiocy. They schedule what’s supposed to be an important trip by the future King of England (yeah, I meant what i said!) on the day when no one will be paying attention to anything other than the US presidential election. They would have been even smarter to plan the trip for the world cup final, or the Olympics opening ceremonies. While those are global events, they are at least much less consequential than this election and the effect it will have on global politics. Billy Idle has guaranteed that his little trip will go unnoticed and unremarked. He could strut nekkid down the street and the world would say “yeah, whatever.”

    He’s there on vacation. Someone better take a hard count of the wildlife in the game parks while he’s there to make sure no endangered animals get hunted.

    I’m not anonymous. This is lanne. Don’t know why my name didn’t come up.

  7. Becks1 says:

    So the woman in charge of the rota, whose livelihood depends on embiggening the monarchy, whose social media profile picture is an image of william and kate after charlotte was born*, is telling us, “hand to heart” that the monarchy is still loved and that tens of thousands came out to see Charles and Camilla? Gee, why do I find that hard to believe?

    And yes, this is all about lowering expectations for South Africa.

    *I dont know if it still is that picture but it used to be, I blocked her ages ago lol.

    • Jais says:

      The hand to heart part makes me laugh. She knows it’s not believable so she has to say hand to heart, swearing it’s true. Please. As if we are to believe, as you say, a woman whose livelihood depends on the continuation of the monarchy. Hand to heart, I don’t believe a word she says.

    • Nic919 says:

      It is Baghdad Bob levels of credibility. They need to call themselves what they are, PR for the royals. They are not even close to being journalists.

      Also she changed the profile pic to one of the Queen.

  8. JudyB says:

    They may be supposed “hard workers” but they will have trouble getting real jobs because they have no skills other than waving from carriages and accepting awards for doing nothing.

  9. Eurydice says:

    But, what about the supermodels?

    • Smart&Messy says:

      They won’t give a shit about William before and after they are photographed at the event they are paid to attend.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    This article just shows why Becky English is the captain of the Royal rota. I agree Earthshot’s not going to get much attention because of the US elections. The brain thrust in KP is non-existent. It’s likely that William is not doing many engagements in South Africa because he doesn’t want what happened to the King and Queen of the Netherlands when they visited South Africa a few years ago happen to him.

  11. Of course he will not be doing too many day to day “work” events because this isn’t a tour it’s a nice vacation for Peg and for him to say to Harry “look at me I’m in Africa and your not”. As for the tour for Chuckles the only crowds that were out were for another event. He just made sure to stand near that crowd for a photo op.

  12. Em says:

    Remember when Becky English lied and said she had a procedure at the same hospital Kate had her “abdominal surgery” and she ran into William and they locked eyes.

    The royals, their staff and the lapdog press that follow them are a very delusional bunch because who advised William that setting up an event on one of the largest electoral days in the world would be of any good? But anyways it was never about the awards or the winners

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Did she really had the gall to write she ran into William in the hospital and they locked eyes??? LOL
      I wonder what she gets in return for her fawning tall tales. It’s surely not access to real true information about the royals.

  13. Ciotog says:

    Tens of thousands in one paragraph. “At least a thousand” at each event in the next.

  14. Jais says:

    Huh. Did I miss the fabulous frocks on the tour? Where were they? Are they in the room with us now? Listen, camilla’s clothes are fine, sometimes terrible, sometimes pretty good, but let’s not pretend her fashion is being closely followed.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Are they in the room with us now 😆

      Eventually even the Rota are going to get mad at William for forcing Kate to stay home. I wonder if he has a side piece on his staff or working at Earthsh!t and it’s just too awkward to have his wife there?

  15. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I hope the money that the winners get help them to develop their ideas/products. If it does that, the organization is doing what it exists to do. It’s unfortunate that there won’t be an actor or singer or someone else high profile to bring eyes to this.

  16. Lucylee says:

    I bet he going to make an off the record pit stop in Kenya.

  17. Nina says:

    I am Capetonian i have seen zero news on Earthshot. Big events are usually advertised on lamp posts, and the City publicizes any traffic disruption/road closures, which we usually have for significant events or events of political/international stature. If it is being held at the Convention Centre, no fencing or security barriers have been erected, which is standard for big events, even sporting ones.

  18. yipyip says:

    The more coverage I see about C, C, K, and Will the more I keep remembering the old Monty Python skits about “Twit of the Year”
    Charles and William are even dressing like those old skits.

    Monty Python members were original, funny, brought a lot of entertainment to the public.
    Too bad no one in the BRF can say that.

    Free George, Char, Louis. Sooner the better.
    I’d love it if George breaks out and becomes something like a small animal Vet. 👍

  19. Jenny says:

    We don’t want him here. Stay home Homer.

  20. Beverley says:

    So, the heir is grooming the British taxpayers not to expect much of him as king. He continues to reiterate that he’s pretty much done with working.

    Nice grift, if you can get it.