Mail: Prince William & Kate’s lack of glamour & ‘magic’ was on display in Wales

At this point, it’s probably a pipe dream to think that the British media will ever significantly turn on Prince William and Kate. But I always enjoy it when an outlet like the Daily Mail takes a significant swipe at them. It’s never going to be a situation where the press will finally be done with embiggening the lazy duo, but it’s funny that the swipes are getting more pointed and frequent. There’s an ebb and flow to this – it’s William and Kate’s chains being yanked, and the British media reasserting their ownership and authority over W&K. The Mail published this piece by Amanda Platell, all about William and Kate’s recent visit to Pontypridd. W&K baked sad cakes and Kate bragged about HER jam. Platell was unimpressed, and her column was given this headline: “Kate and Wills need a recipe for the magic of monarchy.”

The news last March of the Princess of Wales’s cancer diagnosis, delivered in her personal video, hit us like a bolt from the blue. She spoke with such candour it gave succour to cancer sufferers everywhere. Happily Kate is on the mend and she and William have just had their first joint engagement in Wales for more than a year.

Which is all very lovely and photogenic but I’m sorry to say that the event in Cardiff was too boring for words. The future King and Queen rolled up their sleeves – to bake Welsh Cakes. It’s hardly the stuff to inspire the nation or conjure up the notion of a monarchy fit for the modern age. Yet, inspiration is what’s desperately needed from them at a time when King Charles has cancer himself and we don’t know how long he’ll be with us.

Baking is the sort of carry on we’d expect from the bicycling monarchies of Europe which have become irrelevant. Kate and William risk turning into European royals, so dreary they become obsolete. We want royals with power, the kind of soft power that thrilled President Trump this week when he was invited on a second state visit by King Charles. That’s the magic of monarchy. Where’s the magic with Kate, Wills and cake mix?

They could also have been at the Baftas in London recently, supporting the British film industry and adding glamour. After all, he is the organisation’s patron. And talking of glamour, why has the royal household decided it will no longer issue details of the clothes and jewellery Kate wears. Such endorsements are a lifeline to British brands

My advice to Kate is: leave the cake-making to Meghan and her new Netflix series. Although, come to think of it, even Megs would make it more interesting.

[From The Daily Mail]

LOL. The mention of the BAFTAs is especially pointed, and it shows that the British papers were really hoping for Will and Kate to put in an appearance just so they’d all have something to talk about. The fact that Will and Kate once again chose to go on vacation rather than “shine” at a big event has left people feeling like the Waleses are not keeping up their end of the royal bargain. Oh well! Congrats on getting an heir and an heir’s wife who are more obsessed with copykeening Harry & Meghan than providing glamour and magic.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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66 Responses to “Mail: Prince William & Kate’s lack of glamour & ‘magic’ was on display in Wales”

  1. A few digs yes. I liked the “leave the cooking to Meg and her show at least she will make it interesting “. Uh oh with that little dig however will Cant respond? As for her giving “ succor to cancer survivors “ total bullshit.

    • Me at home says:

      The tabloids must feel like they have to say something nice every time they trash WanK. As recompense or something. “Gave succor to cancer patients” is thin gruel because everybody knows her role is debatable, plus it can’t address the whine about glamour.

    • Megan says:

      They are obviously copying Meghan, but I’m wondering if Pippa will try to get a deal for some sort of cooking/entertaining show. She’s certainly made efforts before.

      • westcoastgal says:

        What a dreary little pair they are, W&K are not enjoying themselves and have to push hard to look like they are interested. They really are not good together, there is always a feeling of tension when they are together. Meghan exudes joy and fun, she is genuinely interested in making every event memorable. Putting in the effort to learn and care about people and the situation is what makes the difference between showing up for a photo op or engaging and making a difference in peoples lives.

    • Jaded says:

      She gave succor to cancer survivors? Hardly. She never had cancer, the whole thing is a sham, and those of us actually suffering from cancer despise her for using it as a ploy to cover up her equally obvious sham of a marriage that ended with a bang, not a whimper.

      • Lorelei says:

        This is sort of a tangent, but we’re talking about one of Kate’s illnesses anyway, and I wanted to bring it up on here somewhere— but just a few minutes ago, I saw a story on People about this poor young woman in the UK who took her own life because her struggle with hyperemesis gravidarum was so awful, and her mom says what worsened it for her was no one really knowing what it was or taking her condition seriously.

        Obviously no one will ever know what could have been different, but it SURE made me wonder if maybe this story could have had a more positive ending if a high-profile, beloved (supposedly), “glamorous,” three-time sufferer of HG like the Princess of Wales (known best for making it through those tough pregnancies to become a hands-on mother!) would have publicly gotten involved with organizations that provide support to HG patients, and worked to raise its profile.

        From what I read on here and other places in online, most British citizens couldn’t care less about the royal family and Americans like me are far more likely to be interested in them because they’re such a novelty, — and as Jaded said, she certainly didn’t do sh!t to help any cancer patients— but this is such a specific situation that I can’t help but think was a huge missed opportunity for Kate, and wonder if anyone on her ridiculously incompetent team will realize that if any of them even see this story.

        I don’t want to go on and on about it here, but the names are in this quote if anyone wants to Google it and read more. I’ve *always* thought it was an enormous mistake that Kate didn’t embrace HG as one of her “causes,” and reading about this poor woman brought it to mind again.

        “Susan Cronshaw said she’s sharing her daughter Jess Cronshaw’s story because “I wouldn’t want anybody to feel how Jess did. She felt like no one was listening — and they weren’t. It felt like you were just pushed from pillar to post. There was nobody taking it and being in charge of it.”

        (People even links to a story about Kate having HG too, in this article 🙃)

    • Honeybee says:

      What a surprise. A second article lashing WanK, from mail. Are we in the same universe????? Oh mail! You guys supported Kate and Carol. What happened to you now??? Have you changed your editor??? I am very much keep to read the article from you saying ‘we don’t want WanK as king and queen’.

  2. Carrie says:

    Wow, that 6th picture of her…the pic of the two of them and she is “smiling”. I see desperation, worry, confusion, angst…zero happiness, even though she’s attempting a smile.

  3. Chloe says:

    Jesus christ! Amanda really pulled out the big guns with that last sentence (can’t say i disagree).

    My advice to Amanda; stop trying to make fetch happen. You have been trying for nearly 2 decades now. If won’t and kant seem lackluster it’s because they are.

    And curious: but What exactly is going on with charles and his cancer. I don’t believe we have gotten any updates on that recently

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Last thing I remember being reported on about his cancer was he was still receiving treatments.. they have never announced he was finished with them, cancer free or in remission that I know of. I do have a feeling that his prognosis isn’t good at all and that is why there are no updates.

      • Chloe says:

        @hypocrisy: this might sound strange but I honestly hope Charles will pull through and remains on the side of the living for at least another decade. I simply cannot stand the idea of king william🤢

      • Lawrenceville says:

        None of them has/had cancer, it was just a convenient way of burying the “royal racist” accusations.

    • somebody says:

      I wonder if Charles has some type that means he gets treated every month or so for the rest of his life. My mom gets infusions every 3 weeks and has told it will be from now on. Charles is likely the one with a port.

      • Jaded says:

        You’re probably right. I’ll likely be on chemo for the rest of my life. I get infusions every 2 weeks which seems to be keeping things under control, but I will never be cancer-free.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Chloe, I think a lot of people agree with you. Charles isn’t particularly well-liked, but he does possess a gravitas required for his role (or at least required if one wants to be taken seriously on the world stage) that William absolutely does not and I doubt ever will.

    • Me at home says:

      Charles was at least well enough to go to church on Sunday and to meet Zelensky. I keep dreading a news desert, which might indicate a turn for the worse. Like Chloe, I’m not a huge Charles fan, but he’s better than William by a long shot and I’ll even take Camilla over Khate, so like Chloe I hope Charles hangs on for 10 years.

      • Lady Digby says:

        Agreed @Me at home KC did his duty by Zelenskyy on Sunday. Anything that gives Trump pause for thought is welcome and a public show of support from KC to Ukrainian President was vital. KC met Zelenskyy at home on a Sunday and was welcoming. Will has shown last year in a crisis, he takes a powder and goes on a bender. He’s selfish and unreliable and unless he makes the effort to change his ways from now on and apply himself then all is lost when he inherits the throne. I suspect KC is having maintenance chemo like a neighbour of mine who pragmatic about making the best of a difficult situation. She an absolute trooper at 72 who keeps enjoying life and calls her cancer an enbuggerance !

      • Me at Home says:

        @Lady Digby, I’m rooting for your neighbor! I think it boils down to: Charles has a work ethic but William doesn’t and at this point probably won’t develop one.

      • Tessa says:

        Kate and Camilla are two of a kind, both of them are mean to Meghan. The way they acted at the Sussex wedding was atrocious plus the Clarkson story. Kate and Camilla don’t like each other IMO but team up when it comes to being nasty to Meghan. Charles however he behaves outdoes William in work and abilities. William is just plain lazy and lacks people skills. He is all talk.

      • Jaded says:

        @Lady Digby — an enbuggerance, I love that! I have my every 2 weeks enbuggerance too. I too am 72 and still enjoy my life. And I totally agree with your assessment of Willnot. He either makes a fool of himself with his obvious indifference and lack of knowledge about the events he actually shows up for, or he simply dips.

  4. Sarah says:

    The jazz hands are really ugly and look old: I’m in my 70’s & that’s how our hands look.

  5. HeatherC says:

    Hahaha I wonder how many pillows are being thrown? A deranger “journalist” says Meghan would be more interesting than Kate. It brought a derisive chuckle to me today.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      Kate strikes me as unspeakably dull and incurious. What would anyone converse about with her? If she could speak coherently, that is.

  6. Sue says:

    Of course, the DM is looking for someone to “thrill President Trump.” Barf.

  7. Lala11_7 says:

    I 💚 that the British media IS finally seeing where the 💰 is now…and it’s NOT in going after M&H anymore because they KEEP shining ✨️ and they have that “IT” factor that NO royal has had SINCE Princess Diana…

    W&K are gonna have a BUMPY ride!

    • ArtHistorian says:

      William is an awkward vacuum of charisma and Kate is just utterly dull. They really do not bring anything to the table since they are terminslly lazy as well.

  8. Tessa says:

    Neither of them looked happy at the appearance. Neither ever had “magic.” Both seem spiteful and lazy. I hope they had another batch of the baked goods to give to the kids other than the ones they “prepared.”

  9. Angied says:

    Both of them look so worn and outdated. Harry and Meghan are the global couple hence the jealousy from those two. When I see those two I think of stale and dour. Nothing happy about them at all. They both lack joy something Harry and Meghan have in abundance. I don’t know if they can fix that. How can you compete with sunshine and sparkle which Harry and Meghan generate.

    • booboocita says:

      Kate can grin and gurn and throw jazz hands and wear coat dresses and none of it will get her any closer to radiating an iota of the kind of joy that Meghan radiates.

      I feel a little bit sorry for Kate, frankly. She’s low-key racist and a total Mean Girl ™, granted. But the warmth and happiness that Meghan puts out can’t be manufactured, and Kate would have to manufacture SOMETHING to compete — and even if it’s a one-sided competition, Kate is still in competition with Meghan. And she’s losing.

  10. Mina_Esq says:

    I make fun of these two lazy people and the monarchy all the time. However, with Trump so impressed by the idea, I was proud to see the King over the weekend step up in the Ukraine and Canada crisis. As a Canadian, it was sort of cool to take a beat and say “hey, you can’t colonize us, we already have a king”. I fear that William won’t have the same degree of care for such things when he comes into power. Sigh.

    • Tessa says:

      William is too lazy and shallow to care. He could not even spare the time to appear at a movie awards show.

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    Who is going to tell them that the BRF especially WanK have been irrelevant for decades and even more so since the Sussex’s fled for their lives from them. That being said..Meghan’s show was magic and visually beautiful, I imagine the rota are going to be disappointed because this show is going to be a huge success imo, exactly the type of show I’m gravitating towards with the crazy destruction on democracy currently happening it’s a peaceful break. I’m all for focusing on making my personal space as calming and beautiful as possible especially now. I will be making her one pan spaghetti 🍝, how have I never heard of this before🫣

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I think the British press should accept that William and Kate are boring and are never going to bring the glamour. They should admit that the press and the Royal Family are to blame for the current situation. All they had to do was leave Harry and Meghan alone and they would have still had some excitement and glamour that they’re clamouring for now.

  13. Becks1 says:

    lmao at that last line!!!

    I’m not sure if you can create “magic” – I feel like with charisma, you either have it or you don’t. Here, W&K are boring and they’re doing something relatively boring and its just….boring.

    They were able to coast by for so long because they were the young married couple having cute babies and Kate had nice hair and that was pretty much it. Now, they’re not that young anymore, their kids are a little older, Kate’s hair is struggling…….and they have nothing else to bring to the table. They’re also so afraid to show any personality that they come off as cold.

    • somebody says:

      Maybe not magic, but they have enough money to have themselves styled and their hair and skin moisturized, etc. They could also listen to advice and have training in diplomacy and tutoring in areas of interest to those they visit. They have supposedly been learning with all the “work” they do, but seem to not. Or they could resort to giving more back to those they visit. That can make even KC seem tolerable to people.

      • Becks1 says:

        Those are all things that require “effort” and we know how they feel about exerting any of that….

    • Nic919 says:

      Charisma doesn’t just show up in your 40s either and I suspect if they showed their real personalities they would be pretty nasty. Harry exposed them more than they realized simply by describing their actions toward him and later Meghan.

      There needs to be a reset, but that can probably only be done with an open separation. They are clearly miserable when they have to be next to each other. Kate used to hide it more but she doesn’t really anymore.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Becks, lmao at your turn of phrase that “Kate’s hair is struggling” 😭

      And I agree with everything else you said. One either has “it” or they don’t. Diana did. There are enormously popular politicians whose popularity I never understood, but heard repeatedly that they had a certain charisma and charm when you met them in person, and it’s not something one can learn. And neither Kate nor William has it. Meghan and Harry both do.

      (The only thing that could have made up for it somewhat was hard work, like Charles, but clearly W&K did not take that path! I really think they believed they could simply coast on their post-wedding popularity forever, just showing up and waving at the peasants occasionally, and that would be enough. I for one am enjoying seeing them learn that it is not.)

  14. AMB says:

    All I can see is ALL THAT HAIR being flung around – real or fake, it’s gross when it’s in your food. (And don’t tell me she washed her hands after she handled her hair. Ugh.)

    • Tessa says:

      She keeps touching her hair. She needs a good hair trim or to pull the hair back in a pony tail.

    • Gabby says:

      The cameras were already gone when one of the kids inevitably found a hair in his cake.

    • Nic919 says:

      There was video of her working the dough and she touched her hair so many times while baking. Very gross.

      • Chrissy says:

        Was she also working the dough with rings on? Another pet peeve that makes me cringe. Ugh!

      • Lorelei says:

        I love long hair, but Kate’s is just…too, too much. Waaaay too much. She always looks unkempt now.

  15. wolfmamma says:

    They look worn out, dated, kind of shabby these two.
    Compare these pics to Meghan’s show, pics at Invictus ..
    A world apart.

  16. Eurydice says:

    W&K are not only lazy and shallow, they’re also incredibly stubborn. Kate could look more glamorous and modern if she wanted to. Imagine the press if she decided to cut her hair – an easier and more free look than the constipated mess she has now. William will never have charisma, but he could have gravity – he could represent – but, like a sulky teenager, he doesn’t want to.

    • NikkiK says:

      Exactly! I also hate when people cook or bake or really just prepare any food with their long hair hanging everywhere. At least pull it back into a ponytail or better yet clip it up or put it in a bun.

  17. Mslove says:

    Every time the royal family gets a little glamor and magic, they get rid of it in a most nasty way. With help from the sycophantic press, I might add. So Platell can quit complaining.

  18. Jais says:

    They need a recipe for magic. The word recipe sure is getting thrown around a lot lately. Hmm. Wonder why. Amanda Platell seems to be equally nasty to everyone so she’s a safe choice to lob some digs at the Wales. But the digs were pointed. The BAFTAs being skipped for a beach vacation really ticked the papers off. And saying it would be more interesting to watch Meghan bake a cake…well, I mean yes and thank you I will be watching WLM💕.

  19. Vicki says:

    Pet peeves: I don’t care who’s doing the cooking. Take off your germy rings. Pin up your hair. Wash your hands. This just gives me the ick.

    • Lizzie says:

      Watching WLM and Meghan has her hair pulled back when she is cooking. Meghan spent her post college years learning things she enjoyed and improving herself and for the Tig. She learned to cook, calligraphy, styling (hair/makeup/dress). Probably a lot more.

  20. ThatGirlThere says:

    They were always taking digs at Willy and Katie about how little they did. Remember “Work-shy Willy?” Then Meghan and Harry married and they remembered that they were racist and turned their snake eyes to the Black woman

    • Lady Digby says:

      Well @Thatgirl there are least(!) W and K consistent both of them have never prepared, coasted for years with endless excuses, when criticised Will has repeatedly said,”I won’t be rushed into anything!” Both believe they are enough just continuing to do as little as possible. Recently after skiving off the BAFTAS for Mustique the Fail were nipping at them and their wranglers have had them appearing more. They visited Wales and presented a united front. We will see how long their, ahem, renewed dedication will last. QE2 did her duty for over 70 years. Neither W nor K are a patch on her.

      • Lorelei says:

        I’m dying to know if William will still be saying he “won’t be rushed into anything” after he hits 50

  21. Gabby says:

    The BM is starting to panic and I will need more popcorn. This Platell bitch is not quite at Richard Eden panic levels, but it’s still early.

    And these people who stand in line to see the Wales – I hate to call them chumps but WTF? Isn’t there paint drying or grass growing somewhere that they could go watch?

    • booboocita says:

      I was a bit surprised at the turnout, too, but I looked up Pontyprydd, and then it made sense. Pontyprydd is a town of about 31,000 in Mid Glamorgan, fairly isolated and unexciting. I imagine a visit from royalty, even the two Do-littles, is a fairly big deal. I don’t think they get much in the way of visits from celebrities, even minor ones.

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    “Kate and William risk turning into European royals, so dreary they become obsolete.”

    Well, they’ve got the dreariness nailed down. Please let them become obsolete.

  23. Momo says:

    Ok so.
    This looks SO BAD. The overhead lighting, the colours. And then… Them.
    Unhygienic much???

    Since when is it ok to wear your bloody RINGS when preparing food professionally??
    The loose hair – and she’s touching it all the time!!! While the dough is prepared?
    No gloves? Not even a hair tie???

    What on earth made anyone think this looked good is beyond me.

  24. Blujfly says:

    I think this is the teeniest, tiniest warning to Kate and KP that whatever pious Earth Mother unfashionable dour makeunder Kate and KP have floated to the press is not part of the press’s tacit and at times actually negotiated agreement with the Wales. Platell constantly bashed Kate the girlfriend and fiance before writing a piece about how she got her all wrong after a meeting with one of the Wales’ advisors – and Platell unabashedly wrote about the meeting and how it changed her opinion! Kate has been the least seen royal for the past decade and a half. Kate’s children are the least seen children of heirs. William is the least seen, least know, least diplomatic prince of wales. And the media has gone along with it, first because of the aftermath of Leveson and then because KP served up Harry and Meghan instead. Now the Wales won’t even show at the few set pieces that the media expects them to. Nor has the press been given a photo opportunity like the family at a Polo match or racing in many months.

  25. Digital Unicorn says:

    Those kids don’t look very impressed with the cakes LOL.

    How can 2 lazy and pampered people look to tired and worn – guess it must be all the sun damage from the luxury vacations they take that the press are hiding.

    Will be interesting to see their reply to this snarky article – I expect Kitty will be decked out in hig end designer fashion trying to look glam at big fancy event. Am not really buying that they are both going to the visit to the US to see Trump – we’ve already been told how hard these tours are on Princess Poor Snowflake. But we’ll see if she’s really been benched from the overseas trips – they never go well for her as all the talk is about what she wore and how much it cost.

  26. Libra says:

    The RF had glamour, charisma, and magic to burn., but then decided M, who must not outshine K, had to go, so the hate campaign was born. Now they’re crying, “Where’s the magic? The glamour?” Gone, my friends, gone and not coming back.

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