Hilaria Baldwin is, how you say, a con artist. For years, she lied about her “Spanish” background and upbringing, faking a come-and-go Spanish/Mexican accent and repeatedly claiming that she grew up in Spain. In reality, Hilaria is a woman named Hillary, and she was born in America and she grew up in the Boston area. Her parents apparently moved to Spain when they retired, and somewhere along the way (in adulthood), Hillary changed her name to Hilaria and invented her fictional Spanish background. Hilaria was exposed in late 2020 and all of these years later, she still hasn’t come up with any kind of explanation for her lies. In fact, she still trots out her fake Spanish accent in times of stress/attention-seeking. Well, now Hilaria has a TLC reality show with her husband Alec Baldwin. Dios mio! She already tried to address her Spanish lies in one episode, claiming that people were being mean to her because she’s bilingual. Well, in Sunday’s episode of The Baldwins, Hilaria offered up another explanation. She is, how you say, code-switching.
Hilaria Baldwin is speaking out about the backlash she received over her accent. On the March 16 episode of The Baldwins, Hilaria, 41, reflected on how she learned to change her accent long before it sparked controversy in 2020 when people questioned the authenticity of her Spanish origins.
“Growing up in a way where you have multiple cultural influences on you means that you’re never going to be able to fit in. You can try,” she said. “You can chameleon. You know, people who code-switch we’re very good at chameleoning… and you don’t even think you’re not even thinking about it. It’s just normal. It’s just natural.”
During a conversation with the 15-year-old sister of her daughter Carmen Gabriela’s friend, the television personality liked the experience of “code-switching” — or adopting one’s accent or mannerisms to fit social norms — to speaking with an elderly person.
“They say that it’s like communication, if you ever talk to a really old person who cannot hear, and I’m gonna emphasize, I’m gonna speak slower,” she explained. “And you’re not even really thinking about it. You just start to do it. You know what it’s called? Code-switching… I had to learn about it because the whole world was mean to me, and so I had to learn it. It’s code-switching.”
In a confessional, the mother of seven reflected on how she learned to take the controversy in stride.
“Being in, the spotlight, as people like to call it. People say, ‘Oh, don’t you get used to it?’ No, you don’t get used to it,” she said. “You never get used to people being mean. But you take a deep breath, and I think you learn to distance yourself from it, and so, you know, you just try turning down the volume in my head a bit… and I’m not gonna take it personally.”
I can’t. No mas!! Donde esta tu verguenza??? What Hilaria is doing is NOT code-switching. Code-switching is when people speak differently depending on their audience, it’s when people use their “work voice” in professional settings and use AAVE or slang with their friends. Hilaria is not “code-switching” when she tries to maintain a completely fictional Spanish accent! Once again, it would have been fine for Hilaria to learn Spanish and prioritize bilingualism in her home, with her children. That’s not what this is!! “Learning Spanish” doesn’t make someone SPANISH. Faking an accent and trying to maintain a fictional backstory is not a “code.”
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Museum Gala Featuring: Alec Baldwin, Hilaria Baldwin, Mikey Day Where: New York, New York, United States When: 05 Dec 2024 Credit: Janet Mayer/INSTARimages.com
- Hilaria Baldwin arrived at the Bronx and Banco fashion show in New York City Featuring: Hilaria Baldwin Where: Manhattan, New York, United States When: 05 Feb 2025 Credit: Elder Ordonez/INSTARimages
- Red carpet for the SNL50: The Anniversary Show of ‘Saturday Night Live’ Featuring: Hilaria Baldwin Where: New York, New York, United States When: 16 Feb 2025 Credit: Janet Mayer/INSTARimages.com
- SNL50: The anniversary show of ‘Saturday Night Live’ after party held at the Plaza Hotel Featuring: Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin Where: New York, United States When: 16 Feb 2025 Credit: Darla Khazei/INSTARimages
- SNL50: The Anniversary Special-Arrivals Featuring: Hilaria Baldwin, Alec Baldwin Where: New York, New York, United States When: 16 Feb 2025 Credit: Janet Mayer/INSTARimages.com
- SNL50: The Anniversary Special-Arrivals Featuring: Hilaria Baldwin Where: New York, New York, United States When: 16 Feb 2025 Credit: Janet Mayer/INSTARimages.com
The whole thing is odd but he doesnt seem to care. I find myself fascinated with the show – it’s a guilty pleasure.
Guilty is right. I should look away from this train wreck but I’m sort of fascinated by their bizarre lives, and it is fun to see how often she slips into the accent.
I don’t watch that show. Too much like Kate plus eight reality show.
She’s so gross. So very gross.
Yup. And it’s gross how far gross can take you.
Those are some painful looking bolt-ons.
My very first thought!
I have a hard time breathing just looking at the pics.
I really don’t understand them. They don’t fit her yoga guru/super mom thing at all. It’s not like I think she isn’t painfully superficial, but not in a stripper film from the 90s kinda way.
Yes my thought how does she carry around those bolt-ons. She is so small framed. Omg when did she buy those?
And “chameleon “ is not a verb, dammit. This woman is mucha loca.
That was my first thought, ALICKY!!! Don’t be destroying the English language while you’re code-switching Hilaria!
Have you all seen the New Yorker article about the show? I thought it was pretty good in comparing the show to the rictus grins of Mulholland Drive. In it, Alec is quoted making a comment about how it’s getting hard at his age to be in the spotlight and I’ve seen theories that the show is their way of pushing Hillary into the entertainment breadwinner role. Poor Hillary, so very how you say, misunderstood. I really wonder if Alec has accepted reality about his “Spanish” woman.
I did read that New Yorker article but what stood out to me was that it said she grew up “partially” in Boston. Wrong. She was fully raised there. If even the New Yorker can’t fact check and takes her claim at face value I don’t even know what to say. It is so easy to prove she never grew up partially in Spain but yet no one is doing this!
Specifically, she grew up on Beacon Hill in Boston, a Blue Blood, exclusively white neighborhood. Hillary is the queen of cons!
It’s not code switching if her first language is English, which it is. It’s just faking that her first language is Spanish, which it is not. She is mucho loca.
Speaking Spanish is all well and good still doesn’t make one Spanish unless you grew up in a Spanish household or were born in a Spanish speaking country. A fake accent is exactly what it is FAKE.
How you say caca de toro? Oh, bullshit! She’s full of it!
Code-switching for whom? What circles did she grow up in that required her to speak English with a Spanish/Mexican accent in order to fit in? She went to an expensive private school in a suburb of Boston – I hardly think she needed a Spanish accent there. This is so weird – when I visit my family in Greece, I speak Greek to them – I don’t speak English with a Greek accent.
She keeps coming up with various explanations that make zero sense whatsoever. Alec had a crush on Penelope Cruz. She assumed he had only one type. At the time, who was all the rave in Hollywood? Eva Mendes. Salma Hayek. Penelope Cruz. Jennifer Lopez. She became Spanish to get the guy’s attention. Period! What’s crazy is Alec has a range he is attracted to – he was married to Kim Basinger before and had a crush on that Vegan chef lady from Bad Vegan. She didn’t have to become Spanish but I guess she figured this was her best play. What bothers me is the degree to which her whole spiel is based on stereotypes – hot blooded flying off the handle swearing in Spanish I can’t control my how you say emotions stereotyping. It makes my left eye twitch and I’m not Spanish. It’s offensive.
It worked! He feel for it – which tells me he did zero investigation into her background. Think about how crazy that is as successful as he was at the time – all those people around him, so many brothers and no one – NOT ONE person did their due diligence. He was the perfect mark. And now he can’t leave – he’s old and he has a million children. The only question I have is when did he know? Did he find out when the public did? Or did he know before and kept playing along? And when he visited her family in Spain, did they all pretend to not speak English? Like how many people were involved in this grift? I have so many questions lol I don’t feel sorry for him cause when you marry someone who yoga poses in elevators and on kitchen counters for attention and likes you get what you get.
LOL @”hot blooded flying off the handle swearing in Spanish I can’t control my how you say emotions stereotyping”
I am on the floor, too!
Aw thank you lol she is just so ridiculous!
This is…no…the accent back and forth, sigh…
My mother is from the Midwest, my father the South, and I moved all over as a military brat. I guess I had a neutral accent (my Georgia cousin said I ‘taalked sooo funny’, lol). I would spend summers and holidays with both sets of grandparents. And without realizing it I would start speaking in their local accents. Then, after a few weeks home, I was back to my original accent.
And that is not code-switching! Or chameleon-ing, which is not even a real thing. I don’t know what the accent copying is called, but people do it unconsciously.
What Hilary is doing, pretending to be someone she isn’t, to get benefits she wouldn’t otherwise get, that is stealing.
Those fake boobs are “Hilaria’s!”
She never grew up in Spain so why is she code-switching?
It’s all so silly, all she had to do is be like her father. He said, he went to Spain when he was young for business. Fell in love with the country is not Spanish, has not one drop of Spanish blood in him. But enjoyed traveling their for business and vacation over the years. The parents retired to Majorca. Her brother moved to Spain and married a spanish woman and has kids. Hence why she can say she has ‘Spanish family’.
But her grift was pretty deep for awhile. She even had in her bio her mother was from Spain. Until her mother was like NO I am not. Would never correct people in interviews when they would say she is spanish. Has been on mutliple Latina magazine covers. She could have always corrected it. But she has this need to be ‘exotic’ and claim she is from a country she isn’t.
She did not grow up in Spain. She went of vacations to Spain as a kid. Not the same.
But I am happy the ratings have tanked. This will be a one and done season. They are not likeable people you want to watch. And this constant explotation of children for views is beyond gross.
LOL I just read this article on People. I am bilingual so this story is always SO funny to me. She definitely only learned about code switching after this whole scandal exploded in her face. She probably went online frantically googling and came across code switching and justified that as the reason for faking her accent. Do people adopt accents depending on where they live? Yes of course. My dad is is from Normandy, he’s always spoken English with a French accent. However he’s always spoken French with a “standard” French accent. I’ve noticed as soon as he’s back in Normandy, his “Normandy accent” suddenly makes an appearance, it’s hilarious. I know someone else who is a native French speaker but straight up speaks English with a British accent, you’d think he was from the UK because he moved to the UK for a year for an exchange program and that’s the accent he learned in.
However Hilary was NOT raised in Spain, maybe at most spent one or two weeks there every summer. Maybe she did an exchange program there in high school or college, who knows. But one year in Spain does not make you speak English with a Spanish accent the rest of your life. She’s lived in the US her whole life surrounded by English speakers, there is no reason she should speak like that. She’s been faking it this whole to be more “exotic.”
She has, for all intents & purposes, turned being an immigrant from a Spanish speaking nation into a fetish and it’s beyond grotesque.
It would be completely inappropriate and rude for a native-born American who is bilingual to speak English with the accent of a Spaniard when speaking to someone for whom Spanish is their first language but speaks English with an accent. Doing so isn’t “code-switching,” it doesn’t help someone who is not a native-speaker understand English better and it’s not a compliment or way to “fit in.”
Like-wise there is 0 reason for someone who’s first language is English to use any sort of accent that isn’t native to them (i.e., use of a native regional accent) when speaking English to anyone unless the person doing so is imitating their family members when sharing stories about those family members, or an actor playing the role of an accented speaker (and only while performing their role).
I am sure Alec went on a talkshow and was imitating her Spanish accent as though he thought it was the cutest thing. He was definitely charmed by it so maybe he thought she was Spanish until she got exposed! Billy Liar or Walter Mitty or code switcher or what is the Spanish for grifter?
Given what is happening to actual Spanish speaking people in this country now really makes this grotesque. Even people here legally are living in fear. I bet if ICE came knocking, she would go back to being Hillary from Boston really quick.
I’ve been waiting for someone to bring this up. Thank you.
Let’s call it what it is: cultural appropriation. It’s no different from what Rachel Dolezal did.
And how they got a TV show after he was on trial for murder is just grotesque.
I am black and gay. Code switching?!!!!
Sit down. Now.
She is… how do you say it? Mentirosa
She so much of a vulture that I’m actually surprised she hasn’t jump to another culture by now. Do my 6 plus years of German on Duolingo entitle me to pretending that I’m now German ?
I lived in Mexico for over 3 years, learned Spanish, and never once did I speak English with a Spanish accent. This woman is enferma mental, a proven mentirosa and a cultural thief. But she seems to have Alec by the short and curlies — did you see the video of her trying to shut him up and stop interrupting her during an interview? The real Hillary looks like a total bruja and Alec looks like he’s p-whipped. https://www.buzzfeed.com/mychalthompson/alec-baldwin-hilaria-awkward-interview-reactions
I think it’s because when she met him, Alec thought Selma Hayek and Penelope Cruz were hot. So she attracted Alec with the fake accent and God knows what else. It’s all good now, until Trump deports her for being Hispanic. Stupid is as stupid does (and I’m talking about Hilaria and the orange one).
Wait, OMG, did you just accidentally explain that gawdawful boob job? Is that her impersonation of Salma Hayek’s natural perfection? (When I was in college, the dorm boys voted her the hottest woman in existence).
Jaded, your first sentence says it all. When you learn a foreign language, such as Spanish, you don’t start speaking in accented English, if English is your first language. For example, I took three years of French in junior high and I have not once spoken English with a French accent. It’s an unbelievably stupid concept and patently false.
I think I read this is the lowest rated series on TLC, so I don’t think her Spanish accent has made her more appealing to the general public.
It’s unbelievably self serving. How hard the tragedy was on them. How misguided the criticism of Hilaria is. How big their homes are. How much they all love each other. Why can’t I stop watching it though? It’s the accent. Not gonna lie.
Her new boobs are all wrong for her.
Not only did she fake being Spanish, she doesn’t even get that being fake-Spanish would NOT make her Latina! Spaniards are not Latinos.
Yet she was accepting “best dressed Latina” mentions online with a thanks, and never correcting the record.
Also, I’m Mexican-American, grew up bilingual in Texas (surrounded by Spanish speakers), and I do NOT speak English with an accent. I mean possibly you could say I sound Texan but I don’t speak English with a Mexican accent just because I visited my Spanish speaking grandma every weekend. Come on.
She needs to stop already. No one is buying the grift anymore.