‘With Love, Meghan’ is in Netflix’s Global top-ten shows & it’s #7 in the UK

No other Netflix show gets breathless ratings reporting other than whatever the Duke and Duchess of Sussex produce. Recently, I binge-watched the docuseries Court of Gold on Netflix, and I’m sure it made Netflix’s top-ten, but I didn’t see much chatter about the ratings or how many hours people watched or whatever. There’s only this kind of fevered mainstream reporting when it involves the Duchess of Sussex specifically. Well, in any case, With Love, Meghan is a hit. It’s a hit globally, it’s a hit in America and an even bigger hit in the UK. LMAO.

Meghan Markle’s lifestyle series With Love, Meghan premiered on Netflix last week, and the viewership numbers are in.

As of March 12, the Duchess of Sussex’s show ranked tenth on Netflix’s global Top 10 Shows Overview list. According to the streamer, With Love, Meghan has amassed 2.6 million views and 12.6 million hours watched since its debut on Tuesday, March 4.

More specifically, With Love, Meghan ranks seventh on Netflix’s Top 10 Shows chart in the United Kingdom and tenth on the platform’s Top 10 list in the United States.

Season two of With Love, Meghan has already been filmed and will hit Netflix queues this fall. Michael Steed returned as director for the second season, as the first season of the Duchess of Sussex’s show premiered at number six on Netflix’s U.S. Top 10.

Meghan, 43, is in good company on the charts as her friend and With Love guest Mindy Kaling also has something to celebrate. Kaling’s basketball comedy Running Point, starring Kate Hudson, is ranked number one on both the global and U.S. lists. The series premiered on Feb. 27 and imagines Hudson as an overlooked executive who’s unexpectedly named president of her family’s sports franchise.

[From People]

I’m so happy for Mindy that she has another hit show with Running Point – Mindy has turned into one of THE top television showrunners/writers/producers out there. As for WLM… making the Netflix Global Top Ten is no joke. Being one of the top-ten most-watched shows in the UK and US is no small thing, especially for cooking/lifestyle programming. I’ve said from the start that Netflix would have supported WLM even if the viewership was initially low, just because WLM is so inexpensive to produce. But now it’s inexpensive to produce AND it’s a hit show? LOL.

In case you’re wondering, the 2022 Harry & Meghan docuseries made it into Netflix’s top-three (I believe it topped out at #2, behind Wednesday) within days of its release, and people watched 81.6 million hours in three days. Tom Sykes at the Daily Beast is gloating about how WLM “barely” made it into the top-ten, but this is looking like long-delayed justice for the success of the H&M series, after the British media spent years mocking that series as nothing special. Like, wow, people really watched the f–k out of the 2022 series, huh? It will be the same for WLM long-term – people will keep coming back to WLM to chill out, and there will be word-of-mouth viewers too, especially among the mom-set.

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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88 Responses to “‘With Love, Meghan’ is in Netflix’s Global top-ten shows & it’s #7 in the UK”

  1. Harla says:

    WLM is a bigger hit in the UK than in the US! Kate must be watching it on repeat! I love that the rota spent so much time and energy trying to sink it and nobody payed any attention to them!! Who’s irrelevant now?!

    • sevenblue says:

      British media is promoting everything they do breathlessly, then they get shocked when people go to check it out.

      • Yes the gutter press is so stupid. They go on and on with free publicity (although it’s nasty) and people then go watch it in droves lol. When will they learn lol.

    • Noor says:

      Hate watch is a myth. Statistics don’t lie. If you are watching more than 15 minutes and even finish one episode or watch all 8 episodes, it is a love watch.

      Being in the top 10 shows on Netflix is a triumph for Meghan. It shows that Meghan has her own solo drawing power and does not need the royal family connections.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I haven’t watched yet but fully intend to. Honestly my anxiety is so high that that “awkward” situation or whatever with Mindy made me stress.

      The world is on fire. And I would love a reprieve from that. WLM seems like the perfect antidote.

      • Eurydice says:

        There’s no awkward situation. It’s not my favorite episode because it didn’t move as smoothly as others did, but it’s perfectly safe to watch and there are fun recipes and crafts for a kid’s party.

      • Christine says:

        There was nothing awkward about it, it’s another BS British media lie. Meghan stated what her last name is, and Mindy said yeah, end of story.

      • Becks1 says:

        It’s really not awkward. I was expecting the same thing, an “awkward” situation and its just Meghan taking the opportunity to correct *everyone* who calls her Markle and Mindy says oh okay and that’s it.

        For me the funniest part of it was when Meghan asked her if she goes all out for her kids’ parties and she was like…..the woman I hire does. It was just funny in the context of the show but I also like that Mindy is admitting that she doesn’t do it all, making balloon arches isn’t her thing, and that’s completely fine.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It wasn’t awkward or anything similar. Believe that was a scripted moment. For good reason. I’m someone with a name that people want to shorten because..fill in the blanks. No longer uncomfortable correcting people who immediately want to call me a different name because…their reasons. Civil when doing it.

        With Love, Meghan is showing up on my Netflix as popular shows to watch. Go Meghan! You’ve earned this more than enough.

      • L4Frimaire says:

        I thought the Mindy episode was funny, verging on camp. It was a boozy broads brunch with a kids tea party as the backdrop. They both looked fabulous.

    • Lizzie says:

      And lest we forget nobody watched the Christmas with Kate or Earthshot.

    • Nicka says:

      This show is no longer in the top ten. It only stayed in top ten for a few days but it was dropped from top ten on March 12. It only had 526k households tune in. A show that is available world wide, with billions of people, and it couldn’t even get one million.

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    With how things are going in this country I avoid news especially on television so waking up and putting on an episode of WLM in the morning starts the day off right. I’m sure by autumn I will be quoting episodes word for word😂😉.. just adding to her viewing minutes makes me smile.

    • ML says:

      Same, I’ve never spent this much of my time being wilfully ignorant of the news. (Which isn’t to say I do or van completely avoid it.)
      During the Great Depression and WWII, Hollywood churned out a lot of escapist entertainment–this is a good thing! I’m glad Meghan has given us something gentle, and anyone who isn’t into her can easily avoid this show. That it’s pulling in great numbers speaks for itself.

      • Nancy says:

        Same. As I jokingly told a colleague I have given up the US government for Lent. I’m trying to walk a thin line of being aware of the important things while holding on to my peace of mind. One thing I am doing though is refusing to hear the Orange One’s voice ( thank you mute button) and not looking at his face. And Meghan’s show is a little corner of peace in these scary times.

      • North of Boston says:

        I’m right there with you guys.
        Refuse to listen to his voice, refuse to look at his face, but keep up with news on a high level PBS/NPR/The Guardian/Boston Globe. Because doing a deep dive into it, being immersed in it would be not help a thing and be really destructive to my life.

        I had this driven home when I visited relatives for a few days last week and my brother in law had news on (CNN, MSNBC) all day and evening, watching it like it was his job a lot of the time, but keeping it on in the background during meals, when we were just hanging out. I get his impulse, he wants to know what’s going on, but I just can’t right now. I had to go outside or to my room to get away from it or I would have lost my mind.

        I’m staying connected with my local Indivisible group, taking small actions to support democracy, human rights, avoiding spending money at businesses that support MAGA or kiss the orange turds lips, practicing kindness in my day to day life, praying, and getting out into nature … those are things I can do that add a little bit to the pool of light in the world.

        Me stress eating while watching the State of the Union and losing sleep would have done nothing, not now and not in the long term.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        I think this is right.

        Women – esp women of color – are in danger. As are so many other groups. This is the time for white men to finally use their monumental privilege to make some noise.

        Nothing is quite as infuriating as seeing a white cis male progressive podcaster demanding that people gather and protest and go to town halls and don’t stop talking. Meaning – women. Meaning gay and trans folks. No bros. If we have kids or families that would suffer – we gotta do us. You go. You organize. If you even know how without a black woman holding your hand.

        So many of us spent damn near a decade screaming to everyone around us what this meant. What was coming. And we were dismissed and invalidated and mansplained to about checks and balances etc.

        I listen to some podcasts but honestly – it’s the same shit. It’s new shit because it’s a firehose coming out of the White House to inhibit action and to make citizens feel overwhelmed and helpless. But – we did the work. We did so much. And our gender (and race) lost twice to the blob.

        We see now. We get it. And we are choosing ourselves. You white dudes go get some shit done now.

      • Eurydice says:

        It’s not “news you can use,” because every day the opposite happens. It’s just a hailstorm of chaos and you can’t make a decision about what to do until the dust settles. So, I’m sticking to what I can control or else I’ll go bananas.

      • MaisiesMom says:

        Me neither. I was kind of a news junkie for years, now I don’t watch. I pay attention to stories when I become aware of them, but I’m not giving them my time or viewership and I won’t look at or hear Him. I just refuse to.

    • TRACI says:

      I’ve been watching one episode after work while eating dinner. It’s just the kind of relaxation I need after a long day. I like the content itself – especially the episode with roy choi. And good for her that netflix wants to stay in business with her

    • Christine says:


    • Me at home says:

      I’ve gone in the other direction. After two months of putting my head in the sand, now I listen to liberal/left podcasts to try to make sense of the daily chaos. But I too find Meghan’s show to be a very welcome antidote to all the things I hate about what’s going on now!

  3. Julia says:

    I’m really happy for Meghan. I can’t remember the last time a lifestyle show made the top 10. Paris Hilton’s cooking show was cancelled after 1 season on Netflix because it only briefly made top 10 in a few countries and didn’t get into the global top 10. So Meghan did really well. It was never going to get the numbers of ‘Harry and Meghan’ which was a blockbuster about leaving royal life. WLM is much more niche content and it’s hard for niche shows to break into the top ten.

  4. YeahRight says:

    The people toast and beans island and the delusional people still haven’t figured out that hate watching counts the same as regular watching. Which is why it’s in the top ten. They also haven’t figured out is hating and obsessing over everything Meghan does is just as much promotion as regular promotion. I don’t know who is watching it more at the palace Egg or the coat hanger.

    • somebody says:

      I don’t think it made the top ten with just the tabloid types watching it. They want people to think regular folks in the UK dislike Meghan, but that’s not true for all. They probably do make people curious about her with all the hate put out though.

      • YeahRight says:

        Nowhere did I say it did. People love reading what was never typed.

      • somebody says:

        Was reading what was typed. “hate watching counts the same as regular watching. Which is why it’s in the top ten.” Might not have been your intended meaning, but how it does actually read and not how I “love to read it”.

      • Debbie says:

        I’m sorry but “hate watching” doesn’t compel people to march to their supermarkets or other stores to by Le Creuset, honey, and edible flowers in such increased amounts that the stores have noticed the change.

      • Debbie says:

        Sorry: … to “buy” Le Creuset.

    • Julia says:

      @somebody It’s still on Netflix if you are curious. She had celebrities on and they ‘attempted’ different recipes, lol

      • Friendly Crow says:

        I’m gonna rewatch that Schitts Creek episode where they have to fold in the cheese 😂🤣

  5. Maxine Branch says:

    I am just happy that Meghan has reclaimed her voice and space and is once again sharing these elements of herself publicly . She loves to host, entertain, and cook. Happy also she has the space to do this publicly and the audience is inspired by what she is doing.

    The British media at this point are just howling rabid dogs sticking with their talking points. However, Meghan’s show allows an audience to see her for themselves and the comparison contrast has many pointing the fingers back at the media as well as those using their talking points to character assassinate her. A win, win situation for Meghan.

  6. Louise177 says:

    Even if WLM didn’t make the top I wouldn’t call it a failure. I think niche programs like cooking shows, documentries, don’t get the same amount of viewers as standard tv shows and movies. It’s just that when it comes to Harry and Meghan the standards are different. I have never seen so many reviews, think pieces of a show. It’s ridiculous.

  7. BlueSky says:

    I watched the last episode yesterday and now I want to make that tomato quiche.

    • Mimi says:

      I made the one-pot pasta (with more veggies) and it was delicious.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I would LOVE it if she did a series on backyard food gardens and chicken coops and bees.

      Like go to different climates and altitudes and talk to experts about what it takes to grow your own food / have chickens in that area.

      I say from 8500 ft where last frost is usually mid May. And bears break into hives and coyotes get the chickens. Or raccoons. Which is so much creepier honestly.

  8. Chloe says:

    Proud of her. She deserves this succes so much

  9. Jan says:

    One of the British morning shows that has been criticizing Meghan for the last seven years, made the spaghetti dish to criticize it, the joke is on them.

    • Square2 says:

      I read that “professional chef” they had on the morning show to cook the spaghetti dish didn’t even follow the recipe (purposely?) in order to prove Meghan’s was bad. The obsession & smear of Duchess Meghan in the BM really is next level.

      People Magazine was sloppy in writing this article: It’s not “As of March 12”; this was the official weekly number published by Netflix for the WEEK from March 3rd to March 9th. Congrats to Meghan & the whole WLM team.

    • Blogger says:

      Reminds me of that tabloid stalker who went to Montecito to disparage the town.

      They miss her so much it’s crazy.

    • Jais says:

      I saw the “this morning” clip on SM . The chef brought on was soooo nasty. It was kind of unbelievable. But actually she said she didn’t try the recipe out beforehand bc she said if Meghan thinks the recipe is good enough for tv than I’m just going to do it exactly as she said and I guess we’ll see if it’s good enough for tv. Clearly she was expecting it to be terrible. And she was disparaging the whole time about the recipe and was obviously waiting for the hosts to say it was terrible and yet they were like no it’s cooked really well and tastes good. And the chef was not expecting that. But whew that guest chef was a nasty piece of work and showed herself to be a c u next Tuesday fr.

  10. Becks1 says:

    I’m so happy for her. And I’m laughing. I don’t know how many of those views are hate-watching – my guess is that it is more people watching “for the vibes” – but as we’ve said on here before, Netflix doesn’t care why you’re watching. They care that you’re watching.

    On Threads, my feed is full of two kinds of WLM watchers – people like me who are overall Meghan supporters and would watch it anyway, and then a lot of people asking “what is this show like? what is the vibe?” and when they are told the show is a cozy comfort watch they watch it and usually report back that they watched it multiple times.

    I think a lot of times networks underestimate how much viewers want….well, comfort and predictability. I think that was weirdly part of the appeal of Suits – it had the vibes of a 90s/early 2000s network drama. It wasn’t about 911 or firefighters or a hospital (which seem to be all the network shows now) – it was just legal drama with personal stuff mixed in (or vice versa) and pretty people in suits with some comic relief thrown in. There was something familiar and oddly comforting in it and people responded to that.

    I think here we’re seeing the same thing. People want something low stakes. Not everything has to be a true crime docudrama or squid games or something. Its okay to just see a nice woman in pretty clothes in a nice kitchen with her friends.

    And honestly, I’m not surprised at the UK interest. While this show is very “california” to me in terms of the setting, the gardens, etc, I can see there being a crossover appeal in the UK countryside, people in country kitchens with gardens right outside and their pretty views. I mean heck I can see Charles secretly watching this and then trying to make his own candles.

    • Blogger says:

      She’s living “The Good Life.”

    • booboocita says:

      Couldn’t agree more. There was a time when I had “The Big Bang Theory” on my TV nonstop, just for the comfort of hearing Leonard’s and Sheldon’s voices in my apartment. Didn’t matter what the plot was, or how many times I’d seen the episode — the sheer familiarity of it, and the fact that it was nonviolent, made me feel better during a very stressful time in my life. I’ve seen only three episodes of WLM, but I think it’s going to be my new comfort watch.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Right! With Love, Meghan and Hudson & Rex (oddly-because it’s a crime show-Rex is a good boy) are my comfort shows. They involve people that care about each other. love

        Don’t watch Real Housewives from wherever or any number of “reality shows”.

        D@mn, love the Equalizer series. Want Auntie V’s recipes.

  11. Jais says:

    Congratulations 💐🎉💕💐🎉
    The endless parade of people showing themselves can just keep lining up while Meghan keeps it moving.

  12. Nanea says:

    “Tom Sykes at the Daily Beast is gloating about how WLM “barely” made it into the top-ten”

    It’s in the Top Ten, whether barely or not, and that’s all that counts.

    I really hate these misogynoir losers. When has anything they’ve ever made been as successful? When did the Left-Behinds ever make top anything other than their record spending?

    So happy for Meghan Sussex and her inspirational show. And watching everyone’s reaction videos or photos on my TLs has brought me so much joy.

    • sevenblue says:

      “And watching everyone’s reaction videos or photos on my TLs has brought me so much joy.”

      That is the best part of it. During COVID, I was watching a lot of youtube cooking shows from small accounts. I would get more attentive while preparing my plate thanks to them. After watching Meghan’s show, I started doing the same thing. It is a light, fun show giving you inspiration about food. If it makes a lot of people happy, that is all that matters. They can write hundred of petty articles, it won’t change anything.

    • B says:

      Exactly @Nanea! Neither the rota themselves or the left behind royals have had a fraction of Harry and Meghan’s success in all their creative endeavors. It why over 5years later neither the rota or the left behind royals can let the Sussexes go. They are driven by envy and jealousy.

      While they seethe Meghan continues to excel and share joy with the world.

    • Mimi says:

      I would take “barely” a millionaire any day. If she hadn’t cracked the top 10, they would gloat about that.

  13. Bronco says:

    An Irish chef (another one) who is on TV in Australia was for who knows why reason mocking Meghan. I’ve followed this guy for a long time – he also does a lot in mental health.. He was mocking her and the show as derivative when he’s on a cooking comp show! How derivative! Plus mental health but he piled on
    Well I gave him what for.. He blocked me, such a pathetic coward, snd6a loser., what gives these a-holes the right?

    • Inge says:

      Thank you for trying. I have unfollowed Marina Hyde when she wrote one of the 7 hit pieces on WLM in the Guardian

      • sunnyside up says:

        I saw that article as well, I was really disappointed in the Guardian for publishing it. It sounded just like the Daily Wail.

      • IdlesAtCranky says:

        I started following the Guardian much more closely in the last year or so — one of the last major newspapers that isn’t owned by the Murdochs or some other billionaire.

        I was rather shocked and *very* disappointed to see them publish multiple hit pieces on WLM and Meghan — and I love it that the one fully positive piece I’ve seen them put up about the show thus far was a reader’s Letter To the Editor calling THEM out for trashing Meg and the show.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    I’m happy for Meghan.

  15. MsIam says:

    I’m glad its a hit! And 2022 was still COVID era and people were staying home more. I know our church didn’t start having in person service until spring 2023. But again, Meghan must always jump higher to please these folks while the Left-Behinds can just turn over in bed. Smh.

  16. Over it says:

    I am currently watching Running point and I love it . It’s a great show. Congratulations to Mindy .
    Kate is brilliant in it .
    I watched Meghan show two times already and will be doing it again this weekend because I want to take notes to make the Korean fried chicken.
    I have also been rewatching their docu series as I was waiting for Meghan show to drop . So I say , congratulations to Mindy and Meghan . They should do a podcast together. Actually I think Mindy, Meghan and melisa . The 3 M . Don’t know what about but I am sure they could do something amazing together

    • Christina says:

      I made the fried chicken. It’s so good. I’m glad that Meghan invited Roy Choi to share this recipe. It’s easy and so good. I used chicken breasts and it was so juicy.

      Brava Duchess Meghan and Roy Choi!!!

    • Vinnie says:

      The recipies are on Netflix’.com! Yeah! The page is called Tedum by Netflix.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Running Point is so good. It’s so fun. Love that I can go between Running Point and With Love, Meghan. I’m also enjoying Younger?

      With Love, Meghan has been showing up as a top watched on Netflix. It’s relatable and fun. Fortunately, I bought that Le Creuset dutch oven 10 years ago. In red. Great investment.

  17. Inge says:

    I love the show so much! So glad its an (rather unheard for a lifestyle show) global top 10 hit!((after making the top 10 in at least 47 countries)

    And another thing I love seeing is people cooking Meghan’s recipes! I come across the skillet pasta and the cake the most, but also see A LOT of Le Creusets, flowers, sun tea etc. And they are in the pursuit of joy not perfection, adding their own things, tweaking the recipes to their liking, wonderful to see.

  18. Hannah says:

    I genuinely and sincerely do not want to rain on anyone’s parade. But People mag might be wrong (or timing is off) WL,M is not in the top 10 in the U.K. atm. It was no. 6 on Friday night. No. 8 on Saturday night. No. 10 on Sunday night and stayed at no. 10 till Tuesday am before dropping out

    I’m copying and pasting above from a very pro H & M reddit I’m a member of that I commented on about “where are you watching from and how is it doing in your country”

    I just checked iPhone, iPad and MacBook NF. It’s definitely not in top 10

    I binge watched it all on Sunday but I’m currently in Australia, but I keep my VPN on U.K. so that (me physically being in Aus but VPN on U.K.) might have skewered things? IDK

    Either way, IDC if it is no.1 or no.100. It was worth it to see TDoS happy, in that magnificent setting, doing things she obviously loves and is good at and because I love clothes, checking out her absolutely to die for wardrobe. I just love seeing this side of her 🥹😍

    • Julia says:

      @Hannah you have misunderstood the article. WLM is the 10th most watched show globally on Netflix last week. People got the information directly from the Netflix website they didn’t make it up.

    • Becks1 says:

      No the article is accurate. You even said that the show was #6 in the UK on Friday night.

      People mag is not saying that at the very moment you check Netflix for the UK, WLM is going to be #6 or 7. It’s saying last week it was (and I’m assuming that’s an average number of its rankings for the week.)

      Just because you checked NF 5 minutes ago doesnt make the people article wrong.

  19. Blogger says:

    The tabloids would like to think that those viewing numbers are due to hate-watching. The hate watching is from the tabloids, but most people won’t be streaming it simply to hate it. Life’s too short to watch someone you hate unless they’re monetising their hate on YouTube.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      There have been many, many shows over the years that I thought I might like, or wanted to give it a try, and could barely (or not at all) make it through one or two episodes before I realized it just was not for me. Other shows I don’t even bother watching because I just an not interested. It’sIt’s not that difficult to not watch something you don’t like. I don’t think the BM are even hate watching, I’d bet they really do like it, but insist on writing their usual hate filled articles about it.

  20. slippers4life says:

    If it’s true that people in the world and especially in the UK really “hate watched” 8 episodes of a tv show to get it into the Netflix top 10 and the UK top 7 than humanity really is addicted to wasting precious time on this earth indulging in being fucking miserable on purpose. Who has that kind of time on their hands? Get up, eat breakfast go to work, work all day, get off work, pick up kids, make dinner, help with homework, work side hustle, clean, make lunches for next day, clothing out, gets kids bathed, teeth brushed story and to bed, then at the end of the day sit on the couch with a glass of wine, throw on WLM and sit in hatred towards a Black woman as a hobby, go to bed, repeat. Is that how Prince William imagines the rest of us live our lives as well?

    • Blogger says:

      That’s his life except for the work bit! 😂 idleness makes the devils work – or in this case, the tabloids!

  21. pottymouth pup says:

    I just want to say that I had a very pleasant surprise this morning reading the Inky when I saw that Jenice Armstrong had written a piece on WLM.


  22. Maja says:

    And the first podcast at Lemonada – on 8 April – conversations with female entrepreneurs ❣️❣️❣️

    • StarWonderful says:

      I’m so looking forward to this podcast “Confessions of a Female Founder.” And I’m watching WLM yet again (my third time)! It’s so soothing and relaxing. Meghan does our state of California justice! I was so happy to see Alice Waters featured on the show! She’s a monumental figure when it comes to the farm-to-fork / farm-to-table culture in the state. I liked how Alice shows her playful side with Meghan. I completely understand how Meghan was so star struck before the great Alice Waters.

  23. VilleRose says:

    Serious question: when is the cookbook coming?!?!?! It would be so smart for her to do a cookbook now, don’t they have a few books left in their book deal? I never buy celebrity cookbooks (if there any I should, let me know!) but I would buy hers right away!

  24. L4Frimaire says:

    I think it’s definitely a hit. It’s pretty unusual for this genre of show to make the top 10 and it’s been there for a week now. I think High on the Hog made the top 10, but that was more a docuseries than a cooking lifestyle show. I know Salt Fat Acid Heat was also a hit, but not sure if it made the top 10 and it didn’t get a 2nd season. Despite the fact the show has been dismissed or considered light and lacking substance, it has definitely sparked a lot of substantial conversations about who is deserving of a soft life, Black women in this lifestyle space, and who is considered relatable. I think the people displaying their Le Creuset collections and people showing their inspired cooking and projects shows it is very relatable. These critics never mention aspirational. I’m sure once it leaves the top 10 the usual suspects will scream that it’s a failure, but the show is definitely a success. There’s more they can build on. Hoping to see either a holiday special or a segment in the local Santa Ynez wine country or more diverse cuisines. Anyway congratulations Meghan Sussex.

  25. A Guest says:


    Check her IG!

    (sorry to thread-jack)

  26. Mario says:

    This whole “it’s only #6 or #7” and it’s “barely” in the Top 10** are so unserious. Lifestyle shows have a very specific audience and a hard ceiling on viewership to begin with, no matter who is hosting. Lifestyle shows, by their very nature, don’t appeal as widely to differing community, culture, age, and gender demos, so they don’t pull the kind of numbers more mainstream fare does. No one expects them to, so when they do this well, everyone can be proud.

    That any lifestyle show is in the global Top 10 and doing that well in multiple countries/markets is a success, because they are fairly cheap to produce and thus nearly all upside for a streamer. Had a $200M star-packer film underperformed expectations that would be a different story. Any and all lifestyle shows that crack the Top #10 and stay there for more than a day or two are unqualified successes, period.

    ** While you can argue #10 and #9 would be “barely” in the Top 10, Meghan hitting #6 and #7 isn’t “barely” anything. They stay reaching. And it’s s all irrelevant, since you’re either in the Top 10 or not. That’s why it’s the Top 10.

  27. Magdalena says:

    It is definitely a hit, but I do feel that the end of week numbers would have been even higher if fans(!) had not inexplicably decided to “savour” and “ration” the series as though it were a rare commodity which they would not be able to view again as often as they wished after viewing it once.

    • Magdalena says:

      And yes, I am salty about it: one minute the viewing numbers were climbing and climbing and the show was hitting #3(?) and #4 in some countries, and the next minute there was this apparently concerted effort by people to insist that “savouring” the series by NOT watching all of it was the way to go. In some quarters (not all commenters, mark you), it seemed like a transparent attempt to depress viewing numbers. The review-bombing didn’t prevent people from starting to watch it, so the next step was to slow people down so that the initial viewing numbers for the entire series would be lower.

      • L4Frimaire says:

        Some people binged the whole thing immediately . I watched it over 3 days and rewatched some episodes. I don’t think it’s realistic to expect it to be in the top 10 for a long time but it’s definitely a success by any measure.

      • Bronco says:

        I said I was taking it slow. But I don’t have Netflix so was watching at a friend’s place. I don’t have the luxury of leaving it on all day or regular rewatching. I nip in when my friend is out.

  28. AC says:

    When I watched some of the episodes, I actually saw WLM ranked #5 that specific day in the U.S. . It fluctuates but the Bottom Line as anyone in the corporate world would say: it made it to the top 10 and it got a lot of Engagements from the mainstream. Who cares what Tom or these Naysayers says. They don’t have the level of influence that M has. From Her music playlist(which I love) that were featured on the show, a new interest in Le Creuset and Gardening(from planting seeds to tools etc), El Pollo Loco even had a post about it, and Hs California cap 🧢 was sold out, etc etc. California, Ms home town is also a big winner. Ms engagement/influence triggered a gold mine. And some of the Brits are psst off because they weren’t included and were totally shut out.
    Their left overs don’t get them this much interest from the mainstream. Well maybe in the UK they do but outside the Uk no one GAF.

    • AC says:

      I forgot to mention, CA is also a winner on this – and we don’t even have to pay taxes for them 😊. Thank you HM! ❤️

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