Marina Hyde has the dumbest theory about the Sussexes’ Netflix contract

I said this before, and I’ll say it again: with the way the Sussexes and Netflix are moving these days, it would not surprise me one bit if we soon see some quick announcement that the Sussexes have renewed their Netflix deal for another five years, and no, they will not disclose the terms. I could totally see that item appearing in Deadline or Variety this spring or summer. It’s beyond clear that Netflix believes in Meghan in particular, and they’re already supporting With Love, Meghan, and they’re partnering with her As Ever line. Every time a Netflix executive speaks on the record, they always say that they’re pleased with the Sussexes and they have more projects in development with them. All of Netflix’s moves are showing that they plan to be working with the Sussexes (Meghan in particular) for years to come. But obviously, that story doesn’t sell. Not when complete randos are spinning theories about how Netflix only wants to stick around in case… Harry and Meghan get a divorce?

Netflix won’t be renewing the Sussexes’ $100million contract but may make one-off shows with them going forwards just in case they get divorced, it was claimed today. Journalist and screenwriter Marina Hyde has said other streamers may also fight to work with the couple ‘to keep a vague hand in’ if one day Meghan and Harry split up.

‘The reality is that a lot of people are hanging around in case there’s a divorce’, she said. Amid dreadful reviews and poor viewing figures for With Love, Meghan, Ms Hyde has said that she believes the couple have already had their main TV hit with the Meghan & Harry documentary in 2022. But if their marriage were to dissolve, she speculated on her The Rest is Entertainment podcast with Richard Osman that streamers would be queuing up to make a series about it because it would be a ratings winner after a string of Sussex flops.

‘They [Netflix] are not going to renew. They might say we’re continuing to develop projects with them’, Ms Hyde said. ‘The reality is that a lot of people are hanging around in case there’s a divorce. That might be why Netflix, or whoever it might be, who’s got to deal with them, might keep a vague hand in’.

Meghan could also ‘name her price’ if she wanted to return to acting, Mr Osman said, adding: ‘It’s what she was known for. She’s good at it. Do that’.

Her Rest is Entertainment co-host Richard Osman, the best-selling author and also the brains behind countless TV hits in the UK, also laid into Meghan’s new show – and said the format was ‘flawed’ from the start.

‘If the whole show is my friends are coming over, it is fatally flawed. You should not get past a first meeting for a TV show. If you’re saying “Oh, the whole thing is about hospitality. The whole thing is about I love to cook for people, and I love to have guests over to my house. But it is not in my house”. Just from a TV producer point of view. I have completely lost interest. You might as well just be in a lab somewhere’.

Both agreed that for the couple to make major money, a return to acting for Meghan would be the way forward. Mr Osman said: ‘Meghan is an actress. Cast her in something. This is what I advise Meghan, take a job in something. You could pretty much name your price and project for the first thing you go back into acting for. It’s what she does’.

Marina added with a laugh: ‘I would have married him [Harry]. Got the two kids, got divorced, then ran back to Hollywood to be Julia Roberts for my 40s, but she’s not followed that plan’.

[From The Daily Mail]

Follow this train of thought: “The reality is that a lot of people are hanging around in case there’s a divorce. That might be why Netflix, or whoever it might be, who’s got to deal with them, might keep a vague hand in.” So these so-called “TV experts” and self-styled streaming-contract experts believe that Netflix won’t renew any kind of exclusive contract with the Sussexes, but Netflix will keep a loosey-goosey arrangement just in case Harry and Meghan get a divorce, and that divorce will be the real money-maker for the streamer? The streamer which does not have Harry or Meghan locked into an exclusive contract? Do these people even listen to themselves or are they so sick with jealousy, racism and incandescent rage that they just sit around and scream “what if they divorce” and “money problems” and “she should go back to acting!”

What’s so funny/infuriating about this is that literally no other producer/artist has seen their streaming contract put under this kind of incessant scrutiny and criticism. Amazon locked Phoebe Waller Bridge into an exclusive $60 million contract which produced absolutely NOTHING and then Amazon renewed the same deal in 2022.

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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86 Responses to “Marina Hyde has the dumbest theory about the Sussexes’ Netflix contract”

  1. Blogger says:

    Well that’s put me off Richard Osman. You’re nasty, dude. And I had you down for the tall, goofy eccentric. Not anymore. You’re Pointless to me now. You want to pile on her, we see you. He’s turned into JK Rowling. The success of his books must have gone to his head.

    As for Marina Hyde, she really is digging in. Marina is giving off Kinsey Schofield stalker vibes. Harry was never going to marry you Marina.

    So The Guardian, as long as you have her there spitting out her bile on a woman who has done her no wrong, I’m avoiding supporting your publication.

    Little Britain syndrome writ large here.

    • Em says:

      He’s jealous because Harry outsold him with spare

      • Blogger says:

        There’s a nasty undercurrent in him with his comments. It took hating on Meghan to reveal his full character.

        He’s a younger Jeremy Clarkson.

        Anyway, I like Alexander Armstrong better. Now, he is a true gentleman.

      • Jais says:

        I mean I think his books do pretty well and there’s a movie being made. So I don’t think he has a reason to be jealous with spare. I just truly think when certain Brits get together to talk about Meghan they turn into a coven of ugly and unpleasant witches. It’s honestly getting so repellant. It’s hurting the cozy British brand that they think they have. Ain’t nothing cozy about it. It makes me not want to read his books or anything he has to say about anything. Bc he comes across as an idiot in this.

      • Megan says:

        Spare didn’t outsell Thursday Murder Club and Steven Spielberg is doing the movie adaptation. I don’t think jealousy is his motive. I think he’s from humble beginnings and wants to fit in with the aristo set, which apparently requires trash talking Meghan and Harry. But he’s not wrong that Meghan could name her price if she wanted to go back to acting.

    • BlueSky says:

      Wow. Really disappointed in Richard Osman. I’ve enjoyed all of his books and now he comes across as a hack. Guess I’m pissed because I’ve already pre ordered his book.

      • Blogger says:

        Can you cancel it?

        What kind of a human being – any decent human being – would wish divorce on anyone?

        Nasty, nasty, nasty.

      • BlueSky says:

        @blogger thanks for the suggestion. I was able to cancel my preorder and get my credit back

      • Asantewaa says:

        His books sells, but they are over rated. I never finished Thursday Club. His books are formulaea. The British have a herd mentality, they are cowards and blow with the wind.Hating Meghan is the in thing so they all follow. Pathetic really!

      • Becks1 says:

        He sounds bitter and why? He and Meghan aren’t competing for the same things.

        And the whole bit about how her show never should have made it past the first meeting? In every single Ina episode she’s either cooking bc Jeffrey is about to come home or they have friends coming over. And she’s not in her house either.

        (as a side note, Ina has started popping up a lot in my reels and while I like her, whew, people say Meghan is out of touch while Ina is preparing 75 dollar cuts of meat?)

      • Aurora says:

        Sadly, this doesn’t shock me. Richard Osman has a cruel streak. He came up with an idea for a “prank” reality tv show years ago, called Space Cadets.

        He duped multiple people into believing they were chosen to be part of trip into space. Made absolute fools of all the contestants. Apparently, some of the “tests” he wanted to put the contestants through, in the name of this prank, were so cruel the host refused to take part. Richard had to back down.

        The host later wrote: “In the end, I thought it was pretty grubby. It was the last time I worked in TV, actually. When I started in telly in 1993, there was a real love for the viewers, but then I saw it as signaling an age of contempt for the viewers”

        I suspect, being a jaded, rather mean-spirited man, Richard finds it hard to believe that Meghan’s kindness and joy are genuine.

    • Jais says:

      Idk why but I have a vague memory of Osman actually saying something nice about Meghan or the Sussexes in the past? Maybe I’m imagining that. But here, he just sounds stupid as Kaiser pointed out. None of what they’re saying makes sense from a contract perspective. They’re showing their unintelligent asses.

      • Blogger says:

        He’s waded into something he shouldn’t have or did not need to. Don’t recall him defending the Sussexes but he went from benign to malignant today.

        Either he was drunk during the podcast, he is sleeping with Marina, or Camilla has dangled a knighthood in front of him or all of the above, but he’s going to alienate a lot of people with his comments.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Jais, he once talked about Spare’s breaking record. Since he is also a writer, he gave his opinion about how amazing the Spare’s number was. The tabloids run with it as a surprising view on the book’s success. Since in UK they are living in alternative reality, his comments were different from the british mainstream opinion. It wasn’t necessarily a defense, but objective opinion.

      • Jais says:

        Aw thx, sevenblue. I was pretty sure he’d come up before. But apparently he’s just another bitter and nasty competitor in the Great British Bash-off. Who can be the vilest nastiest and most unintelligent one to bash Meghan? Disgusting and disappointing.

    • Caribbean says:

      No wonder a certain section of the population targets black men, for although they talk about family values, they want black children to grow up without a united home, as they know the value of the united home. To them, taking Harry away is not about the Uk Royals but Breaking up a united home and leaving children to grow up in a broken home, then all the things they imagine can come through…control, distress, kids be seen as they are flown between parents…the whole lot…AND There is all the other things that they want for Meghan too

  2. Tessa says:

    All the negative people talking about the divorce. This deranger talk started even before the wedding. BTW, Julia Roberts is married with children. So how come this person does not wish Julia divorce. Where are they finding these bitter people? To deflect from rumors about the Wails?

    • Christine says:

      Excellent point!

    • pottymouth pup says:

      This “Marina added with a laugh: ‘I would have married him [Harry]. Got the two kids, got divorced, then ran back to Hollywood to be Julia Roberts for my 40s, but she’s not followed that plan’.

      says so much more about Marina and the media reporting this than it does about Meghan, Harry or Netflix

  3. Em says:

    Anything to make themselves feel better

  4. sunnyside up says:

    I used to be a fan of Richard Osman but not any longer, I thought he was intelligent. what a nasty article.

  5. Lady Esther says:

    I used to read Martina Hyde fairly regularly during Brexit and about UK political shenanigans generally, because she could be worth a cackle from time to time…But she has really lost the plot here with writing so often about Meghan and Harry. Does she need the clicks that badly? No one is reading her actual political columns I suppose…

  6. somebody says:

    I don’t see a divorce happening, but if it did, I would imagine H&M would be very civil about it. Why would that make a great TV show? Two people civilly getting divorced happens all the time. The only attention it would get would be the glee from derangers and BM. That wouldn’t make a successful show. They want Meghan to stick to acting so they can say she is fake. A show that unveils her being a lovely person to her friends offends them because it upsets their narrative. Their narrative, however, isn’t Netflix’s.

    • Tessa says:

      They are happy and derangers are very bitter about it. I doubt there will be a divorce or “what if” situation. The couple should be left alone.

  7. Libra says:

    Money. As long as people gobble up all the lies and innuendos and give the page clicks this will continue. No one turns their backs on a sure money stream, and that is their value. No one cares how this affects them directly. Just keep the money rolling in.

    • Tessa says:

      It is scary that the Derangers really believe a divorce “will happen” based on these articles that use the word “divorce.” Some are hoping against hope, Such weirdness.

  8. ML says:

    I know Marina Hyde as a Guardian columnist, but she used to work for The Sun and is close with Piers Morgan. I wonder if she was asked on purpose for her thoughts, or if she volunteered them.

    • Blogger says:

      They jump from one cesspool to another. The Guardian really has no idea how awful their publication looks having this woman write her poison on columns.

      She’s left the country Marina, she ain’t coming back.

    • martha says:

      She was a lowly secretary and in her early twenties when she worked for the Sun. She’s slagged Piers Morgan. They’re both part of old Brit media elite, but not friends.

      She once made an interesting observation about the royal reporters and how they truly believe they’re friends with the royals they cover. She marveled and laughed at that, but it was a pretty astute observation.

  9. Noor says:

    Daily Mail is stalking and harassing Harry n Meghan on a daily basis. Getting your paid minions to write negatively is one thing, but asking Meghan’s father n half brother n other celebrities to review Meghan’s cooking show is unheard of.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Lord Rothemere (owner of the Daily Mail) will never, ever get over Meghan winning her lawsuit against the Daily Mail, and naming him specifically in the press statement afterwards. He will seek to the ends of the earth to destroy her and never stop…He’s one of the really bad ones

      • Jais says:

        One of the reasons that I’m very much looking forward to Harry’s case with the Daily Mail. It can’t come soon enough.

  10. Jais says:

    I’m sorry but what are these poor viewing numbers of which they speak? She reached #4 in the UK. How is that a low viewing number? It’s not. So they’re just lying. And again the obsession with her hosting in her house. What is it about Meghan that gets seemingly intelligent people saying really dumb things? They sound dumb. And please. Slagging off Meghan has clearly become the uk’s national pastime. It’s what they’re internationally known for now. If Meghan went back to acting they’d be saying her acting was wooden before even seeing a clip of her performance.

  11. I think they are waiting on the wrong couple to divorce!! Meg and Harry are truly happy with one another. It’s the leftovers that are not happy and don’t live together.

  12. HO says:

    This people all sound unwell. Nasty lot.

    • Blogger says:

      I’m expecting both Richard and Marina to have a very public nervous breakdown soon like all the other Meghan haters when their nasty wishes don’t get fulfilled.

      As Harry said, he feels sorry for them. When you wish ill upon people, karma tends to double down and get back to you.

  13. Eurydice says:

    ‘I would have married him [Harry]. Got the two kids, got divorced, then ran back to Hollywood to be Julia Roberts for my 40s, but she’s not followed that plan’.

    What a weird thing to say. Meghan was slammed for being a gold digger and now she’s being slammed for “not following the plan”?

    • Blogger says:

      What “plan” exactly? Whose plan? Their made-up delusional plan? As Harry said, they have been divorced so many times already by the press that it’s hard to keep count.

      • Becks1 says:

        It explains a lot though, right? Neither Harry nor Meghan followed the plan the British press laid out for them. Harry was never supposed to marry a Black American actress and then they just went off the rails from there (off the rails meaning in terms of not following the British press.)

    • Tessa says:

      How can “one be Julia Roberts.” The premise is just really strange. So then Harry can “find happiness” with someone just like Kate. Julia got married and had children should her plan is to “divorce.” Weird.

  14. Pretty says:

    What I see happening with the Netflix deal is the exclusivity being dropped as in Archewell being allowed to produces for other streaming company, Apple, Hulu and co. Other than that Netflix seems to be happy with them and these people are just grasping at straws.

  15. OriginalMich says:

    “Amid dreadful reviews and poor viewing figures for With Love, Meghan.”
    They are just making things up? I thought the show made it into the Top 10 globally. I’m pretty sure more people watched it than read Marina’s columns.

    • Meredith says:

      It definitely was top 10 the week it came out but was no longer coming up in the Netflix top 10 shows category or being advertised up top (which it had been for a couple weeks) when I was looking for something to watch yesterday.

      • sevenblue says:

        A lot of people binged. I watched 1-2 episode per day, but I know a few people just watched all of them in one sitting. The shows like that don’t make it into the global top 10. It was certainly successful for a cooking / lifestyle show. That is why Netflix greenlighted Season 2 a few days later.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    This is satire right? If it’s not these people are just spouting nonsense for attention for their podcast.

    • Christine says:

      Well, exactly. Netflix is now so far into being all in for Meghan Sussex, there are products involved. These people truly have completely deluded themselves.

      You know what Netflix loves? Making money. Who is it who can sell out expensive cookware just by using it, or wearing it, in the case of clothes, shoes, and jewelry?? What is her name, it’s on the tip of my tongue? Right. MEGHAN SUSSEX

      • Meredith says:

        I feel like Netflix might be a bad partner because it was a huge fail to not have products ready to sell when the show premiered. Look how well her clothing choices sold and she /Netflix didn’t make any $$ off of that!

      • sevenblue says:

        @Meredith, it is a new initiative by Netflix. They are probably looking at views of the show and the social media interactions to see how much interest there is out there, so they don’t produce more than the demand. Netflix also did things with Bridgerton, but it was so small quantity wise.

  17. Faye says:

    Marina Hyde did more than work with Piers Morgan, They had a sexual relationship. Someone attracted to the likes of him can’t say anything about Megan and Harry or anything in general really.

    • Blogger says:


      Why did The Guardian even hire her? Lover of the illegal bugging king? She’s like…Petronella Wyatt.

      So Piers has been shut up so she’s taken up his mantle? Ewwww. Gross people.

  18. Moniquep says:

    OMG!! Can these people be any more VILE! To continually wish divorce on two people who are so obviously happily and crazy in love with each other. I suppose they believe that if they push the narrative enough, Harry and Meghan will simply throw up their hands and give them what they so desperately want.


    The man repeatedly tells and shows how he feels about his wife and children as well as owning his beautiful home with all the space he could ever need. Not to mention living free of tax payer funds, and not at the mercy of his shifty father and rageaholic brother. He’s enjoying his peaceful life and these people just can’t stand that.

  19. HO says:

    Top 10 globally is now poor viewing figures? It’s like these people have created their own reality and have chosen to live there. Also, hope they don’t lose their minds when the contract is renewed.

  20. Noor says:

    My ranking on the negative reviews of WLM

    Most vile : Marina Hyde
    Most dishonest : Vanity Fair ex editor Tina
    Most cowardly : The Variety Daniel what’shisname

  21. Lady Digby says:

    According to wiki Marina Hyde was later sacked by Sun editor David Yelland after it emerged she had been exchanging e-mails with Piers Morgan, editor of rival newspaper the Daily Mirror. No loyalty amongst thieves is there!

  22. B says:

    Lol at this point the Brit press have to talk out of their ass, upside down and in circles to spin the Sussexes life into anything that resembles failure. SPARE, H&M doc, Meghan’s IG and WLM have more than shown that the Sussexes left a toxic hell hole and now live in what feels and looks like paradise to them. They are rich, famous, hot, in love do gooders who live on the sun drenched Cali gold coast with their equally rich, beautiful, loyal friends.

    They’ve won.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      The BRF and their minions in the press will always find some irrelevant nobody to have some great opinion or insight into the Sussex family they have never met and can’t compete with. These people are pathetic

  23. Lizzie says:

    The clout chasers just come out of the woodwork to say the Sussex name.

  24. Nic919 says:

    The way they obsess over those two divorcing with nothing to suggest there are issues, but Meanwhile there is silence about taxpayer funded couple that did a whole disappearing act last year and have been cold as ice in public for years.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Last week a tabloid body language expert was trying to explain that Will has such “a bashful crush on his own wife” that he has to suppress it in public by being cool. Yes that’s right to prevent him throwing her on the floor and getting down and dirty in front of everyone, he manages his uncontrollable passion by being icy towards her?? Who knew that was the real reason he keeps ignoring her in public because otherwise buttons would be popped and decency outraged!

  25. sevenblue says:

    “Marina added with a laugh: ‘I would have married him [Harry]. Got the two kids, got divorced, then ran back to Hollywood to be Julia Roberts for my 40s, but she’s not followed that plan’.”

    Like I have to believe at this point, these people never fell in love with their partner OR they are so racist that they can’t believe two attractive people from different races can fall in love. Why would any woman divorce her husband to make it in Hollywood?? That is so f*cking weird at this point. If it is a joke, what is the punchline??

    After shooting Suits, Meghan was doing charity work. She wasn’t running after other projects. It is obvious she never had a big plan in acting. It is a job for her. They are writing fiction.

  26. L4Frimaire says:

    She said With Love had poor viewing numbers even though it made the top 10 of dozens of countries and everyone is buying Le Creuset pans and making food TikToks based on Meghan’s recipes. So she’s just lying to make her ridiculous points. They know nothing of the Netflix deal. Also, notice how the divorce wish is now their fallback now every time the Sussexes make the news and create a lot of buzz. The overreaction and upset over this show is something that needs to be studied. These “journalists “ are so unprofessional and sound like bitter fools who are taking this very personally. They are so desperate.

    • sevenblue says:

      I remember that Camilla woman who wrote “meghan made kate cry” lie said on TV that the reputation is public opinion and we, the journalists, shape the public opinion while talking about H&M. This is what the british media, including Guardian, always believed in that they can make or break people. Now, there is a couple they can’t break even though they are writing breathless articles about them every day. Nobody outside of their island cares. They are out of their control. That makes them bitter and endlessly petty. How can a biracial woman manage to get out of their system and go on living a rich, peaceful life with her husband and children?

      • somebody says:

        A lot of those media people are older and remember the power they had before SM and people arguing back with them on it.

      • sevenblue says:

        @somebody, they still have power, but it is limited to their island.

  27. ABritGuest says:

    I don’t know how many times I have to say the Guardian is an opp & ex sun journalist Marina Hyde (daughter of Sir Alastair Edgcumbe James Dudley-Williams and the granddaughter of Conservative politician Sir Rolf Dudley-Williams) fits in perfectly fine there. The Guardian is there to uphold the establishment. That’s why the Guardian has ex Express royal reporter Richard palmer doing puff pieces about the Wales there & why the Guardian went from saying bullying of Meghan is a national sport in 2019 to actively joining in. They like their tabloid friends don’t want Meghan & Harry to thrive outside of palace walls seeing it as a threat to the royal family.

    Marina is showing the same misogynoir as her tabloid colleagues- she’s projecting that Meghan couldn’t possibly have married Harry for love & is just out for what she can get. She is one of the so called feminist writers in the uk. Pitiful

    • Blogger says:

      Which Dudley does she claim descent from? Dukes of Northumberland/Earls of Warwick Dudleys? And Welsh Williams?

      The Guardian isn’t doing itself any great favours with Marina.

  28. Over it says:

    Okay, now I just googled this no body / like seriously, who are these people/ I have never heard of this man or any of these shows he produced. It’s almost like these people think making it in the uk is making it big . Like dude , who the f are you and salt island isn’t the world . This is not a dig at the uk . Just these z list Brit’s who thinks anyone knows or cares who they are . The woman is also a nobody . I want to know where all these nobodies are coming from?

  29. Maxine Branch says:

    Meghan’s mere existence seems to cause some white women to make complete fools of themselves. The power she has over them just from being lovely and loved by her husband is incredible.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    Marina is the British Maureen Dowd. Wrote a few clever things and then became a caricature of herself.

  31. martha says:

    I’ve been a long-time fan of Marina’s Guardian column. She’s a good writer and snarky as hell, but

    I wanted to like her podcast, but can’t take it- I blame Richard “Let me cut down what you’re saying with a joke and bring attention back to me-me-me” Osman for that.

    She really knows British politics, media, royals, celebrity, etc. I think many smart people are thinking what she’s saying.

    But, they’re blind and absolutely can’t see that the show may have flaws, but it also has much potential. They also don’t want to see the show’s popularity and influence.

    • Bronco says:

      Smart people think Netflix are hanging around in case they divorce? Doesn’t sound smart to me. Also, viewing numbers weren’t low so there’s that too.

      • somebody says:

        Smart people also wouldn’t think that the divorce of two people who are civil, compassionate human beings would have that much salacious content to report.

  32. tamsin says:

    Ridiculous, and such mental gymnastics. Surely it would make an intelligent person cringe to even think of such absurdity.

  33. DaniM says:

    I don’t think Marina is the one hoping for a divorce; she’s just pointing out that Netflix and others who would want to make bank re: H&M know that a divorce would be an instant money maker and ratings boost. And let’s be real, the media are vultures and would salivate over the possibility.

    I do agree with others here about Osman’s behaviour the last couple of years; he’s gotten uncomfortably snarky and demeaning since House of Games has gained popularity. I’ve rather lost my liking of him.

    • ABritGuest says:

      How would it be a money maker for Netflix? They’ve signed both H&M & their production company so in this scenario do they think Archewell would produce a both sides take on a split?

      Plus marina says “I would have married him [Harry]. Got the two kids, got divorced, then ran back to Hollywood to be Julia Roberts for my 40s, but she’s not followed that plan’.

      sounds like she’s cheering on idea of a divorce to me.

      • sevenblue says:

        And more importantly, how is this funny? Getting divorced with two very young children, while getting harassed by the whole nation’s media daily? Why is this made-up scenario funny to her or anyone listening? Anyone watching H&M interact can see themselves that they are madly in love. So, they are imagining, wishing a terrible future to two people who did nothing wrong. And I will add, this future was wished on them since they got married. So, they can’t say it is because they annoyed them by moving to USA.

    • Jais says:

      Netflix has already made money from their deal with the Sussexes despite alternate-reality truthers like Hyde claiming otherwise. Hyde is one of the vultures. Her pointing out a divorce is leaning into that wholly invented bad-faith narrative about a possible divorce coming from the tabloids. There is no evidence whatsoever of that. So it comes off like wishful thinking on her part. Like if there was any video or photographic evidence of Harry treating Meghan anything like William treats Kate then sure. But that’s not the case. At all.

    • Tessa says:

      The derangers wished divorce even before they got married.

  34. Bex R says:

    All this affirms to me is there are a lot of jealous nobodies who are upset Netflix isn’t calling them.

    And since they keep taking isht about Netflix, they won’t ever get that call. Ever.

    • pearlime says:

      The adaptation of Richard’s book, that Spielberg is producing, will be released on Netflix. Marina works for HBO.

      • ABritGuest says:

        Marina’s last HBO show has been cancelled-hmm wonder if that’s a factor in her commentary- i saw a lot of backlash from creative types when the Netflix deal was announced in 2020 which I can understand in some ways- people think they got deals easily whilst people with more experience have been grinding away with less opportunities.

        But anyway given their experience presumably Hyde & Osman DO know how content streamers & production contracts work then so what’s the need to spread inane theories about why Netflix is hanging around? And Marina claims WLM has low viewership when WLM’s viewership seems to be much higher than the HBO show she worked on.

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