Simon Rex told the Daily Mail that Duchess Meghan hasn’t been in contact

In 2020, Simon Rex revealed that a British tabloid once offered him $70K to lie and say that he had a relationship (or sexual relations) with Meghan Markle back in the day. Simon did not take the money and he did not lie about Meghan. After he revealed that in 2020, Meghan sent him a handwritten thank-you letter. Simon revealed the existence of the letter in a 2022 interview, saying that he appreciated the letter so much, he had it framed and it still hangs on his wall. The former MTV VJ has more integrity than all of the British media, as it turns out. Well, Simon has also had a lowkey career resurgence in recent years, and he’s currently at Sundance to support his latest indie film, Magic Farm. Obviously, the Daily Mail found him and barraged him with questions about the Duchess of Sussex.

Simon Rex has revealed whether he’s still in touch with Meghan Markle after she wrote him a thank you letter for not lying about their past. Back in 2022, Simon, 50, revealed he was offered $70,000 from ‘several’ British tabloids to falsely claim that he had ‘hooked up’ with the Duchess of Sussex prior to her relationship with now-husband Prince Harry, 40. ‘I said no to a lot of money because I didn’t feel right lying and f***ing up the royal f***ing family,’ he explained at the time.

After the news came out, Meghan, 43, wrote him a thank you letter that said, ‘It’s nice to know there are still good people.’ The Red Rocket star tweeted that same year that he ‘framed’ the note and told his followers, ‘She has very nice penmanship btw (by the way).’

In a new interview with on January 28, Simon gave an update on where he stands with the philanthropist while attending the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. When asked if he has been in touch with her since he received her note in the mail, he responded, ‘No, no.’

He also clarified his past ‘relationship’ with her, saying, ‘I never dated Meghan. It wasn’t dating, no. That story was definitely elaborated. She wrote me a letter actually thanking me for not, you know, dealing with the tabloids and making up stories.’

The actor, who was in town promoting his new film Magic Farm, revealed he still has her letter framed and on his wall three years later.

‘She wrote me a very nice letter. I have it framed on my wall,’ he added.

Simon told that he ‘doesn’t know about’ her upcoming show, but appeared to still support her.

‘Oh cool. Good for her,’ he replied after learning it’s specifically a cooking show.

[From The Daily Mail]

First of all, I’ve long suspected that the Mail sends their reporters to America to ask every American what they think of the Duchess of Sussex. I’m sure this Mail person questioning Simon was probably someone from their entertainment division, there to cover the film festival and dig up controversy, but it still comes across as obsessively unhinged. As for Simon… note the way he makes sure to re-emphasize, on the record for the Daily Mail, that he never dated Meghan and nothing ever happened between them. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he knows that if he didn’t say it again, the Mail would find some way to twist his words. What a mensch, truly.

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5 Responses to “Simon Rex told the Daily Mail that Duchess Meghan hasn’t been in contact”

  1. Feebee says:

    It’s refreshing to see he’s still on point. He’s got their number and has no interest in dancing with them. He really did expose them as snakes and the lack of uproar over it continues to amaze me.

  2. Jais says:

    The way he responded to the news of her cooking show. Oh cool. Good for her. Lol. Bc right? Good for her. She’s doing something she likes. It’s the exact kind of thing Meghan would have loved to have done before meeting Harry. And she’s getting to do it. So yeah good for her.

  3. Dee(2) says:

    This has to be so annoying to actors, and shows just how pathetic the British media is. I remember the show that he was on, and she had a guest role. Cuts literally was on the air 20 years ago, on a network that doesn’t even exist anymore. And he’s here promoting a movie he’s in RIGHT NOW and they are asking him about a day player( absolutely no disrespect to Meghan) that was on the show once.
    Good on him though for realizing why they are asking and not giving them any ambiguity about their relationship then or now.

  4. Jan90067 says:

    WHY would Meghan still “be in touch” with someone, over 10 yrs later: someone she never dated/had a relationship with, etc. She thanked him at the time. End of. Honestly, the fetid, fevered imagination of the rotted brains of the BP is astounding, even after all this time.

  5. GrnieWnie says:

    Honestly a nice story in these times of villains triumphing at every turn. Nice to see someone with character. Really not who you’d think and that in itself is refreshing.

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