Mark Zuckerberg recorded a song with T-Pain for his wife for their anniversary

When it comes to his wife, Priscilla Chan, Mark Zuckerberg has always been into grand gestures. Remember this past summer when America’s Richest Wife Guy commissioned a seven-foot tall Roman-style green and silver statue of her? Yeah. He’s that kind of gift-giver. Well, oops, he did it again and this time, he may have outdone himself. To celebrate their 21st dating anniversary, Zuck collaborated with T-Pain to do an acoustic cover of a song near and dear to his and Priscilla’s hearts: “Get Low” by Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz. Yes, you read that correctly. T-Pain and “Z-Pain” play guitar as they duet their way through “Get Low.” You know what they say: “3-6-9, damn you’re fine…”

Mark Zuckerberg and T-Pain collaborated to release one of the most unforeseen songs of the year on Wednesday: an acoustic version of Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz’s “Get Low.” The Facebook founder and Meta CEO teased the cover on Tuesday when he shared a picture of himself and T-Pain on his Instagram story with the caption, “It’s happening guys.”

Singer-songwriter and producer T-Pain followed suit, sharing the same image and referencing Zuckerberg as “Z,” a nod to the pair’s moniker on the track, Z-Pain.

The collaboration was an anniversary present for Zuckerberg’s wife, Priscilla Chan, according to his Instagram post announcing the song’s release.

“‘Get Low’ was playing when I first met Priscilla at a college party, so every year we listen to it on our dating anniversary,” Zuckerberg captioned the post. “This year I worked with @tpain on our own version of this lyrical masterpiece. Sound on for the track and also available on Spotify. Love you P ❤️”

Also included in the post was a photo of lyrics from the song encircled by a heart, an album cover with T-Pain and Zuckerberg holding up guitars and many images of “Z-Pain” working in a recording studio.

T-Pain wrote on Instagram, “Z-Pain has arrived … Get Low by zuck and me out now.”

Originally released in 2002 by Lil Jon and The East Side Boyz, “Get Low” was the third single from the rap group’s ‘Kings Of Crunk’ album.

“Z-Pain’s” version has a much slower tempo, complete with Zuckerberg’s auto-tuned vocal serenade and a cameo from T-Pain. Zuckerberg, currently the world’s second richest person, shared Chan’s laughing reaction to the song on his Instagram story.

“It’s so romantic,” she said. “21 years later, I can’t get quite as low, but it brings back a lot of fun memories.”

[NBC News]

Okay, real talk: You have to stop what you’re doing and go listen to this cover. Give it 90 seconds so you can hear Mark singing the intro and first verse. (T-Pain comes in at the second verse.) Trust me. It’s been a sh-tty, stressful 10 days and an evil billionaire dork doing an acoustic cover of a hip-hop song that played in the club 20+ years ago is going to make you laugh so hard that you’ll momentarily forget that Zuck’s nemesis Elon Musk is now our shadow president-elect. I’ll wait:

Okay, did you listen? Doesn’t it sound like a cover they’d do on Glee back in the day? Or maybe something your dorkiest of friends would do after he broke out his guitar around the campfire? I don’t know, but it’s so ridiculous that it’s somehow fitting that it now exists in this timeline. Whenever I think about that ugly green statue, I wonder if Priscilla knows just how over-the-top her husband is. I mean, she has to, right? What else is she going to do but laugh and roll her eyes? From the windows to the walls, if we ignore the music choice itself, at least re-recording the song that was playing the night they met is a more romantic gesture than a statue.

photos via Instagram

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13 Responses to “Mark Zuckerberg recorded a song with T-Pain for his wife for their anniversary”

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  1. Carrie says:

    No thank you, Zuck can manage just fine without my click.

    • ML says:

      Same, Carrie, same. Zuckerberg’s media was also out there spreading misinformation; I’m not going to watch him buff his image by singing for his wife. Eff him.

  2. Lemons says:

    I mean the little of the song I could listen to wasn’t great, but it was hilarious. I’m glad that he’s showing love to his wife in all the ways a billionaire should 🥲

    But I’m going to need the good billionaires and mega millionaires to get together for one of their summits to figure out how to alter this timeline because I am at my wit’s end. Statues and acoustic covers can come later.

    • Ponchorella says:

      Sorry Lemons, there are no good billionaires or mega millionaires. To get there, you must by nature be terrible.

      • Carrie says:

        Thank you, Ponchorella. Speak the truth!

      • Looknow says:

        What about Makenzie Scott(?) ?

        She is a “good” billionaire!!

      • Drea says:

        Totally agreed!

        And regarding Mackenzie Scott. While she is now doing good with her money, becoming a billionaire is literally predicated on the exploitation of millions, if not billions of people. So yea, there are no good billionaires.

  3. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    I took it in to my husband and said nothing except listen to this. He was like Ahh, that’s awful (about the first verse) and T-Pain has a great voice (on the second). THeN I told him it was Zuck and T-pain and we laughed so hard! It’s a cute version of the song and if I was Priscilla Chan I would love these thoughtful presents instead of another luxury bag. So say what you will, but this is a sweet way for a billionaire to spend their money.

    By the way, I didn’t think Zuck was too bad but I have an untrained ear and I usually don’t recognize auto tune anyway.

  4. LadyUltimate says:

    This recent Zuck transformation is so utterly bizarre to me that it makes me question reality itself

    • Hyperbolme says:

      I just figured it out!!! He is trying to look like Caesar! He’s totally going for “Roman coin profile” and it’s wild.

  5. Veronica S. says:

    I guess everybody has a few redeeming qualities, and for the Zuck, it’s that he’s a wife guy lol.

    • molly says:

      Right? And maybe because the bar is in hell for billionaires, but I…. don’t hate this. It’s corny and ridiculous, but it doesn’t burn down any rainforests.

  6. Truthiness says:

    The rumor I heard was that Zuck cheated and his wife was thinking seriously about splitting. She’s a Harvard/UC educated doctor and doesn’t have to put up with any #$%@. So he’s been groveling and making grand gestures.

    Since Jack sold twitter I’d rather light my hair on fire than use Threads or FB, sites peddling disinformation have a large death count.