Mail: ‘Semi-employed’ Prince Harry is being ‘left behind’ by Meghan

A few days ago, the Mail Plus published one of the most insane pieces about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. You can feel the desperation oozing from the Mail’s Alison Boshoff, and the tellingly selective evidence she uses to support her claims are a portrait of a hate machine losing control of the narrative. The point of the story is that Boshoff is doing everything to convince the Mail’s audience that having a hit Netflix show, a guaranteed second season for that hit show and a new podcast all somehow make Meghan a flop, but that Harry’s focus is even worse for not participating in Meghan’s ventures.

Meghan’s podcast: She may have her critics – but even they would surely acknowledge that the Duchess of Sussex is nothing if not indefatigable. Indeed, few celebrities would perhaps embark on another podcast series after their first was so vividly, and publicly, panned.

The second season for WLM: Another surprise came on Friday last week when Netflix caught the media world off-guard by revealing it will stream a ‘second series’ of With Love, Meghan – despite the fact that the hostessing and homemaking show devised and presented by the duchess has had savage reviews across the board. Making the announcement three days after its launch – and, significantly, before the release of Netflix’s weekly viewing figures – the company said it had made a further eight episodes, shot at the same time as the first series, and will be putting them out ‘this autumn’.

Why isn’t Harry involved in Meghan’s projects? So what can we expect from series two of the show, and of this new podcast? In short: absolutely no Harry whatsoever. It can be revealed that the TV show and audio series will be entirely solo efforts, an all-Meghan affair. Sources say there is ‘no sign’ of Prince Harry in the second TV series and no glimpse of their children, Archie, five, and Lilibet, three, either. ‘He’s not in it,’ I am told. ‘It’s her and more friends. More of the same.’ While his wife repeatedly refers to ‘H’ and ‘my lovely husband’ and talks about how much he loves her bacon, he is an off-stage presence and seems to have opted – or been told – to minimise his appearances. Obviously, he also won’t be any part of the girl-power podcast Confessions of a Female Founder either.

Harry is Meghan’s Spare: So, as Meghan moves to carve out her place in the spotlight, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Harry has become the ‘spare’ – as he might put it – at least in his wife’s working life. While she embarks on a new media blitz, appearing on chat shows and red carpets, Harry has instead seemingly retreated into domestic obscurity. Persistent reports that there is marital trouble in their Montecito paradise are described by sources close to the couple as ‘exaggerated’. They say With Love, Meghan was always a ‘personal project’ of the duchess, and that she and Harry ‘fully support’ each other’s work while also pursuing their own passions.

Harry’s daily life: Meghan tells us he’s a great father to their young children and he often does the school run and walks the dogs. She says he loves California and its beaches, and we know from a video posted by an instructor that he’s learning to surf. Playing polo with the local team in Santa Barbara is an expensive and time-consuming hobby for the prince, and there are a couple of well paid part-time jobs – the coaching firm BetterUp and eco tourism outfit Travalyst – which seem to occupy him for no more than a handful of days a month. His duties for these firms, I’m told, are carried out remotely from their $15 million (£11.6 million) home. Meanwhile, his charities, Archewell and Invictus – which will likely be Harry’s lasting legacy – have their own experienced executive teams. None of it seems to amount to what most would recognise as a job; in an interview earlier this month in People magazine Meghan talked about the two of them having ‘day dates’ – meaning lunches at home.

Left-Behind Harry!! So is semi-employed Harry getting left behind? Certainly, it appeared clear from the moment Meghan signed her deal with media supremo Ari Emanuel at talent agency WME in April 2023 – just her, not her and Harry – that she was going it alone.

[From The Daily Mail]

It seems to me that Harry and Meghan have finally worked out their career paths in America, especially after they got their side of the story out in the Oprah interview, the Netflix docuseries and Harry’s memoir. Post-Spare, especially, it feels like Harry has just doubled-down with doing his own thing – his business interests in BetterUp, his work with African Parks, Travalyst, Invictus and more. He seems happy to give Meghan the space to make a lifestyle show, launch her brand and do her own thing. It’s once again the British media trying to make it sound like a couple is odd or close to divorce by simply having different career paths. They’re also minimizing Harry’s work and Harry himself – I guarantee that Harry, who now lives privately and whose lifestyle is not being funded in any way by British taxpayers, works a hell of a lot more than the current Prince of Wales, who spends his days doing f–k all and recently confessed to spending hours on football forums.

Also: they’re just so incandescent with rage that they can’t force Meghan to read all of their scorn for her and WLM. They organized this big review-bombing and WLM is still a success and it still got a second season and Netflix is still partnered with Meghan on her As Ever line. And they can’t even force her to include Harry or put her kids on the show! Articles like this are like screams and wails from a padded cell.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Netflix.

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67 Responses to “Mail: ‘Semi-employed’ Prince Harry is being ‘left behind’ by Meghan”

  1. Tessa says:

    Savage reviews are from bots and derangers who never watched even one episode.such propaganda

  2. Blogger says:

    What a wild take/rant.

    Yup, the taxpayer funded heir of the throne spends most of his time on football forums but Harry ain’t working enough! 😂

    As for Alison Boshoff, is what you do a “real” job?

    • Christine says:

      They have absolutely no idea how much time he spends on BetterUp and Travalyst. This is 100% wailing into the void.

      Can you imagine if Meghan wasn’t working at all (ahem, Kate, ahem)? These same people would lose their minds that Harry is the sole breadwinner.

  3. Semi-employed? They have Harry confused with Peg! Harry does more work in one day than Peg does all year. The jealousy is just off the charts with the gutter press and the derangers but it still will not change the fact that they are stuck with molding leftovers who do next to nothing.

    • SURE says:

      Attacking H’s work schedule is meant to blunt the much deserved criticism of W’s poor work ethic. H must never be seen as being more hard-working than W.

  4. Alicky says:

    Why on earth would someone be a part of their spouse’s work life? So unhinged, these people.

    • Blogger says:

      They keep changing their narrative. Doesn’t this support their professional separation spiel?

    • Noor says:

      Very vile and malicious take calculated to hurt and diminished Harry. Is Prince Phillip a spare to the Queen. Is Tim , Princess Anne’s spare?

    • Ciotog says:

      My husband and I have the same job and work in the same place. When our interests intersect, we are in the same place, but that is rare. It’s so bizarre to criticize Meghan for not including Harry in her projects. This is about 1) covering up that William and Kate don’t work together anymore and 2) trying to get Meghan to show her children.

  5. sevenblue says:

    I don’t remember if she said it on her show or in an interview, but Meghan said while preparing for the show and working on it, she turned back into the person Harry fell for when they first met. Harry said, her independence and free spirit made him fall in love with her and he wanted to be part of her world in Spare. A lot of men fall in love with free spirited women, then when they get married, they make sure she is caged and loses her spark in case some other man notices her. Harry is the opposite, he loves her free, independent. It is so obvious their marriage is stronger now they are both free. Harry literally got his wish and that is why all these petty articles filled with lies won’t break them.

    • Nerd says:

      You hit the nail on the head with your comment. These people who try and paint their marriage as in jeopardy are people who obviously don’t understand the dynamics of a successful and healthy relationship. Their own words about each other and their marriage have always aligned with their actions when together and apart. They are doing their usual of making assumptions of who his wife is based off of their nonexistent interactions with her and their narrow minded opinions of what a highly educated American woman of color must be. They have always been oblivious to who Harry has always been so for them to do the same with Meghan is expected of them. Harry’s supporting his wife in her own separate passions, just as she always supports him in his. Loving, happy and healthy relationships happen all of the time regardless whether couples work together or not, and Harry and Meghan’s relationship is no different.

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    These people have no access or say and it is driving them insane because these articles seem to be becoming even more unhinged.

  7. somebody says:

    Why do they think Harry’s not working with WLM? He is the one who keeps popping up at events doing speeches. They also like to write about Meghan’s work being “panned” by so-called critics, but consistently leave out the popularity and awards.

    • Debbie says:

      If I remember correctly, and I do, they wrote the same storyline when Harry was busy with his work, and he had appearances in New York and was preparing for Invictus in Canada. They claimed that Meghan was in the wilderness professionally. These people simply don’t understand the concept of a couple juggling their work lives and home life. Or maybe they’re being deliberately obtuse.

    • Jais says:

      Anything Meghan does is panned and yet archetypes charted well. WLM was also panned and yet it charted well. And they always leave that part out. So Meghan getting panned does not mean much of anything. Just another day ending in Y. But luckily a lot of people are out there supporting her and rooting for her and seeing through the manipulation.

    • Nerd says:

      That’s what doesn’t make any sense to me because it was confirmed at the time that they would be working with Archewell, which includes both Harry and Meghan. I think that there work with Harry is linked through Archewell and their work with Meghan is through Archewell but it was always going to expand into something beyond Archewell like it is now through podcasts and this lifestyle show.

  8. LoryD75 says:

    How dare she? Harry was supposed to be left behind by William.

    • Blogger says:

      Harry passed him and overtook him. Willie continues to stagnate developmentally. No growth in Willie.

      • Giddy says:

        Not only has Harry passed Willie in his works and philanthropy, but he is truly sought after and a much loved visitor all over the world. We have seen how unexcited other countries are by Peg’s royal visits. Harry is a true diplomat, but instead of representing a single country he represents Invictus, and his other projects. Wherever he travels he is honored and creates goodwill. The powers that be within the British government must quietly mourn the fact that he is not practicing his brand of soft diplomacy for them. His jealous brother and his own father kept that from being a reality.

  9. ML says:

    Lots of guys have difficulty with a wife/ girlfriend who’s “more successful” than them. Boshof is speaking to those men, and she’s probably hoping Harry gets upset.

    • Blogger says:

      Meghan was more successful than him. She was buying their furniture at NottCott.

      As Harry said, he had to up his game. Trying to emasculate Harry in this manner ain’t working. If Alison was aiming this at Willie, the heir settled for less.

      These two are the dynamic powerful duo of this generation. Can only think of a few successful couples who bring out the best from each other professionally. Maybe Wilhelm and Maxima. The Sussexes have “it.”

      • windyriver says:

        I wouldn’t say Meghan was more successful. Her success was measured by a different metric – she had a job for which she received a salary, like most people, with other experiences in philanthropy and success with the Tig. Harry had a high profile job for which he received an allowance (and not much of one, apparently). From what he’s said, Harry was the one being sent all over by the RF and the country, to the point he developed serious burnout. He was doing everything while his lazy brother sat on his behind. The upshot of all this was, once the Sussexes walked away to start their new life, Harry as well as Meghan had the skills (and contacts) to be successful. Will continues to put as little effort as possible towards the responsibilities of his position, and his lack of ability is on display any time he makes a feeble effort trying to outshine his brother.

        I took Harry’s “up his game” comment re: Meghan to be about personal rather than professional qualities.

      • somebody says:

        @windyriver Agree. He had to work on personal issues with a therapist; that was upping his game. PH was also successful in the military. If he had been not royal and attracting the wrong kind of attention to his unit because of that, he could have had a career.

      • Nerd says:

        Windyriver I think in the context of doing something that they loved and being paid substantially to do that makes Meghan more successful in some ways than Harry at the time. She was a self made millionaire who was enjoying her life helping people while doing different jobs that brought her happiness. Harry on the other hand was being sent out to pick up the slack for the lazy other royals who still don’t have the charisma that he has always had. He was having anxiety attacks and living in different rundown palace adjacent homes while avoiding going out in public. Yes, he had already accomplished a lot in his life at the time but he was yearning for something more and he found it when he saw Meghan in the Instagram post.

      • Nerd says:

        @Somebody at the time he said that he wasn’t even contemplating going to therapy, so it wasn’t about therapy. He was basically saying he needed to up his charm factor because him being royal and well known wasn’t enough for this woman who he just met and realized was even more beautiful and intriguing than he even realized in their phone calls and FaceTimes.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Lol, so it’s ok for William to do the school runs, but not Harry?

  11. Miranda says:

    I’m 10000000% certain that if/when Harry does make an appearance on WLM, Meghan will be accused of including him as some sort of ratings grab. So…

    The misogyny on display is, as always, breathtaking. They actually say similar things about Kate and William as well, but with a positive spin, i.e. she’s wonderful for knowing that her place is to be vapid and ornamental and let her husband shine. A sort of “soft misogyny of low expecations”. Surely this is wildly insulting to British women when they see it?!

    • Amy Bee says:

      Before the show came out, the royal experts were saying Harry needed to be on it because people were only interested in Meghan because she’s married to him. They believed the show would flop because Harry wasn’t in the show.

  12. Tn Democrat says:

    What nutters. Willy can’t drag his ass out of bed to work unless he gets to day drink, watch sports or interact with celebrities, but the rota spin themselves into butter making up criticisms of Harry. It is actually odd that Willy needs Keener at so many of his events and can’t stand on his own as an independent adult without constant gaffes. Glad Harry left 5 plus years ago and is NEVER going back to be directly physically, psychologically and emotionally abused by his family.

  13. Becks1 says:

    First – they are deliberately minimizing Harry’s work with Invictus, Travalyst, Better Up, African Parks, etc. I imagine he is in constant contact with those organizations. Maybe it is mostly remote, but that’s not unusual for 2025.

    Second – there is a son of Charles who only works a few days a month, but its not Harry.

    Third – I love Harry and I think he has a great personality that comes across well in interviews, speeches, and interactions with the public. That said, I cannot see him hosting a lifestyle show. Why would he be more involved in WLM? He made an appearance in the last episode where his support of Meghan was pretty obvious. Why would he do more than that? For all the talk of Jeffrey, we rarely see him on Barefoot Contessa. These kinds of things – the show, the lifestyle brand etc – always seemed more up Meghan’s alley than Harry’s. I feel like these are things she wanted to do before she married him and now she’s able to do them. Harry has different goals and different ambitions.

    And – gasp – that’s completely fine! Many married couples have different goals and different ambitions.

    • Nanea says:

      Sentebale just turned 19 years old.

      It’s another of Harry’s legacy projects that’s successful that he’s involved with.

      Harry’s life consists of actually working for and with his initiatives, something that’s lacking from the Left-Behind brother’s life.

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s too funny. Nothing about Harry says “lifestyle show,” unless maybe one of those minimalist YouTube channels about how to live with only 100 things.

  14. Tina says:

    Harry spent his entire life in a cage where his father, his grandparents, and the men in grey suits told him what he could and couldn’t do. He was also caged in by the perverse relationship between the media and the firm. He would have spent the rest of his life being told what to do and completely controlled by his brother. I have no idea if Harry works 9-5 every day on his various projects (and I don’t care) but it must be so freeing for him to choose what he does. I mean maybe he’s just doing the school runs and chilling by the pool lol looking on proudly at his beautiful and successful wife. Sounds amazing to me!

    • Tara says:

      I agree with you, Tina. I also think the biggest difference to his previous life as a royal is self-efficacy. The royals don’t have that, don’t know what it is and can’t buy it either. But it is the key to a happy, fulfilled life. And Meghan knew that.

    • Lover says:

      Right? I’m sure he’s rich enough to retire right now if he likes, and that’s his choice because it’s his and his wife’s money and not from the public coffers. The whole article seems calculated to distract from William’s laziness, which only matters because W receives public money and lifelong privileges for himself and his family in return for his “work.” It’s deliberately obtuse.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Kaiser’s last paragraph and the DM describing Meghan as indefatigable says it all. I think the British press have finally realised that they’ve lost control of Meghan and Harry. Furthermore, if they weren’t wedded to their own narratives, they would have realised that Harry going to NY last September was about him focusing on his philanthropic work and not about him and Meghan divorcing. I have no doubt that he’s working on a new project too.

  16. Gemini says:

    They are trying to bully H&M and Netflix into a reality show. That’s all they want. They want to see their life, their home, the bedroom. They want to see the kids. They want to see the help, nannies, assistants. But they don’t want to watch a happy family life. They want to see them fight, they want Harry to call Meghan a narcissist. They want Meghan to slap Harry in the mids of an argument. They want to see the children loving the nanny more than their mom. They want to see Meghan making the assistant cry. They want to watch their neighbors gossip behind her back. Only then they would call the show authentic. (In case it isn’t clear, I was trying to write what all the haters want but not come out and say directly.) Anyway I think Meghan and Netflix made a brilliant hybrid show of real life sequences mixed with staged scenes that allow Meghan to be herself without being intruded upon.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yep–even their original Netflix documentary didn’t give them the Bravo-licious bs the critics seem to want/expect from H&M. They’re so disappointed and obviously waiting for Meghan to throw a drink in Harry’s face or discuss fertility issues or cuss everybody out or whatever it is they are doing on RHOA/RHOP/RHSLC these days. The thing is, after 45 years of intense and wild stories from the royal family, we’ve entered an era where it looks like H&M and W&K (to be fair to the POWs) have all decided to starve the BM of anything of interest. I think it’s funny. Oh well. Maybe they should check in with Sophie and Ed?

      • Kingston says:

        Er……no, @SueBarbri33, this sentence smacks of false equivalency. In fact, its just outright false:

        “The thing is, after 45 years of intense and wild stories from the royal family, we’ve entered an era where it looks like H&M and W&K (to be fair to the POWs) have all decided to starve the BM of anything of interest.”

        WanK are NOT “starving” their shitmedia overlords and crown-critters of stories about them. On the contrary and as everyone now knows, WanK and their shitmedia co-conspirators have a binding contract. Many practitioners in the british shitmedia as well as those (non)”experts” that they love to bring out to speculate about H&M, have come out and said they are INSTRUCTED to chat any sh!t they want about H&M “BUT WANK ARE OFF-LIMIT!!!!”

        In other words, no one…….neither show hosts nor guests nor scribblers nor editors………..are ALLOWED to speculate on the state of WanK. They can ONLY write or discuss saccharine, vapid shite about them. And because the saccharine vapid shite is so boring and obviously false, and theyre not allowed to say anything negative or speculative, they practically ignore those two in favor of going apesh!t on H&M.

        Its why they either blatantly ignore every good news, success and triumph about H&M, or spin it to their gullible crown-critters that every H&M success is a failure; every triumph is a setback; and every win is a loss. And its why they insist on spreading the narrative that H&M’s marriage is on the rocks when the FACT is, its WanK’s marriage thats practically already dissolved.

        Look at the total blackout in the uk shitmediasphere of H’s recent appearance at Upfront Summit 2025 held in LA recently:…his masterful presentation and the nuggets he revealed in the Q&A that followed. They dare not write about or discuss H’s successes and triumphs because its antithetical to the life that the BRF had planned for H.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Kingston, no, W&K are trying to starve the press within the confines of the invisible contract. That’s why they’re releasing videos on their own social media rather than using the press. It’s why we heard we aren’t going to see the kids that much this year (which is really the only card the Waleses have left to play in terms of press attention.)

        The british press isn’t going to speculate on anything negative about the Waleses, we all know that at this point. But its also clear at this point that W&K aren’t giving them a whole lot else to work with, which is what Sue BarBri meant.

    • Lover says:

      This 1000%. They want an exploitative reality show that denigrates the Sussexes.

    • tamsin says:


      Perfect description of what I imagine to be the Wales family. The BM would love to see all the things they can’t say out loud.

  17. JENNIFER says:

    Harry’s schedule sounds suspiciously like William’s schedule. Are they shaming Harry or William for it? Or is it just the question of British hypocrisy and racism?

    • jais says:

      They also just have no idea about Harry’s schedule. It’s not like its recorded in a court circular as it is with William.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      JENNIFER, I watched the speech and Q&A that Harry did. One of the things he said about not having more charities made me think he spends a LOT of time on that part of Archewell in addition to Invictus, etc. That makes sense to me that most of his time would be spent on the philanthropic side of Archewell. That’s all about service, and that’s what Harry is all about.

  18. Dee(2) says:

    They love lying about Archetypes like it didn’t win a Gracie and a People’s choice award, and didn’t debut at number one for Spotify. British Media review bombing it does not mean that it wasn’t well received. These articles may as well just be named, why won’t you fail, or let us control you?!!!! The crux of this issue is that Harry doesn’t have to justify how he spends his time, nor does he have to be concerned with popularity polls because he’s not taxpayer funded and there’s no way to force him to do this stuff, so here comes these simultaneously angry, and begging and pleading articles.

    I said this so many times, and their hatred has complexity in it, but they do not know how to cover them as if they are not working royals. That’s why they were literally upset in 2021 that they wouldn’t share a Sussex version of the Court circular with them. The idea that they don’t have to announce what they’re working on, they don’t have to account for their time, they don’t have to be at each other’s events if they don’t want to be, they don’t have to double check with the Windsors to see what they’re doing before they partake in their own activities, they don’t have to show you their kids is just too much.

  19. Maxine Branch says:

    Meghan spent the 1st three years of their marriage pregnant. They are raising two kids and loss one through miscarriage. I remember reading where she stated she is finally able to get out of the kids playpen and into the adults. I am proud she took the time to heal, spend time with her family and is now ready to embrace once again, her creative side.

    The gutter rats have no clue to the dynamics of this couple’s relationship, therefore, they make up nonsense to fill in the gaps.

  20. Noor says:

    Very vile and malicious reporting. They thought that mocking that Harry is a spare to Meghan will hurt Harry and sow dissension between the couple.

    Using Daily Mail analogy, one could well pose the same question…
    Is Prince Phillip a spare to Queen Elizabeth. Is William a spare to King Charles. Is Tim a spare to Princess Anne. Is Melanie a spare to Trump. Ridiculous right.

  21. anna says:

    lolz – just did did a full uplift summit and spoke about his investments, and was likely paid for the work etc, and showed up on meghan’s show talking about how proud he is of her.

    they continue to believe that if they write the opposite of reality then somehow it will come true or we will not believe what we see with our actual eyes.

  22. Harla says:

    I’m so happy to see Harry and Meghan both thriving and enjoying their lives!!!

  23. MsIam says:

    Different day, same narrative, new paid hater. The UK press is mad when the Sussexes are together, like at Invictus, and they are mad when they do things separately. Well stay mad haters! It crazy, before Invictus they were all writing about how Meghan was floundering and in her flop era. Now that WLM is going gangbusters and the podcast comes out in a couple of weeks, they are whining about Harry being “left behind”. Pick a lane dummies! Anyway, we know who the real Left-behinds are.

  24. QuiteContrary says:

    I have meetings today at work that my husband won’t attend. He also won’t be sitting next to me at my desk as I do my work.

    This is how NORMAL couples live.

  25. tamsin says:

    I just can’t understand how the BM and right wing nuts can just misrepresent and outright lie in print the way they do. Why isn’t it illegal? And so they understand the two career marriage? Don’t they have any of those in the UK? Or do all BM “journalists” live under a rock?

    I thought Harry’s remarks at the investment summit UpFront (?) were vey revealing. There he told the audience what his current focus is- he is not setting up any more charities, but investing in companies who can accomplish progressive goals for the good of society and the planet. Harry is in his business phase. He was talking about his investments. Harry has always had vision- and now it seems he’s applying it to his investment portfolio. Meghan has talked about what she invests in, so obviously they have separate investment portfolios and probably a shared one. I listened to an interview that Serena Williams gave, and she talked about her investment portfolio and mentioned in passing that it was different from her husbands. The Sussexes are swimming in the ocean while the Wales couple are on the world’s biggest welfare payouts. And William apparently can’t seem to be bothered too much to participate in looking after his Cornwall “portfolio.”

  26. Moniquep says:

    With all the projects that Harry has going, he could outlast a 3 energizer bunny tag team. This “semi employed” Harry runs rings around all of the left behinds senior unroyals. I am exhausted just reading about all that he has going, and at any given time we don’t even know everything he’s doing.

    These deranged haters need to take several seats in the back. They are going to wear themselves out and cause serious mental and physical damage to their lives.


    So sit down and STFU!!!!

    • Me at home says:

      Unfortunately, it apparently does make it so for the unhinged haters in the BM comments section. I’m hoping they’re a small population of freaks and bots.

  27. GMH says:

    It is rather funny that the UK tabs are struggling to even know how Harry spends his time since the rota does not get a daily schedule they way they do for the bald one, filled with puffery of every handshake and football game attendance. It seems to me that Harry is quietly making good use of his time. The IGs probably consume half of his time? Then Better Up no doubt uses him effectively to close new contracts with corporations. Then, that speech he gave in LA the other week was not just him sounding off. It’s called the speaking circuit. Private, again, but very lucrative. Polo didn’t come out of thin air for Netflix and the Live to Lead serious was no doubt the result of Harry’s use of his Rolodex. The poor Brits really have no clue.

    • Me at home says:

      Who is the Daily Mail reporter who lives in Montecito and has no access to them so he finds a single disgruntled neighbor and/or just makes stuff up with “I can reveal” or “insiders tell me”? Richard Mearsden? Boshoff’s article has his fingerprints all over it.

  28. Jaded says:

    This nutter didn’t even mention Invictus Games…WTAF? That probably takes up half his time, the other half with Sentebale, Better Up, Travelyst, etc. Does she not realize what a monumental amount of work it is putting a very, VERY successful event like Invictus on biennially? Do these *writers* take some sort of drug that makes them delusional before they scribble shite like this? Harry is probably just as busy as any other hard-working person in a senior position is these days with a staff to manage, constant meetings, zoom calls, paperwork, travel. I shake my head…

    • Moniquep says:

      @Jaded, your list doesn’t even include Archewell and all of the various projects and partnerships that I’m sure Harry is involved with.
      Yeesh! excuse me gotta go take my blood pressure meds. Lol.

  29. B says:

    They are literally crying as they write this nonsense LMAO. No wonder Harry said he pitied the derangers.

  30. Tuni says:

    The royal reporters interview people Kate and William ( not harry or meghan anymore) speak to at events. fill readers in on or create a soap opera through third person. To create distance from a royal like it is special to speak to them. For control, to create friction and factions. To keep royals biddable.

    In return royals and their private school friends carouse amongst vast swathes of land and make money in every conceivable way that is shady based on inherited wealth /contracts and have a weird status that exists outside of laws. ( I think Kate and William want out of the arrangment- to not hold up their side of the contract / be biddable/ do the royal work but don’t want to give up the no taxes/ enormous income/ fraudulent money/dignitary privledge and restart like Harry and Meghan)

    In this weird illusion of freedom existence, royals who are tax payor funded act with the entitlement of foreign dignitaries. But they are not foreign.

    These royal reporters – your job is writing soap operas- it doesn’t matter what anyone says you lie and make somersaults to make it speak to an agenda. The less you know the crazier the assumptions

    Who is your literal boss ? It’s not the royals- it’s not a magazine head. No intelligent person would publish this weirdness or weird mess.

  31. Lau says:

    They don’t know what a healthy and functioning marriage is supposed to be because they only have toxic examples back at home.

  32. JDLS says:

    Omg. He just completed Invictus and what was that?!? Nothing? I’m Canadian and I love Invictus. He’s been on speaking engagements, there’s just so much to draw from re: his work with a simple Google. This is bonkers

  33. blunt talker says:

    It is called working smarter not harder-this royalist did not hear about Vanna White’s work schedule-I think she said she worked 34 0r 35 days out of the year-they need to check out how it is done-Harry amd Meghan work in conjunction to make the time to be a family not a parttime family-their children loves the way their parents take care to be in their lives on a constant basis-Harry and Meghan will be hands on parents no doubt about that-who works or don’t work doesnot bother them-family is the most important key here-If harry works from home most of time so be it-he is doing his part as a husband and father along with his other business and charity endeavors-I know a lot of young couples just like them-Supporting themselves and their children is the driving force here-some people in this world need a hobby or a new life.

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