JD Vance’s Vermont vacation was cut short by protesters, keep it up

When Donald Trump and JD Vance threw their temper tantrum spectacle of berating Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last Friday, it wasn’t merely another instance of baby fisted ineptitude; it was history. They broadcast to the world that America was courting favor with Putin instead of standing by our allies, and world leaders (particularly in Europe and NATO) have been scrambling since then to support Ukraine in this new world order. But none of that meant that Vance and his family should skip the ski trip they had planned at Sugarbush in Vermont over the weekend! If anything, the timing ended up being fortuitous, with Vance no doubt needing some cooling off after all that chest-pounding in the Oval Office the day before. Meanwhile, locals had already been organizing to protest Vance’s arrival before Friday’s mess. So when the Vances rolled in on Saturday, more than 1,000 Vermonters were ready to greet them with posters, flags (including Ukrainian, Palestinian, and Pride), and some steaming hot outrage. How did it go? The Vances cut short their vacay.

JD Vance’s family ski trip in Vermont hit rocky terrain Saturday after the gratitude-demanding vice president was welcomed by hundreds of protesters following his clash with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The vice president — along with his wife, Usha Vance, and their three children — headed to Sugarbush Resort in Warren, Vermont, as part of a planned vacation, and their visit was met with a sea of signs calling the former Ohio senator a “traitor,” telling him to “f–k off” and “go ski in Russia.”

The demonstrators signaled their support of Ukraine following the blowout in the Oval Office where Vance and President Donald Trump publicly berated Zelenskyy for being “disrespectful” and not showing thanks to the U.S. (despite his public record of thanking the country).

…Sugarbush snow reporter Lucy Welch also had harsh words for Vance ahead of his ski outing, per Jason Kottke’s blog Kottke.org, as she slammed the Trump administration in a daily report on Saturday.

“Right now, National Forest lands and National Parks are under direct attack by the current Administration, who is swiftly terminating the positions of dedicated employees who devote their lives to protecting the land we love, and to protecting us while we are enjoying that land,” Welch wrote.

The previously announced visit to The Green Mountain State sparked plans for protests, the VTDigger noted, as one organizer pointed to residents’ concerns with the Trump administration’s mass federal cuts and firings, adding that the clash in the White House drew more protesters to the streets.

“People are angry, especially after what occurred in the White House yesterday where we absolutely humiliated an ally,” said Tisa Rennau, an organizer with the Indivisible Mad River Valley group, in an interview with the VTDigger.

“We are no longer the leader of the free world. What has happened? This is not the America we expect to be.”

VTDigger’s Evan L’Roy snapped pictures of protesters lining a nearby road with trans, Palestinian and Ukrainian flags, as well as signs reading “Trump Vance betraying all that American stands for,” “JD Vance Zelenskyy is 10x the man you are,” “Have you no shame? Support Ukraine” and “Where’s your decency?”

Others at and near the resort held signs reading “Spineless fascists can’t ski,” “Warning thin ice” and “This is the coup’s last run.”

[From HuffPost]

I gotta hand it to Vermonters: they did a fantastic job with their signage and slogans. The breadth of issues addressed (there are so many, sigh), the variety of catchy phrases — well done Vermont! All of them were excellent, but given the timing I think my favorite has to be “Go ski in Russia.” People across the country have consistently been turning out to protest, which is wonderful and we need to keep it up. (Of course, it would’ve been helpful to see this sense of urgency back in November, but I’m working on letting go of my anger over that and redirecting towards what to do now.) Seeing all the animated town halls — in Republican districts where Republican House members were forced to hear their constituents’ incredulity — those have really been giving me hope. Except that the Republican party line response has been… to stop having the town halls altogether. “You can’t yell at us if we’re not there!” We’re seeing the people show up; it is long past time for Congress to deploy their constitutionally-endowed powers to check and stop this presidency in its Kremlin-booted tracks. Let’s get some of those “Have you no shame?” signs down to the Capitol, please.

Meanwhile in Vermont…

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— Isabel Santos (@isabelsantos.bsky.social) March 2, 2025 at 4:10 PM

Vermont understood the assignment.
Take notes, America.

[image or embed]

— Kye (@gxldsociety.bsky.social) March 1, 2025 at 10:04 PM

This is the way 🔥 😂

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— Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline.com) March 1, 2025 at 9:43 PM

Hundreds of protestors have disrupted JD Vance's planned vacation in Vermont. #3E #EndImpunity #StandWithUkraine

[image or embed]

— Anonymous (@youranoncentral.bsky.social) March 1, 2025 at 1:40 PM

Photos via BlueSky

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121 Responses to “JD Vance’s Vermont vacation was cut short by protesters, keep it up”

  1. Carrie says:

    Proud of my neighbor, Vermont. Give em hell.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Today is another national day of protest organized by 50501. fiftyfifty.one I’m going to the one in front of Fox Studios at Sixth Ave and 48th Street in NYC today at 12:00. I can’t wait!

      • Boxy Lady says:

        I used to work down the block from there. It is such an ominous looking building! Even when it’s sunny, there seems to be a dark, evil cloud over it. (Only half joking.) I wish you a safe protest.

      • Deering24 says:

        Heh, Boxy Lady–Trump Tower is so creepy you expect bats to circle around it even in daylight.

  2. JanetDR says:

    It is so heartening to see!

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Trump has cut military funding to Ukraine. It’s okay, Canada and Europe will stand with Ukraine.

  3. HeatherC says:

    Vermont you are awesome.

    We’re going to see more from Vermont as well, they import a LOT of electricity from Canada….

    So if we’re going to have to buy American or whatever because of the tariffs, let’s support Vermont and look for products “made in Vermont” if we can.

    • Aevajohnson says:

      Vermont is going to need the help too. I lived there for 16 years and they have a super small economy, mostly focused on tourism. With lots of Canadians canceling their vacations it’s going to hit Vermont hard.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      You Vermonters (?)…feelin’ the Bern every day!!

      I’m quite proud of my delegation from Washington State (Jayapal, D-House, Cantwell and Murray, D-Senate-all women!), but Bernie is a legend and he’s still scrapping.

      What was Vance thinking? Go ski in Utah, dude…

  4. Sue says:

    Vance did know that the Senator from Vermont is Bernie freaking Sanders, right? Why did he think he’d be welcome in that state?

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      We don’t want him in Maine either.

    • Kitten says:

      Seriously Montana and Wyoming exist, bro.

      • Charlotte says:

        Unless he hides out at the gated Yellowstone Club, you can count on Montanans showing up to fucking yell at him at Big Sky too. Shit, I haven’t bought a lift ticket there in decades, but I’d dust off my skis just to follow him around with signs (he’s such a shitty skier that even an oldster like me could keep up with him).
        And it’s one long, narrow, 2 lane road all the way down there … people here are PISSED. The Forest Service and NPS firings have hit hard.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I have cousins in Montana. Retired military. When he returned from Vietnam, he piled all the little kids in the family in his car to drive around Boston, Chelsea, Cambridge, Somerville, and Everett to help him post McGovern stickers everywhere and deface anything with Nixon’s name on it. He would be thrilled to organize his grandkids to protest Vance. They ski too.

      • Guest says:

        Teton County, home to both Jackson Hole and Grand Targhee, inarguably the best skiing in Wyoming, is a blue county. We went for Kamala, Biden, and Hillary. We were Cheney’s home county and he lost here. Vance would not be welcomed here.

      • Kitten says:

        I mean, don’t get me wrong–I hope he gets booed everywhere he goes but I do think there’s gonna be a difference between a blue state that went 32% Trump to red states states like WY (72%) and MT (58%).

        I just think it’s funny that he chose this for himself when he had other options lol. Richly deserved…

    • Lucy2 says:

      Right? He went to one of the more liberal states in the country and thought it would be OK?

      May he and all like him never have a moment’s peace again.

      • Deering24 says:

        MAGA scum like Vance feel entitled all around. I’d bet cash flow he thought Vermonters would be cowed–or that the way would be cleared just for Trump fans.

    • Megan says:

      For someone who insists he’s smart, Vance keeps showing us that he’s really f*cking stupid.

    • Anastasia says:

      What’s ridiculous about the level of ignorance in going to Vermont is that people are starting to get really pissed about cutting farm subsidies, because that’s a lot of Vermont’s economy.

      My mom was telling me a bunch of the good ol’ boys are really regretting voting that way, which is just hilarious..

      • DeltaJuliet says:

        We’re having the same issue in Maine. A lot of MAGA voting farmers crying about their subsidies. It’s going to suck for all of us but I can’t feel bad for any dipshit who voted for this.

  5. SarahCS says:

    “I hope they give you fake maple syrup tomorrow”. Outstanding.

    This is great to see, give these people no peace every time they step out of their carefully crafted bubble.

    10/10 for the signs and slogans.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      I’m from Europe and people are protesting in large numbers in several countries against fascism and/or Russian encroachment.

      So great to see protests increasing in the USA too.

      We should all support each other and spread awareness about the protests and create networks.

      Lots of love to all the Americans on this site, from Europe.

      (And lots of love to all other Democracy-loving people here as well)

    • LeChatInTheChat says:

      “You’re a medic – you’re probably fine!”

  6. Whalesnark says:

    I hope that Vance’s kids are seeing how patriotic citizens do peaceful protest. We need more Ron Reagan, Jrs, fewer George W. Bushes.
    I am specifically refusing to mention the more proximal traitors, shills, law-breakers, grifters and sinners, all of whom come from the same family. We already know plenty about where their loyalties (if they exist) lie. Speaking of lies…

  7. Noo says:

    Wow that is one heck of a motorcade for Comrade Vantsov’s weekend family outing. He and Comrade Trumpskin should definitely be required to return to the federation for all extended leisure activities.

    • Whalesnark says:

      This is the best part! There is no way for him to travel undercover; can’t be done. He is his own racist, heartless, obsequious, feckless, spineless, exploitative, manscaraed and guy-lined GPS tag.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I don’t recall a VP ever getting that many vehicles for travel, anywhere, for anything, especially not a vacation. That’s just ridiculous. And yay for Vermonters! 👏. They even gave him no peace on the ski slopes. 🤣. And, yes, he skis in jeans! Total dork, crappy skier.

      • Becks1 says:


        My parents live in the town where Rumsfeld and Cheney had summer houses so it wasnt unusual to see his motorcade. And it was definitely noticeable, you knew it was Cheney. But it was nothing like what you see in the pics/clips from this weekend.

  8. Flamingo says:

    Everytime I get so down and low seeing what is going on in our country. A bright spot like this happens and it reminds me. We will not lay down for the mango dictator.

    Let’s go Vermont!!!

  9. Little Red says:

    My favorite sign was about Vance putting his cast iron in the dishwasher.

  10. I’m so very proud of my home state!! They let him have it and glad he had to leave early!! Let’s keep this up wherever they go!!

  11. Johanna says:

    Read what Donald Trump is saying right now about what he will do to protestors on his Truth (lies) social. He sees a resistance building and he is going to shut it down Putin style. I am watching from Canada and I am very, very afraid for you and for the rest of the world. Civil war seems almost inevitable at this point. Well done, maggots.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      There are many angry Americans on the left who never cared about their 2nd Amendment rights, who are now looking in to their options.

    • Sue says:

      Lately I think the only way this is going to go is a military coup. What’s happening just does not seem sustainable to me. The Army seems to dislike Trump. We’ll see what happens I guess. Renewing my family’s passports now.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Johanna, he will TRY to shut it down Putin style. He’s stupid enough to try to declare Marshall Law–I’ve let it be known that IF that happened, I would be protesting and arrested. And, I’ll keep doing that. They can’t jail us all–there will be too many.

      I have a great deal of faith in our Military and I truly can’t see them firing on Americans, and that’s assuming the Military would go along with it to begin with.

      • Jaded says:

        Oh he’d declare martial law in a heartbeat if it meant remaining president (for life). I’m Canadian but believe me, we’re as invested in fighting back against this despicable pile of excrement as many Americans are. If Vance has the gall to come to Canada you bet you’ll see lots of protests. America’s 51st state my ass…

    • Deering24 says:

      Johanna, we’ve got to do something. If you don’t push back against fascists, they will still come for you. And trying to instill fear is a key weapon, which is what Trump is going for.

      • Flowerlake says:

        Start with boycotting companies that support him.
        Organize (can be for charity events as well), but stay connected with people and build networks with other well-meaning people.

  12. Kaye says:

    I’m glad to see such active protests, but I couldn’t help thinking I would not want my child to hear me shouting, “F*ck you” and “Go to hell.” You can protest without profanity.

    • Kaaaaaz says:

      My son would be proud of me if I was was yelling “F*ck you” to Trump and his lap dog!

      • DeltaJuliet says:

        I’ve always been cautious with my language around my kids but they’re definitely heard some stuff from me since the Trump era (they are 21 and 15 now so it’s not as crucial as when they were little lol)

    • Whalesnark says:

      “When they go low, we go high” hasn’t worked, despite the endorsement of the flawless Madame O.

      Time to shovel a little of their own medicine down their throats. If they (and we) have to hear a few obscenities, then that’s a small price to pay if it upsets them enough to change their wicked ways.

    • Bumblebee says:

      We have a convicted felon for a president and foul language is what you’re worried about? Thanks to Trump parents today have much more difficult conversations than that.

    • BeanieBean says:

      They’ll survive. But maybe not under a fascist regime, so a little cursing is called for.

    • salmonpuff says:

      Mr. Puff is an elementary school teacher. Believe me when I say that kids hear more on the playground at recess than they did at these protests.

      • Flowerlake says:

        I knew words like “f*ck you” when i was seven and English isn’t even my native language.

        My grandparents swore around me at rare occassions and I thought it was funny as hell. Definitely didn’t shock me.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      FFS. THIS is what you’re worried about now?

      What’s truly profane is the way the administration is treating the Constitution.

    • Sue says:

      My daughter’s first awareness of a U.S. President is going to be a convicted rapist. She can hear me say “Fuck Trump.” I want her to know that her mother never has and never will be okay with this man.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      @Kaye – while I agree in general, we live in different times — Trumpers in my neighborhood were flying Trump, no more bullsh*t” and “f*ck your feelings” (without the edit) flags in my neighborhood one block from our elementary school. They then cry about tradition and suits in the White House– but they only care when they can weaponize respectability against us. I’m done with it.

    • Nerd says:

      I understand where you are coming from but we aren’t talking about people who are concerned about how their decisions will negatively impact us and our children in ways that can’t be imagined. I think of gay, trans, minority and children in general who are growing up in a world where their lives are just as much in jeopardy as their education. Unfortunately, this isn’t a time to care more about our language over the destruction of America as we know it. Too many have fought and died to make America and the world what it is today and this administration is burning it all down.

    • Odin says:

      There was some discussion about the profanity on Reddit (Vermonter here who was AT the protests). The general response to the profanity protests was: our children have had to walk by “F*ck Joe Biden” signs, to and from school, for years. How is this different/worse?

    • Ciotog says:

      My 8 year old referred to Trump as “that fucker” recently.

    • Jaded says:

      Well that’s the price you pay for being an arrogant, deceitful, boot-licking fascist who viciously demeaned Ukraine and its hero President Zelenskyy. Remember when Vance told the story of yelling at his son to “shut the hell up” when he came into his hotel room while he was on the phone with Trump? He thought it was funny. So caring and fatherly…

  13. Gabby says:

    Thank you Vermont for showing us how it’s done! Colorado, you’re on deck so take notes.
    I hope to goddess that at least some of Vance’s kids are old enough to have read and understood the protest signs and know it was about their father. There is point in hiding his fascism from them.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, they also heard it on the ski slopes. Vermonters gave him no peace!

    • Gabby says:

      I see I forgot to add an important “no” to my last sentence. There is NO point in hiding his fascism from them.

      And it’s too bad there was no way to let everyone else off and leave Vance stranded on a stuck chairlift all day.

    • LeChatInTheChat says:

      Oh. We’re here in Colo….waiting – and THROUGHLY intolerant of a-holes who ski in jeans…..

  14. ThatGirlThere says:

    I actually got emotional watching that fool and his family get booed and jeered so lustily. Why would that fool come to a blue state? He would have taken his complicit wife and brood to red state Utah. Loser.

    • hexcellent says:

      Because he wanted that reaction. Now he can go on podcasts and Fox News and talk about how horrible and depraved “the Left” are for subjecting his kids to this while all they wanted was a nice lil’ vacation. It was bait, and a lot of people fell for it.

      • misssixer says:

        Yeah? let him! That’s what needs to be done…falling for “bait”as you call it.
        Thank you Vermonters!!

      • Bazy says:

        I agree with you that he wanted that reaction, but disagree that people “fell for it”. We can’t keep letting the GOP and maga voters get away with their cruelty and then act all abashed about how “rude” dems are if they get protested at town halls or on their vacations. I say we give back as good as they give, and tell them if they have a problem with it to take it up with Herr Leader Trump, he of such mild manners. Point out to them their hypocracy, do not obey in advance.

      • Nikki (Toronto) says:

        The world thinks Americans are boorish and loud – don’t worry about respectability now.

        The way much of America has rolled over while your rights are being stolen is shocking. States are passing laws restricting women’s interstate travel to prevent them from accessing maternal health care. Seeing people police language and discussing the right way to protest at a time like this is heartbreaking.

      • Sue says:

        @hexcellent – Then I will argue right back that he is depraved for subjecting his wife’s children to that just to get a sound byte on Fox News.

      • Lightpurple says:

        He clearly learned nothing from Ted Cruz’s Cancun fiasco

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        hexcellent, it doesn’t matter what he wanted. What matters if that peaceful protest doesn’t give anyone a reason to declare Marshall Law. That’s what they want to do. Good luck with that.

  15. somebody says:

    This is what needs to be done when JD, DT and all Republican representatives and senators go anywhere for business, vacation, whatever.

  16. SIde Eye says:

    My favorite sign said “Vance skis in his jeans” Well done Vermont.

    But where is DipShitler to investigate the government waste of taking a tax payer funded vacation ONE MONTH into the job? Where is DOGE on this?

    Anyone else here take a vacay one month into their new job? How did that go for ya?

    • Louisa says:

      My favorite sign also. Gave me a laugh I really needed. Well done Vermont! More of this everywhere those traitors go.

      • Side Eye says:

        Lol – there is actual footage of him skiing on Reddit another person took on the mountain and I haven’t done this in decades so I shouldn’t talk, but my goodness he’s terrible! Everyone was calling him Jerry Vance!

        And yes to what you said. These people betrayed their country and their allies – they should never ever know a moment’s peace.

    • Kadie says:

      Yes! A burn that he must likely didn’t get, making it sweeter:))) Love Vermont, esp. Burlington the people are amazing.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Lol I’d translate it for him – but would he ever once say thank you? Burlington people are amazing!

    • Lightpurple says:

      He’s illegally and unethically flying his human shield child and his mother around on government aircraft

    • Mimsy says:

      Skiing in jeans is a nuclear level ski insult in the northeast. Do not mess with Vermonters , and do not mistake their kindness for weakness.

      • SIde Eye says:

        I love Vermont! The signs were glorious!

      • Deering24 says:

        Why is sking in jeans an insult? 🤣🤣 I love how I learn new stuff everyday on this site…

      • SIde Eye says:

        Deering24 lol I love this site for that too – the saying stems from the idea that only a buster/newbie/one who doesn’t belong would ski in denim because the material is so stiff – a real skier would wear the proper gear.

    • Kitten says:

      Right, Side Eye and um, are we going to get rid of the federal income tax now? What the fuck are we even paying for anymore–all the programs are gone. At this stage, our Fed taxes are going towards a tax cut for the rich even as their impudent, reckless actions threaten to collapse social security.

      We need VT but every fucking day. We need a mass revolt.

      • SIde Eye says:

        You are so right Kitten! We are not even 2 months in and the damage is irreparable. Billionaires trying to steal social security from the orphaned, the widowed, the elderly. I have no words.

  17. Miranda says:

    Sugarbush is my usual weekend ski spot, and many of my ski buddies were out there holding signs and making me proud. One of them told me that a few people were also throwing mascara and eyeliner, apparently?!🤣🤣 I haven’t seen photos or clips of that, but I very much hope it’s true.

    As a sidenote, I just got back from my own annual heliskiing trip in BC, and the Canadians in our group made of a point of telling us Americans that despite all the current toxic bullshit, we were still welcome there. It honestly made me a little emotional. Canadians are so awesome.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      We don’t deserve them as neighbors. Every time I hear them boo the national anthem….I’m like how can you even blame them????

      • Whalesnark says:

        Well, *some* of you don’t deserve us, but some of you still need a friend on the outside. We’re so smart that we can tell the difference.

        You’ll find that we are also a forgiving lot, who don’t hold grudges for long. We have a global view that we are all in this together, which is why we just grimace and politely refrain from commenting when you bang on about your view that you are “the greatest country in the world”. Ahem. Seems like you are suffering through a dip in that department just now (yes, I do mean that two ways). Your women aren’t feeling that “freest country on Earth” thing either at the moment. Know that your sisters are here, sending you love and open invitations to our women’s health clinics.

        Friends are there in good times and in bad, even when we see our loved ones hanging out with a doofus and his weirdo friends. This too shall pass.

      • DeltaJuliet says:

        @Whalesnark spoken with true Canadian kindness, It may sound silly from a random internet commenter, but your thoughtful words mean a lot!

    • Kitten says:

      I said this on a different thread but my bro and SIL got into a terrible car pile-up in Canada a couple weeks ago. Car totaled and stranded with two dogs and nowhere to go. He said the Canadian people were so unbelievably kind and helpful–got them to a safe shelter to stay overnight until they could get a hotel and a ride home.

      The feeling I have is similar to when GW Bush was in his second term and I always felt embarrassed to leave the country. Yet somehow this is so, SO much worse–and that’s saying something.

      Thanks to every single kind EUer and Canadian who has taken a second to say something supportive, despite the idiocy and danger that our country is reigning down upon the world. It really does mean a lot and we appreciate not being kicked when we’re down, even if we deserve it.

      • Whalesnark says:

        @ Kitten

        We are better than that, and we know that some of you are, too. Sadly, Donald Duck and his wacky quackers are making all the noise, so the good ones are being drowned out by their inanity.

        You’ll get through this with the help of your friends on the outside. Canadians get the job done, in our own way. A little snow won’t prevent us from helping you, nor will a mango moron with a miniscule mushroom… well, you know. #stormydanielstellsall

      • Karma D says:

        To be fair, W (and Cheney) DID start two wars. They invaded Iraq based on their lies. Trump deserves your hatred, but so does W. Just saying.

      • Kitten says:

        Deserved it and he got it, which is why I said that I was embarrassed to travel abroad to visit friends and family in EU. But Trump is so much worse…so much fucking worse than Dubs. And anyone who’s buying into the Donald The Dove BS is gonna find out real quick that war is absolutely on the table for him. He is not the Great Peacemaker that his base thinks he is.

      • Flowerlake says:

        @Kitten, you seem like such a kind person.
        People like you are welcome to come to Europe if you need to relax a bit or a change of scenery.

  18. Wednesday Addams says:

    How much did that ostentatious motorcade cost while us poors see ourselves and our future sliding away?

  19. Jais says:

    The signs are perfect. 👌 Maybe he will go ski in Russia. He probably has already.

  20. Desdemona says:

    I’m pretty sure he (trump)
    plans to invade Greenland. He has already threatened to do it. And he won’t respect tehm since they’re Inuits. He’s going to steal from them.

    Europe should have never counted on the USA.
    Sooner or later, Europe would be betrayed. We should have had our own manufacturing of weapons, ships, aircrafts, etc.
    Macron and the French were so right all along.

    The USA is no longer the land of freedom, there’s no free speech. Musk doesn’t want workers to have any rights whatsoever, he would probably implement slavery back again. And no, I’m not being delusional or exaggerated.

    • BeanieBean says:

      ??? That was free speech, right there on the ski slopes & in the town.

      • Desdemona says:

        When I speak about free speech I’m talking about him not alowing certain newslets on the POTUS conferences, Musk wanting to buy social media and news outlets if they speak against them.. Maybe I should have said right to independent press…

      • Kitten says:

        Right, Desdemona–we are headed towards state-owned media where any news outlet that contradicts Trump’s narrative will be effectively silenced. And you didn’t even mention the baseless lawsuits that Trump has leveled against various news orgs. Soon, free speech will be greatly hindered if not eradicated completely…I don’t know when things go far enough for us to declare a Constitutional Crisis but we are definitely there.

    • Kitten says:

      Well out of all this madness, that might actually be a bright spot for EU–less dependence on the US.

      • Desdemona says:

        Von der Leyen has already announced 800 billion to invest on European Defense to rearm Europe.

        I sure hope so…

  21. Bumblebee says:

    Vance went skiing, Trump went golfing, and Zelensky continues to fight for his people. Thank you Vermont.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      Lets not forget the Superbowl and Daytona. For guys preaching fiscal responsibility they do love trips on the American dime.

  22. Lightpurple says:

    Friends participated in the protests; I’m so proud of them! And one took video of Vance wiping out on the mountain. He should stick to the bunny slope

  23. MichaelaCat says:

    Happy to see you’re using links to Bluesky instead of X, Kismet!

  24. Karma D says:

    My favorite sign was “Go F*ck Your Couch, Not Our Country,” or something to that effect.

  25. martha says:

    I live in a politically-purple rural area in a red district. Many jobs here are related to the nearby national park and large marine base. Plus, a good dose of artistic weirdos, remote workers, and retirees.

    Our spineless Republican congressman was absolutely slammed at a townhall meeting a few weeks ago. One die-hard Republican answered his “you probably didn’t vote for me” with yelling out that they had but never would again!

    Since then, I’ve started calling his office once a week. I plan to keep it up.

    So, call your Congress. They do make note of the volume of calls! Prepare beforehand – write down your talking points, be calm, clear, and non-combative. You don’t want to be dismissed as merely “some nut!” Make a point that you’re a constituent. You don’t have to say who you voted for. I even told staff on one call that I’d never vote Republican again!

    [ NOTE Thru my many years of voting, I only voted once for a Republican (and that was just because the Dem running was a crook!) ]

  26. Tn Democrat says:

    Thank you, Vermont! This protest actually made national news. We appreciate all those who protested in the cold.

  27. Deering24 says:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 People need to slam this scumbag wherever he shows his face.

  28. Connie Blizzard says:

    I have participated in so many protests that felt incredibly futile, but this was inspiring, and felt effective. Not only did we force them to change their lodging, but we got them out of town a day early. And the local meatheads (yes, we’re progressive Vermont but we’re still a very rural state, so there are very loud Trumpers) waver between:

    — it wasn’t that big and he left early because it was cold
    — the protest was violent and we should be ashamed
    — it was full of paid actors causing a ruckus and we should apologize to VancePants

    Which makes me feel we struck a nerve. Hopefully this is a model for any time these chumps think they can take a break. It’s their havoc — they can stew in it.

  29. Anare says:

    “Speak up, speak out, get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.” -The late great Rep John Lewis-
    Way to go VT! 🙌

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