They’re really mad about the beautiful photo of Prince Harry kissing Lili’s head

There is so much positivity around the Duchess of Sussex and her family right now. WLM is a huge success, people around the world are inspired by her cooking and entertaining tips, Netflix already greenlighted a second season, and yet another deranged smear campaign went absolutely nowhere. Not only that, but Meghan is suddenly super-active on social media, posting regular updates, cute family photos and even highlighting some of the WLM-inspired fan videos. She has 2.4 million followers now on Instagram, and her IG alone has caused so much consternation, solely because she sets her own narratives. Saturday was International Women’s Day, and Meghan posted new-to-us photos of her mom Doria, plus two personal photos of Prince Harry with Lili, and Harry hugging Meghan on the beach in California. Obviously, the British press is spitting mad – perhaps even incandescent with rage – about all of this. So they’re now screaming about the Harry & Lili photo in particular, a beautiful shot of Harry kissing his ginger daughter’s head as she’s curled up on his lap. Who could have a problem with that? You’d be surprised.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been fiercely slammed online after fans noticed a ‘dangerous’ detail in the recent photo shared of daughter Lilibet. In honor of International Women’s Day on Saturday, the Duchess of Sussex, 43, posted a sweet image of Lilibet, three, enjoying a boat ride with her dad, 40, to Instagram.

The picture featured the youngster sitting on Prince Harry’s lap on the water vessel, as he lovingly kissed her head. But many social media users were left unsettled over the fact that the three-year-old was not wearing a life vest in the snap. People quickly took to X, formerly Twitter, to share their thoughts, and many scrutinized the former royals.

Some users branded it as ‘irresponsible,’ while others pointed out that it’s actually against the law.
California, where the couple resides with their two kids, requires that every child under age 13 must wear a life jacket at all times while on a moving vessel of any length.

‘Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are so good at showing the world how much they suck at being parents,’ one user wrote in a post that has since gone viral.

[From The Daily Mail]

Meghan has been on IG since January, and she’s posted photos and IG Stories with her kids a few times now, and instantly the Deranger talking points went from “those kids don’t exist” to “obviously the kids exist but Meghan is a terrible mother to them!” Like… sure, Lili should wear a life vest, as should Harry, but we don’t know the circumstances around the photo and it’s beyond clear that these people are just mad that Harry and Meghan live a happy and peaceful existence in Montecito with their two beautiful children.

Meanwhile, Meghan continues to post “soft life” videos on Sundays – yesterday, she posted this video where she recycled a jam/preserve jar for flowers.

Photos courtesy of Meghan’s IG.

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67 Responses to “They’re really mad about the beautiful photo of Prince Harry kissing Lili’s head”

  1. Tessa says:

    The derangers always want to “find something” on how those children are taken care of. The boat was probably moored in any case and not int he middle of the ocean. The derangers never stop.

    • Libra says:

      Yup. No proof the boat was actually moving. Maybe in the process of getting ready to go and life jackets on the last thing? The constant clamoring “we want pictures” so here’s a picture and all they do is bitch about it.

      • somebody says:

        Or Harry had been riding in the boat and they just picked him up afterward. There are all kinds of scenarios. The background isn’t all blurry as if the boat is moving.

    • Megan says:

      The derangers need to mind their own business. Harry and Meghan are perfectly capable of assessing their children’s safety.

  2. Snuffles says:

    I love watching videos of animals living blissfully. Mama Mia is enjoying the life!

  3. Harry’s face is also looking red are they going to scream she is trying to kill him by not let him put on sunscreen? They are just out for blood.

  4. Tessa says:

    Derangers have double standards.No complaints about the Wales kids jumping around on logs during that shampoo commercial.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Yes! That’s the first thing that came to mind! Most of the KP ‘family moments’ should be lousy with ‘do not try this at home’ disclaimers!

  5. SummerMoomin says:

    If they are on a boat then I agree they both need to be wearing life vests, especially her, but are they on a boat? Or just very near the water? I’d need to know more before I got bent out of shape about it.

    (But yeah, I went boating with my parents fairly often as a tot, and it’s so easy to fall in. They make life vests in children’s sizes for a reason!)

    • Lady D says:

      We used new ones for our seniors. They lay flat like a loose T-shirt, but one drop of water on them and they inflate instantly. They were really comfortable.

    • Caribbean says:

      I know what you mean, but when any non-deranger starts agreeing with derangers, we are all doomed. Because – there is no doubt in my mind that when those derangers act logical or concerned, they are anything but. They would very much want to see H & M investigated, separated from their kids and go begging the uk royals, so if they say anything, no matter how ‘logical’ – they are motivated by hate and the desire to harm…so I WILL NEVER AGREE WITH ANYTHING THE DERANGERS SAY.

  6. Beth says:

    Firstly, only against the law in Cali if boat moving on the water – it may have been moored or pulled up on a beach (note the angle). Secondly, the pic may not have been taken in Cali anyway.

  7. Ahully says:

    And the strap peeking out from her waist is what?? Sure looks like a life jacket!

    • Jill says:

      That’s what I noticed too! There is very clearly a strap peeking out from under Harry’s arm.

    • Inge says:

      Exactly that is what I noticed as well

    • sunnyside up says:

      The white plastic bit looks as if it is designed to pull the strap tight and keep it there, there could be a strap around the back of her neck hidden by her hair and the way she is sitting, and of course the boat? could be on the beach.

  8. Mslove says:

    First, Meghan outrages the Bm and bad dad by taking her husband’s family name and then takes a pic on a boat that probably was docked. Maybe they hadn’t had time to put life jackets on yet? And for these high crimes, we are supposed to boycott her Netflix show?

  9. ThatGirlThere says:

    Lili should 100% be wearing a life vest on open waters. Maybe she was and they took it off when they stopped the boat. But honestly, even with a life vest, people would still find something to complain about – like her not wearing shoes or a hat etc…We know that those people don’t really care about Harry & Meghan’s children. It’s all performative bull.

    I’m just glad Meghan doesn’t care about the haters anymore and is back on social media living her best life. Loved seeing her stories of all the dishes women made inspired by WLM on International Women’s Day.

    It was so nice to see all the lovely posts on social media over the weekend!

  10. Tessa says:

    There is no proof of what detractors claim. The detractors complain and nitpick. Some are way way over the top in the accusations and yes fake stories

  11. Tessa says:

    Yes or they used to like them. Same old.

  12. GlamGirl says:

    She could be wearing a puddle jumper style which is what we used with my kids on a boat. That style puts the flotation on the arms and front (of whch we can see neither and pushes them to float on their backs, eliminating the balance issues younger kids can have in the water if the device is needed. If that is what hte strap with the tag is, it isn’t fastened though (they fasten in the back)

  13. Bookie says:

    I must confess that my very first thought was about why she wasn’t wearing a life vest. I’m a mom! I can’t help it.

    • Nerd says:

      The strap is on her lap.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m not a mom & clocked that, and I KNEW these nutsos would be complaining about it. H&M are responsible adults & loving parents, and I’m willing to bet once that boat started moving, Lili had a flotation device on. If she was even along for the ride.

  14. sevenblue says:

    It is so lovely seeing these peeks at Archie & Lili. I am glad, Meghan doesn’t show their faces. F*ck the haters. We know they are always gonna find something to sh*t on them.

  15. Tessa says:

    For one thing there is no way to see where the boat is situated from that photo.

  16. Nerd says:

    I saw the beautiful photo and thought that it looked like a loving father kissing his daughter on a boat that wasn’t moving or on the ocean based on the angle. It looks as if he had taken her vest off (strap on her lap) and was giving her a sweet kiss while she was on his lap. Nothing to see here but a little girl being loved by her father. We’ve already seen a photo of Archie wearing a life jacket.

  17. Ryan says:

    I doubt they would go on a boat for it to sit there and not move. Normally you put the vest on before entering. You can still fall even if it’s not moving.

    • ArtFossil says:

      The craft is not moving.
      The water looks like “the” beach near their home where they often take photos (see accompanying image of Meghan).
      The craft doesn’t look like a boat to me. Maybe a raft or paddleboat?
      The craft appears to be on the sand (angle and lack of motion).

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Been on boats all my life, first thing that came to mind is that boat has no motor with that seat and it’s not moving but a windy day. I’ve taken enough photos on a moving boat to spot the difference.

  18. Tessa says:

    This story is just one that tries to paint the sussexes as bad parents. It is on dm comments sections where these accusations are. Including absurd wishes that grandpa Charles gets custody.

  19. Afken says:

    Sick of people concern trolling. The same people who said the kids don’t exist are now pretending to be concerned about their safety. As long as they are away from THESE people they are good.

  20. Jais says:

    I’m loving all the SM pics of people inspired by Meghan. Yesterday, I made some colorful eggs with veggies and put it on a cute plate. The picture of Archie and Lili is adorable. Cute as can be. I’m guessing Lili was wearing a life jacket during the boat ride.

  21. Steph says:

    Whether or not that boat is moving or not, it’s in the water. Safety should come first. I’d prefer them both be in life vests, but especially Lili.

    Also, most of the SM chatter is about hating on the Sussexes not safety concerns.

    Life vest discussions aside, this is a gorgeous picture. They resonate such peace being in each other’s arms.

    • ArtFossil says:

      To me, at least, the craft doesn’t look like it’s in the water but rather on the beach (angle and lack of motion).
      And the craft looks like a raft or paddleboat or ???

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Said the same thing in a previous post.. that boat isn’t on water or moving. I have enough experience with taking photos on a moving boat.. I highly doubt this boat even has a motor.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m not sure why people are saying the boat isn’t on the water. It clearly is. Do we think Meghan just snapped a picture of Harry and Lili hanging out on a beached boat? I mean I guess its possible lol.

        I’m not sure if the boat is moving or not – I’ve also taken a lot of pictures on moving boats as I have a lot of family who live on the water (and even without a motor she should still have a life vest on) – but it all seems like a moot point to me as it seems that she IS wearing something because of that strap coming from under her arm. Maybe they had just docked and Harry took the vest off her or they were getting ready to head out and he hadn’t put it on her yet. But either way, I think its clear that there is something we can’t fully see on the front of her.

        So this seems like a nothing burger of an argument to me and I dont think we need to get into the weeds of photography or boat motors or whatever because I think its clear she has some sort of PFD on.

    • ML says:

      Steph, I believe you are or were a nurse if I remember correctly? I love H&M, and I also think at least Lili should have been in a life vest. ThatGirlThere also stated this nicely above.

      ITA that the usual suspects are concern trolling. This is not about safety as much as their usual H&M hate spree.
      And apart from the lack of life vests, it’s a beautiful loving picture!

  22. Jan says:

    They went from saying
    Meghan rents children, to now being pissed that the children’s faces are not shown.
    I think they were on vacation somewhere.

  23. Me at home says:

    The MOL derangers are also losing their minds over the fact that Lily’s hair doesn’t look as red as in previous photos. So these are still fake kids, you guys! Yes, “the kids don’t exist” is still a thing on the MOL, although among fewer haters than before.

    I mean, my kids were blond when they were toddlers. Their hair quickly turned brown, then in their teens it became dark brown like me and my husband. Not a big deal.

  24. Bumblebee says:

    This is every boating/water photo complaint with a child (or even a puppy!). SAFETY! And then the mobbed parents have to explain in detail, how the precious baby was not in danger. This is also all car photos, bath tub photos, food photos, anything with kids that gives people any excuse to judge and pile on parents. Of course they didn’t endanger Lilli.

  25. B says:

    Lol I knew this would make heads explode. The kids always trigger the worst melt downs and Princess Lili in particular is a sore point. From her name, hair length and hair color she in particular triggers their internal demons. Oh well (shrugs) for the mentally balanced and emotionally healthy this was a heartwarming post emphasizing the important role mother’s play in shaping the lives of their daughters and the independent women they become (Doria, Meghan, Lili) and the important role the men (Harry) who love them play in ensuring women’s equality.

  26. Dee(2) says:

    This is exactly why they don’t want to show their kids. It’s been two months she’s shared four photos and this is the reaction, judging parents from afar without all the information. When they go back to not showing these kids for seven and eight months at a time this will be why. These people don’t give a damn about Lili or Archie or their safety. Please explain to me how this one photo for a six and four year old shows that ‘Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are so good at showing the world how much they suck at being parents’.

  27. Steph says:

    They look like their hair is the same shade of red. Harry really got a mini me in Lili.

    • Polo says:

      Yeah from the pictures I’ve seen lili is Harry’s twin. She has his face and everything and Archie is for sure Meghan’s twin.

  28. Tn Democrat says:

    Lort. The double standard is palatable, as is the rage that Harry left and his kids can’t be exploited by the rota. At this point they literally make things up to criticize him and embiggen the dud. Willy can admit that Charlotte was upset when she saw him with a beard, implying that she doesn’t live with him because she wasn’t around him consistently to see it growing daily and not recieve rota snark. His eldest son can be singled out as the only child who gets to go solo to sporting events with his Dad and not recieve rota snark. George can be forced to dress like a 45 year old mortuary director at every sporting event instead of wearing weather appropriate/age appropriate/event appropriate attire and not recieve rota snark. Willy can interact uncomfortably with his youngest child like he doesn’t really like the kid/isn’t around him much and not receive rota snark. Willy make sure Louis has a goofball wildchild narrative created in the tabloids because the spares are supposed to have that role to be scapegoated by the heirs and not recieve rota snark. Willy can create the entire media firestorm around his wife because he wants a year off instead of stepping up when Charles announced he was receiving cancer treatments and not recieve rota snark. Willy can be a slumlord while living a life of extravagant luxury funded by struggling taxpayers and not recieve rota snark. Willy’s grifter in-laws can exploit their royal connections to financially ruin dozens of small businesses and not recieve nonstop royal snark and be happily welcomed into royal circles. Willy can trim rosebushes, but the rota will crucify Harry and Meghan to cover the scandal for him. Willy has failed to launch into adulthood and the rota embiggen his lack of preparation, extreme awkwardness and laziness instead of lambasting his every move like they criticize his brother.

    • Tessa says:

      The “commercial” with the Wales kids moving around on logs is not exactly taking safety precautions. Those logs can go off track and roll. Yet no complaints about “safety.” Also in the “flight gate” photos to show they fly Commercial (which backfired), William is shown holding George’s hand and letting younger Charlotte run behind them.

  29. QuiteContrary says:

    The derangers are angry that Meghan’s daughter may be the grandchild who most resembles Diana.

    They’re mad that Harry’s so clearly content and happy away from Salt Island.

    They’re mad, period, in both senses of the word.

  30. Anne-Marie says:

    Don’t know why they think this is in California, could be anywhere

  31. Bronco says:

    Strange, I’ve read here a lot but I don’t recognise any of the names on here yelling about safety? I guess they don’t post much.

    There’s no universe where H and M would take their kids on the water in a boat without a life preserver of some kind. That’s just being obtuse. Get over it.

    • MsIam says:

      The picture of Harry and Archie on a jet ski clearly showed Archie with a life vest on so yeah, they are just shouting into the void as usual.

  32. Kelly says:

    Guys let me explain how this fake controversy worked in Meghan and Harry’s favor. She posted this pic on Saturday and it got a lot of press but mainly the usual corners.
    Late yesterday and today all of a sudden places ABC news, GMA, today show are posting about the photo. Even USA Today. Sooo instead of interest in the pic , her show and Meghan’s IG dying down you instead have a more mainstream audience who don’t follow tabloids being interested.
    Win win for Harry and Meghan.
    There’s a reason why her followers are still increasing. For fans of Meghan I would say bring on the fake controversy.

  33. Amy Bee says:

    According to the derangers Lili doesn’t exist so I don’t know why they’re up in arms about this photo.

  34. VilleRose says:

    While we are talking about jam jars as this was the last thing posted in this article, my family has been using empty Bonne Maman jam jars as water glasses FOREVER. People get so confused whenever I hand them one when they ask for water and it short circuits their brain I give them a jam jar as a glass and then… we learn later down the road people copied our family and started doing the same LOL. They’re hardy, they don’t break in the dishwasher, and you’re recycling! They can be obviously used for so many things but just a tip I figured I’d share.

    As for Lili not wearing a PFD, I will admit the thought did cross my mind when I saw the photo a second time. For all we know, they’re right at the dock or 5 feet from shore. My family owned a boat and I had to wear a PFD until I was 12-13 whenever the boat was in motion. But I’m sure when the boat is moving, both kids have their PFDs on. It’s a very sweet photo and the derangers will try to make a mountain out of a molehill every single time.

    • JanetDR says:

      My parents were vegetarian in their later years, but the chipped beef jars in the cupboard outlasted them both!

  35. MsKrisTalk says:

    They really scrutinized the pictures with a microscope. I love the Sussexes and have not obsessed over everything they do nor every picture they post like the derangers and Willy. All I notice is a beautiful picture of a father and daughter on an adventure together. I guess I need to reach down and find my delulu gene. On another note, I’m so excited that Harry and Meghan’s success and happiness is sending those people into a tailspin. I love this for them.

  36. Snerak says:

    What the British media is trying to do is make Harry and Megan think twice before they post anything showing how much they are winning now that they are free. Every single happy, joyful and living their best life appearance in the media is salt in the wounds of those that wish them ill.

  37. Angied says:

    They’re going to have a stroke if she post Easter pics. I am glad she isn’t paying those fools any mind. They just want her to stop posting that’s why they nit pick any post she puts up. I say keep doing you Meghan. Share what you want and don’t pay any attention the those idiots. They don’t want to see and Harry as a family or that she has friends. Her posting pics proves their narrative about her was all made up. She has a loving family and beautiful friends who care about her. She showing her everyday life puts a huge hole in their fake narrative about her and her family. Her Instagram photos go along with her show. Bravo Meghan! You really have everyone talking. She really is the only royal that people are interested in and can command global attention.

  38. Over it says:

    These people are just salty because Meghan and Harry are still hot for each other and make absolutely beautiful children and they are especially mad because Harry didn’t want any of these whole nuts to be the mother of his children. Time for these folks to move on and face facts, it was never ever going to be you boo.

  39. Gabby says:

    No one comment about Lili’s safety without also insisting the Sussexes are entitled to top notch armed security whenever they visit the UK.

  40. Normal_Islander says:

    The ginger gene is strong! Beautiful pic.

  41. Crystal says:

    🙄They criticize Harry and Meghan as being “unsafe” parents while being part of the same harassment brigade that made her *miscarry*. Make it make sense.

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