Seward: King Charles should have been ‘firmer’ with Prince Harry as a child

It’s still remarkable that “royal experts” refuse to actually acknowledge Prince Harry’s Spare as a definitive account of his own life. Why read Harry’s own narrative of childhood neglect, trauma, grief and magical thinking when Ingrid Seward could royalsplain what “really” happened during Harry’s childhood. Seward is an old-school defender of King Charles, but even she has to admit that Charles was a pretty sh-tty father. Of course, Seward blames Diana and QEII for Charles’ terrible parenting. From this curiously timed piece in the Daily Mail:

Unlimited toys, the freedom to explore grand palaces, and having your every whim met by an army of servants sounds to many like the perfect childhood. But according to Prince Harry, his royal upbringing caused him to suffer from ‘generational trauma’. Not because he lacked any material possessions, but because his emotional needs were not met. The scars were so bad that he decided he would walk away from the only life he knew in 2020, vowing to raise his children differently – with more love and less Press intrusion.

However, not every royal expert shares Harry’s analysis of his upbringing. Ingrid Seward, who has spent 40 years following The Firm, claimed that Harry’s emotional problems were in fact caused because his father had been too soft on him.

She said: ‘Had Charles been firmer with Harry – and, to some extent, William – in their formative years, they might not have caused him so much worry.’

The editor of Majesty magazine claimed Charles was an ‘indulgent father’ who let Harry get away with too much. He moaned in his 2023 memoir: ‘I was the shadow, the support, the Plan B. I was brought into the world in case something happened to Willy. I was summoned to provide back-up, distraction, diversion and, if necessary, a spare part. Kidney, perhaps. Blood transfusion. Speck of bone marrow.’

But Seward, in her most recent book My Mother And I, has rejected Harry’s account, writing: ‘That is completely untrue, but it was how Harry chose to see himself, and he has allowed this perception to dominate his life – to the extent that he has now made a career out of it. Choosing to be seen as a victim, he has tried to wreak vengeance on his family and the Press for all the slights he believes he’s suffered. And much of his ire has been directed at his elder brother.’

Seward, 77, has spent decades covering The Firm and its highs and lows – from the War of the Waleses, to Toegate to Megxit and beyond. Like many journalists of her generation, she would often find herself invited to Kensington Palace for cosy chats with Princess Diana or to the ski slopes of Switzerland with Charles, William and Harry. She witnessed at close quarters ‘the boys’ grow into men, becoming one of the most qualified people to comment on what went so wrong in Harry’s upbringing.

Seward believes that due to the turbulent marriage, it was difficult for Charles to build a relationship with his sons. Diana often curtailed his time with them, and whenever he wanted to have them for the weekend she often thought of a last minute excuse to keep them with her. However, Charles hated conflict and seemed to be too timid and weak to properly confront his wife over her behaviour. Seward claims most of the Royal Family blamed him for the state of the marriage, thinking that if he had been firmer in the beginning, many of the later difficulties with Diana would have been avoided.

Like his mother and grandmother, Charles hated confrontation and wanted to turn away from the problem instead of dealing with it. But just like with Diana, it appears that Charles’ lack of courage in confronting his family’s behaviour also caused problems when it came to challenging unruly Harry. However looking back on Harry’s upbringing, Seward claims Charles ‘probably regrets’ that he wasn’t strict with Harry and William.

[From The Daily Mail]

The thing about it is, if any of these people actually bothered to read Spare, they’d know that Harry gave his father a great deal of grace, even forgiving Charles’s neglect and bad-parenting and understanding that Charles did the best he could with what few tools he had. You can feel Harry’s love for his father throughout Spare, even when he grows up and learns to accept his dad’s clear limitations (if anything, it feels like Harry and Charles grew closer as Harry became an adult). Harry also accepts the fact that Charles has always and will always prioritize Camilla over his sons. Which is obviously a larger conversation, one which Seward doesn’t want to address. Anyway, I do agree that everyone should have been firmer with William though.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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61 Responses to “Seward: King Charles should have been ‘firmer’ with Prince Harry as a child”

  1. Blogger says:

    Sewer always protecting Charles at all costs. Was she a lover of his?

    • Nanea says:

      If you count rumored beejs in bushes during polo matches as being lovers — then yes.

      *hands everyone on CB who didn’t know a dose of brain bleach*

      • Blogger says:


        I bet she swallowed.

      • Blubb says:

        I just heard this about Penny Junor…

      • Nic919 says:

        It is either Ingrid or Penny suspected of only being qualified for being a royal expert because of a bj for Charles years ago.

        I’m sure the rota know exactly who it is.

      • Blubb says:

        There were rumors Charles and Camilla had sex the night before the wedding. And Penny wrote / said, no, it wasn’t sex, it was just a bj the day before the wedding.

    • Tessa says:

      She seems to have a crush. She turned on Diana after she fell out of favor with charles.

    • RoyalBlue says:

      She sounds like Charles’ mouthpiece, and this is Charles’ rebuttal to Spare. He spoon-fed her this part for sure: “…whenever he wanted to have them for the weekend, she (Diana) often thought of a last-minute excuse to keep them with her…” How on earth would Seward know this unless Charles told her.

      • Tessa says:

        It’s like Charles whining he never sees the Sussex children. He never really tries. Diana and Charles did share custody after the divorce . And vacation times were split up.

  2. “Chuckles should have been firmer with Harry in his formative years and to some extent to William”? Are you kidding me ! To some extent Peg? He should have rode Pegs ass hard and made him learn languages and learn how to run non profit programs like the Princes Trust and other good projects and charities but Chuckles was too busy playing tampon to his side piece. Harry did learn and he is the productive human being that Chuckles is a shitty father to not Peg!!

    • Tessa says:

      He should have cut off vacation time for William and got him working when he was in his twenties. He pampered and indulged lazy William and abandoned Harry. And Willy would not finish that course Charles enrolled him in. He should have been a lot tougher with William, look how he turned out

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      My apologies to anyone who may have mentioned this further down. Exactly @Susan Collins! Charles should have been firmer with Willard. Harry was the scapegoat for Charles & Willard’s problematic behavior.

      Is Ingrid the royal verbal geyser(that’s unattractive to watch), that has connections to Cressida’s family? Honestly, Cressida & Harry seemed to be cool with their relationship ending.

      Is Ingrid saying that if Chucky was firmer with Harry, Harry would have understood his position as scapegoat and not want to have a good life? C-Word underestimates Harry’s experience/life in the military. It’s sad for the RR’s that they are no longer invited to H&M events. Ya know, the 2 that are so irrelevant that the BM writes about them every effin day.

      It’s so sad that the BRF/BM didn’t get how much Meghan brought to the United Kingdom. Apparently, it doesn’t matter, when you’re a charismatic WOC.

  3. Lala11_7 says:


    The gall & ARROGANCE it takes to say the 🤬 I’ve heard about H&M from the press & public…is quite literally…disgustingly breathtaking!😡

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Chuck was an extremely abusive parent, he started selling out Harry to the press at a very young age with the help of his rota like this lady, but sure Chuck and Seward think he wasn’t traumatized, abused and neglected enough during his childhood. He may have lived in a palace but he was definitely the scapegoat for them all to hurt by selling him out.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It’s so convenient for the BRF/BM to say this now again. Since Diana, was unalived to refute anything. I believe Diana’s spirit is living in Montecito and tending to the beautiful gardens at the Sussexes’s home. She is giving growth to their gardens & life.

  4. Pebbles says:

    Charles was too busy chasing tail and being a tampon to be a good husband or father.

  5. ML says:

    ‘Had Charles been firmer with Harry – and, to some extent, William – in their formative years, they might not have caused him so much worry.’

    “And, to some extent, William”?? I’d love to know what’s going on between Chuck and his eldest son. Probably a lot more interesting than the regurgitated non relationship he’s had with Harry these past few years. Tell us more about William and his father!

    • Tessa says:

      William reportedly would scream at his father and be a rage monster. He bullied Harry and tried to micromanage Harry so he’d reject Meghan. William settled for Kate, and something is off about him. Charles just sat back and let it happen. Harry and Meghan were fortunate to escape. Ingrid needs to retire.

  6. Nev says:

    This is ridiculous now.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      👍 THAT PART! 😡

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Harry is successful outside the BRF and it’s all Meghan’s fault!!!! She made him seem worthy. The IG made him seem worthy. ESPN made him seem worthy. Veterans, military, fire responders made him seem worthy. Countries that welcomed him made him seem worthy.


  7. Maxine Branch says:

    What I find fascinating is Prince Harry will be 41 this year and this woman is writing about him as though he is still a child and he has clearly stated through his lived experience what his experience was like in his birth family. The level of ownership those monarchist have towards that family is astounding.

    • Mairzy Doats says:

      This — exactly!
      The “what if” scenarios are fantasies rooted in wondering what would happen if all, ALL of these people involved, were somehow different people than who they were at the time.

  8. SURE says:

    “..if any of these people actually bothered to read Spare..” I think these so-called experts have read it at least once.

  9. Jais says:

    Say what? If Charles had been firmer at the beginning with Diana, their marriage would have turned out better? Ummm he was sleeping with Camilla. And others. Can’t really turn that ship around. This is just stupid.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles should not have married dian a if he did not love her. He got to have his cake and eat it too. Now Ingrid is slamming dian a again

    • Tessa says:

      Janet Jenkins gave an interview, Charles would invite her to Highgrove when he was married to Diana and “with” Camilla. She talked of their affair, some of the love letters of Janet and Charles were sold at auction. Seward actually blamed Diana for Charles philandering. Instead of the philanderer.

    • Blujfly says:

      Ingrid is a long time believer and launder of the pro Charles propaganda that from the minute he married until well after Harry’s birth in 1985 when Diana had already begun cheating he didn’t do much as speak to Camilla.

      • Tessa says:

        The odd thing was that Ingrid in one of her Diana bashing books said Diana “cheated first”. That was retracted when those Settelen tapes came out when Diana said no when Settelen asked if she had the physical affair with Mannakee. Ingrid then backtracked the accusation. Charles joined a hunt club that Camilla was in early in his marriage to Diana, when she was expecting William. Charles would leave Diana and go to that hunt club. Stuart Higgins former editor of the Sun wrote that Camilla would call him with “exclusives” throughout the time of Charles marriage to Diana. He said that it was apparent that Camilla and Charles were in touch with each other. And how does Charles explain away or blame Diana when he admitted he and Camilla restarted their relationship after she married, in 1978.

      • Jais says:

        I’m fascinated by that time period even though I know so little about it. Imagine Camilla calling up the editor of the Sun on the regular. I mean yes I can imagine it but still. Dayum. That’s why I just can’t with her. And wow those hunting clubs are basically coded for cheating right? King of Denmark has that whole mess. And then that weird thing about William going hunting in Spain at that rich guy’s estate, the one who had the supposed wedding of the year last summer.

  10. sunnyside up says:

    Charles had a very distant upbringing from his own parents, It isn’t surprising that he was a bad father himself.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles blames his parents when he should blame himself for being a bad parent. He never takes responsibility. No excuses for charles.

    • Tessa says:

      The Queen though never experienced one of her children moving away. Or forcing out a sibling. Charles allowed his elder son to bully the younger one out. It is all on Charles.

      • Nic919 says:

        The Queen provided for all her kids who weren’t the heir and protected Andrew when many say she shouldn’t have.

        Charles exposed one of his sons to a media smear campaign and cut his security simply for moving away.

        The Queen was many things and not a great parent emotionally but she did protect them all as best she could. She also didn’t cut off their homes. All of them have solid leases or their own estate that Charles cannot touch.

  11. somebody says:

    He didn’t “walk away from the only life he knew”. He knew far better the life in the military and in service with IG. He didn’t walk away from his charities. And he didn’t walk away from the military. PH was the one who always was outed for any little thing and who ended up apologizing while PW was shielded, because, of course, the heir was perfect. (S)

  12. Dee(2) says:

    It’s wild to tell someone that their personal account of their childhood and how it formed their personality is wrong. She may have been invited to the ski slopes, but all of that stuff was carefully curated. She wasn’t tucking anyone into bed, she wasn’t in anyone’s study listening to private conversations, she wasn’t reading letters that this man was writing to his father. To tell him ” she disagrees?!!” Whew.

    These people have such a ridiculous sense of ownership over this family, that the idea that the people are not actually the caricatures that they have created in their head is just breaking their brains. They had decided for themselves who Harry was by 1989, and anything that challenges that is a lie.

  13. Nerd says:

    The only thing King Charles should have been was loving to Harry as a child. His firmness should have been directed to the son that has accomplished nothing and continues to do nothing. Harry is the amazing man, husband, father and former soldier despite Charles. Harry is fortunate that he had 12 wonderful loving years with his late mother, which has helped to make him who he is today.

  14. Joy says:

    Once Diana died Harry had no one. In Geoffrey Kent’s memoir, he recalls calling Charles the morning it was announced that Diana died and the first thing Charles asked was if he could take Harry for his upcoming school break because he obviously had plans he didn’t want to cancel. “ “Sir,” I say. “It’s Geoffrey Kent.” I searched for more words, but only the obvious came out: “I’m so very sorry . . .” He is deeply saddened about the situation and of course very concerned for his sons. I say what else was burning in my throat. “If there is anything I can do I mean that—” “Actually,” he said, sounding somewhat relieved for the first time in our conversation, “Harry’s half-term at Ludgrove is coming up in October. He was meant to spend it with his mother . . .

    • Blogger says:


      What an inconvenience it must have been for Chuck once he became a single dad. 🙄

    • SURE says:

      I love that an anecdote like this from an independent third-party helps to flesh out what a shitty father KFC was to his sons.

    • Blu says:

      Joy: even sadder is he didn’t let Diana’s family take care. For the summer holiday 1998 the Spencers aunts wanted to take the boys for two weeks, but Charles didn’t wanted that. He sent them to all his friends or to Africa, but not to their mother’s family or his siblings so they could spent time with their cousins. This seems to me he wanted to isolate them.

      • Tessa says:

        Mrs Shand Kydd Diana’s mother put in her will she did not want Charles at her funeral. The Spencers could not stand Charles. and still don’t like him.

      • Blujfly says:

        He instructed Eton not to talk about her. There was a reported ancedote from a bigwig lady aristocrat that went up to Harry in the hallway after he was back at school just weeks after her death and hugged him and said she was sorry. And how his face lit up and he hugged her back. It was 100% like Annabel Goldsmith or someone of that stature even though it’s anonymous. And she was scolded it for it and appalled enough to leak it.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Blujfly, do I misremember it? Harry talked about this in Spare, right? How no one at the school talked about his mother’s death, like it didn’t happen. Then, one lady who was warned not to do it gave Harry a hug and consoled him.

  15. Meredith says:

    Charles should have spent more time with his sons instead of his mistress, Camilla. But the daily mail will never print how badly that relationship hurt Harry, William, and their mother.

  16. Lady Digby says:

    It is interesting that she admits KC is an ineffective father of both sons. The chickens are coming home to roost on that score. One day KW is going to be the head of the Firm on a casual basis, turning up on good days, when he’s “on form.” Now KW ingrained laziness can’t be blamed on his brother or SIL so how is Ingrid and co going to explain that away?

  17. Amy Bee says:

    If you ask me Harry gave Charles too much grace in his book. If what Ingrid Seward says about Diana keeping Charles away from the boys when she was alive is true, she has no explanation for why Charles continued to be distant from Harry after Diana died.

  18. Tessa says:

    William was pampered and indulged by Charles who enabled his laziness. William could not even finish the ten week charles enrolled him in. Harry got scapegoat ed. Ingrid s attitude shows harry is spot on
    Ingrid needs to retire

  19. Tessa says:

    “To some extent William. ” Really Ingrid? William is the one with anger issues and Charles allowed William to try to interfere with Harry’s and Meghan’s marriage and let him hit Harry. What sort of father does that. William became selfish and behaved like a brat. I guess Huevo can do no wrong as far as Ingrid is concerned. Diana helped her sell Majesty Magazines but when the tide turned she wrote Diana bashing books and raised Charles to sainthood. It was diana’s “fault” that he had a mistress according to Ingrid. Charles put Camilla first at the expense of his first marriage and at the expense of his children.

  20. Tessa says:

    Cozy chats with Diana. Yeah right Ingrid. I hope Diana got wise to Ingrid before she passed on.

  21. Tessa says:

    So Diana could not confront Charles over his seeing the mistress and her always being around? Really Ingrid. Charles was not timid enough to ruthlessly reject Diana. Charles was busy with Camilla and I doubt asked to spend time with the boys. Charles also taunted Diana when he brought Tiggy into the fold, it was a “see, the boys and I don’t need you anymore” message to Diana. Tiggy mouthed off about Diana’s parenting apparently with Charles blessing, and Charles showed Tiggy PDA, which was inappropriate. The media showed the PDA photos of C and Tiggy. Ingrid really gives Charles deluxe free passes. What a fake she is. Did Ingrid want Diana to be a doormat? Ingrid claims in one of her “conversations” with Diana, that Diana gave her “blessing” for Camilla to be with Charles this reported after Diana died. Does anybody ever challenge Ingrid in the media? I stopped buying Majesty years ago. Charles being “timid” around Diana is a joke, he did not hesitate to have his minions trash Diana, like Soames made disparaging remarks about Diana. Soames, Charles dear Friend.

    • Liz - L says:

      QEII commented on W&K’s laziness. She never accused Harry of it.

    • Tessa says:

      The Queen wondered what Kate “did” when she was William’s girlfriend. No work, just partying and expensive vacations. I think she was very disappointed when William refused to work full time after she refurbished (including a new kitchen) their place at Kensington Palace. He wanted to do the fake ambulance work.

  22. Eurydice says:

    Whatever, Seward is irrelevant. What she believes about Harry’s upbringing makes no difference. He’s chosen the life he wants and he’s living it. The same with Charles – he chose Camilla and he’s living the life he wants. And the same goes for William. Nothing Seward says will change any of that.

    • Tessa says:

      If they want to do what they want they should not live off taxpayers and maybe they don’t need all that money. No wonder the monarchy is being protested

  23. Nic919 says:

    The son who literally delayed the coronation ceremony because they were fucking around making a video was William. Harry was there on time despite travelling across the continent.

    Maybe William needs to be curtailed.

  24. Blujfly says:

    As a longtime Royal watcher and reader (pre Meghan, pre Kate) it is incredible to see decades old criticisms of Charles as a father, all directed about how William was overly indulged, impossible to control, rude, etc. repackaged to now out Harry first.

    The elephant in the room will always be Camilla. Why wasn’t Charles popular? Why did he need to work with the press to bring his girlfriend into acceptance? Why did he need to give them what they wanted, to hire daily mail staff, to cooperate with The Sun? Camilla.

    • Blogger says:

      Paraphrasing the words of Camilla’s friend, Joanna Lumley in her role as AbFab’s Patsy, she is the troll bitch from hell sent to destroy the House of Windsor and the monarchy.

  25. Blogger says:

    @Blubb It was truly disgusting the way that pair treated Diana. And as for their press minions who continue to smear Diana to this day, you support one of the most unpopular partnerships to ever ascend the Crown. Camilla’s the she-wolf, while Chuck remains pussywhipped (not Harry).

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