Over the weekend, a British chef named Jameson Stocks went on GB News and lied his ass off. He claimed that he was approached by Netflix to “consult” on an unnamed lifestyle show. While Stocks said that Netflix didn’t confirm which show, he told GB News: “I already kind of knew who it was,” meaning the Duchess of Sussex’s With Love, Meghan. To drive home the whole point of his interview, he spent several minutes trashing WLM and Meghan personally. It was clear from the quotes that he had been fed a script, but what many people find galling is that he just blatantly lied about Netflix approaching him.
Despite many claims to the contrary, I cannot find one Netflix or Archewell person speaking on the record as a named source disputing Stocks. Page Six noted in their coverage that “sources close to production have told The Post that Stocks, 41, was never approached to be a part of the series.” They quote an “insider” who said: “Chef Jameson Stocks was not invited to participate in ‘With Love, Meghan,’ and any claims to the contrary are incorrect. Jameson himself doesn’t even know which show it was for—he noted ‘he thinks it was for this show,’” the source continued, while cautioning against “taking his assumption as fact.” While it’s great that a source/insider clapped back so quickly, I still hoped that someone would come out on the record. This guy ran straight to GB News and lied about being asked on as a consultant and performed a script trashing Meghan and the show. On Monday, Archewell/Netflix people went to Us Weekly too, and once again did not put their name to it:
Celebrity chef Jameson Stocks was not invited to make an appearance on Meghan Markle’s series, With Love, Meghan, Us Weekly can confirm.
Us can also confirm any claim to the contrary is incorrect as James stated that he did not know which exact show Netflix approached him for.
My only thought is that Archewell – which executive produced the show – is trying to clap back but they honestly don’t know if Netflix approached Stocks about a different show. That doesn’t change the fact that Stocks directly indicates that he was approached to consult on WLM and he turned them down because he “knew” the show was going to be bad/inauthentic/whatever-deranged-talking-point. I know Meghan has some new PR people and they’re being much more proactive – like that People Mag article about how she’s a great boss – but this is one of those moments where someone needs to come out and really push back on these lies. All it would take is an Archewell producer directly saying: “This is completely false.”
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Netflix.
- Jameson Stocks at the Urban Impressions Private View at Yield Gallery in Soho, London, United Kingdom on 19 September 2023.,Image: 806821351, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Cat Morley/Avalon
- Jameson Stocks at the Trejo’s Tacos VIP Launch Party at the Trejo’s Tacos in Notting Hill, London, United Kingdom on 18 April 2024.,Image: 866028076, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Cat Morley/Avalon
- Jameson Stocks at the Trejo’s Tacos VIP Launch Party at the Trejo’s Tacos in Notting Hill, London, United Kingdom on 18 April 2024.,Image: 866028086, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Cat Morley/Avalon
I wish a Netflix exec would make a statement saying it was false. Maybe Netflix did approach him for some show? Or maybe even for WLM and Meghan herself said “no thanks”?
Netflix is a big org so they’re probably b trying to find which employee actually approached him and making misrepresentations.
Then again, maybe Jameson hallucinated this all.
And that top picture of him sure supports your hallucination theory.
I doubt they would have approached him for a US show let alone one that focuses on California. He is just a liar.
Yes just a liar trying to stay relevant or looking to be knighted.
I also think the terms “approached” and “invited to consult” or however else it is worded are doing a lot of heavy lifting here. It’s entirely possible that someone at Netflix emailed him to ask about a show that maybe never even went into production. Netflix is a big company with lots of moving parts. I can see a situation where he got an email about a low priority show that was being discussed or something and he just assumed it was Meghan because he seems to have a high opinion of himself. So he’s not lying per se (although he is drawing a lot of conclusions), and Netflix can’t come out and say “he was never approached” because someone did send that email at some point.
Of course, there is always the possibility that he is just completely lying his ass off here.
I don’t know whether a statement from a netflix executive would shut it down or extend the story for a few more days. Given the British media’s tendency to seize on anything involving Meghan and report the “controversy”, there is a risk of legitimizing the story. As much as I would love it if Netflix was like “We don’t know him. Sorry to this man”, it may not be worth it. You want the audience to be speculating about who will be part of Season 2 (Personally, I am hoping for Mama Doria, Rick Martinez, Samin Nosrat, or Hrishikash Hirway).
My understanding is that these kinds of conversations about future projects happen all the time in a very casual way. Someone who knows someone who is thinking about producing something for a streaming service like Netflix could have at one point asked if he would be interested in consulting on a lifestyle/ cooking show – not necessarily Meghan’s.
“I don’t know whether a statement from a netflix executive would shut it down or extend the story for a few more days. Given the British media’s tendency to seize on anything involving Meghan and report the “controversy”, there is a risk of legitimizing the story. ”
Same thought here, @JAY. If they did what Kaiser said that “All it would take is an Archewell producer directly saying: ‘This is completely false.'”, the BM will write countless stories for weeks on this. GBNews has very small audience even in the UK, and is just a FoxNews UK wannabe. Besides, that chef is a proven liar and possible thief in Britain, so why gives him more than 5 minutes of fame?
Like I said yesterday, if ever WLM wants a chef from UK, it would be Meghan’s friend & her royal wedding banquet chef Clare Smyth, who is the true TOP chef.
Why in the world would Netflix reach out to a British chef to consult on a show centered in Montecito, California? That in itself, to me, points to a false claim. Meghan is a Los Angeles chic and her show is shamelessly giving out all manner of ‘California Love’ to the masses.
I just don’t buy that Netflix would bypass numerous American chefs, in all their culturally diverse glory, for a British chef who looks, to me, hygienically challenged. Who would want this guy working around food in their kitchen?
I must be in the minority, because I never wish that Meghan (or Harry) or their team to answer back. These people are looking for engagement at ANY COST. How many man hours is H & M supposed to devote to answering things that people decide to Make UP? I actually take one part back, I wished they had said something to that Spotify person: other than that, these random, irrelevant sh!t starters do Not deserve the time and money to engage. I mean no disrespect when I say the following – the clapback to those idiots should be made by Tik Tokers and youtubers, like me, who will at least Make money responding/fighting that crap; being strong advocates for H & M, so they can save their coins from all the HUGE MONSTERS that are after them.
‘’I said no’
‘Actually you weren’t invited’
He’s so pathetic
Lol right? How very Trump of him!
He approached Charlie sheen years ago that he couldn’t attend his wedding, Charlie sheen said you were never invited! Then gifted charlie fake diamond cuff links
I mean, no one knows who this guy is and he was on GB News. Netflix may not care about his sh*t talking, they are billion dollar business, why would they care about some guy talking sh*t in some british show? It is nice someone from Meghan’s show pushed back, but I am guessing they don’t want to make this guy famous by giving it more attention. I am sure, US Weekly called them for info and they gave them quotes. They wouldn’t know if some other Netflix show called him up for that.
I honestly think that what Archewell has done is enough because James has started to walk the story back himself. It will also stop him from appearing on any other shows to lie because he knows there will be pushback. GB News is not a popular channel in the UK so most people didn’t hear about this story. If he had gone on the BBC I would have said they needed to pushback on the record but in this case what they’ve done is fine.
This guy’s reputation is well known, as a thief and a liar, and still he is not that well known in England.
I think Meghan is choosing the people she wants on her show, if she is still friends with Claire, and I’m sure the other Claire, who is a Michelin Chef, that prepared her wedding dinner, would’ve been invited, before this loser.
Yeah if Meghan was going to invite any chef from the UK to be on the show it would be Claire Smyth not this guy. But the show is about California so I’m not sure she would be on the show anyway.
Eh, I think this is sufficient. I only heard/ saw about this because of the article here yesterday. GB news doesn’t have the reach, and I could understand something more firm if Page Six was consigning because they do have a larger audience but for the people paying attention fans and haters, US and Page Six saying, no not really is enough.
I keep going back to that podcast interview with Ashley and her saying they are aware of everything and they decide what is worth the effort. Some chef most people haven’t heard of crapping on Meghan like a ton of people do when she releases something isn’t worth an ” official” response. I think responding for, (I hate to say it this way) nobody’s like this guy officially just gives the people who want on the record responses incentive to keep doing stuff like this. GB News puts at the end of every single one of their most inane articles, that they have reached out to the Duke or Duchess of Sussex for comment. This is why.
Yeah, I agree. This doesn’t seem worth the effort. Bc it’s already clear that he was never reached out to about Meghan’s Cali cooking show. That makes no sense.
You are spot on. M&H have said from the time they left Salt Island that they would not engage with tabs or trolls from there. Good advice for us to follow their lead here.
Given his controversial background -allegations of lying about awards receive and places worked, and stealing money from employers, this guy does not seem to be a reliable source for anything. I hope he’s enjoying his 15 minutes of fame.
Guess the palace cronies couldn’t find a respected British chef to criticize a US show. 🙄
I looked this guy up. He had a brief fling with Ron Wood’s ex, Jo, which didn’t end well. She’s accused him of being hungry for fame. Brad Pitt, who seems to follow a similar bathing routine, apparently loves this guy’s life story and supposedly wants to make a movie of it.
Do I like that Netflix and Archewell haven’t completely buried this cook? No. However, he looks like he’s connected to shady people, and I don’t think that helps him either. Maybe Netflix/ Archewell want HIM to deny it himself without them having to? Still odd.
A similar bathing routine to Pitt… and they let him cook? I mean, he just looks… unclean. I would not let him in my kitchen and I’m not phobic about dirt!
It’s like everyone connected to the king and that family is constantly lying. He’s got a shady past and still behaves pretty trashy. I get that we all make mistakes, but you’d think he’d learn from them and clean up his act.
They saw how well Meghan’s show was received since it’s drop and through the weekend and now they’re trying to bring her down a peg since it’s doing so well. So they brought this guy out to try and rain on her parade.
Every time Meghan is breaking the internet, the tabloids bring out some lowlife liar. Like that woman who was married to some footballer that lied about Meghan at the LA Children’s Hospital event, saying she was only there for the red carpet, when Meghan was seated at the head table. So I put this guy in the same category. He looks like he’s missed his appointment at the pet groomer.
Like clockwork.. it’s not even hidden anymore they keep following the same outline.
I went to his IG and told him about himself. That he is a bigot who directly benefits from the civil rights movement and yet has a nerve to go to the US and racially abuse the descendant of the people who enabled him to be there. And that he should take a bath. He hasn’t responded
What’s his handle?
It’s his name. He has turned off comments on the three posts. I went to the 4th I think.
I would not eat anything he made me.
What an absolute douchebag.
This guy looks like he could be Charles Manson’s son.
Exactly he has really scary eyes and looks very unhygienic. I wouldn’t eat anything he’d prepared. Also I have never heard of him before and when I googled him, he seems to be a Walter Mitty .
I’m sure Meghan’s team knows by now that there are going to be people especially from the UK who will to attempt to attach their name to Meghan for attention. I think in the grand scheme of things, nobody knows who this guy is and so they don’t see responding to this as a priority.
I think what they said is enough because they don’t know this guy and don’t need to be associated with him in any way. No one even knew who he was until he started attacking the show and Meghan. I think they don’t want to give him any attention or have him ride their coattails.
But seriously, does anyone know who this guy is or care what he says? Way to seek your 10 minutes of fame, dude. Glad to see Meghan and Harry are clapping back at these attacks, finally.
This is absurd. Why would anyone pay attention to this dirty cook? I hope Netflix thinks twice about consulting with this liar.
I can’t imagine that Meghan would want that greasy weasel on her show. I don’t think I could eat anything that he prepared, he looks like he can’t even wipe properly.
Found this in his bio, which explains a lot: For over a decade, he has served as an ambassador for King Charles’ Prince’s Trust and is currently working with multiple smaller charities.
I have no idea who this guy is. But now we do because he lied.