Did Gwyneth Paltrow ‘mock’ Duchess Meghan in a new Instagram video?

Last week, Vanity Fair published their cover interview with Gwyneth Paltrow. Throughout the piece, she spoke about selling her LA home and moving full-time to Montecito, where she’s owned a home for years. The Montecito part of the interview obviously led to a conversation about Gwyneth’s celebrity neighbors, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Gwyneth said: “I don’t know Meghan and Harry. I mean, I’ve met Meghan, who seems really lovely, but I don’t know her at all. Maybe I’ll try to get through their security detail and bring them a pie.” When asked specifically about Meghan’s lifestyle show and brand, Gwyneth said that when “there’s noise about certain women in the culture, I do have, always, a strong instinct to stand up for them….Everybody deserves an attempt at everything that they want to try.”

I took all of that as a general endorsement of Meghan and WLM. Gwyneth was never going to fall all over herself to show her support, but I thought Gwyneth said the right things to avoid sounding like a Sussex-hater or an unwelcoming anti-feminist. The thing is, since that interview, it does feel like Gwyneth and her friends have taken a few swipes at Meghan. Gwyneth’s longtime friend/trainer and business partner Tracy Anderson did a video for GOOP in which she bitchily noted that she was making a salad in her “actual kitchen.” Then Gwyneth posted this over the weekend – a video in which she made a “boyfriend breakfast” in Montecito.

The Derangers are falling all over themselves to say Gwyneth is “better” because this is her “actual kitchen” and she’s not wearing makeup or a Cartier stack. I mean… this is an IG video, not a lifestyle show on Netflix. It would look weird if Gwyneth was in full makeup at a rented kitchen for an IG video. The choice of song is interesting too – “This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)” by Natalie Cole, which Meghan used in her Netflix promos. Is this Gwyneth “mocking” Meghan? The British media certainly thinks so, as do the Derangers. Almost on cue, Meghan “responded” by posting an IG Story about making breakfast with her friend Kelly McKee Zajfen- they “reinvented” a banana split using honey, berries and maybe As Ever jam? Are Meghan and Gwyneth about to go tit-for-tat with their lifestyle content on social media? Is Gwyneth secretly a Sussex-hater? Does Meghan even care if she is?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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67 Responses to “Did Gwyneth Paltrow ‘mock’ Duchess Meghan in a new Instagram video?”

  1. Libra says:

    The DM says it all, ” it put Meghan in her place”. Wow. Know your place, right?

    • QuiteContrary says:

      They don’t even try to hide their racism.

      • PinkOrchid says:

        I would argue the comment is more classist than racist. Gwyneth & Co. may be acting like Turnip Toffs….or not. Jury still out.

      • Nerd says:

        I’ll say it’s a continued combination of both racist and classist.

    • Noor says:

      Gwen is only giving lip service to the idea that women should support each other. She probably felt that she should be the one to marry a prince and live with security detail and have a netflix show to boot

      • Yvette says:

        @Noor … I came here to say the same. I don’t think it was a diss, she’s just too self-absorbed to consider how her actions might affect other people.

        LOL! I actually think Goop is trying to get Meghan’s attention so she’s get a guest appearance on ‘With Love, Meghan’. I also think that’s why she’s moved back to Montecito full-time. Perhaps she wants to be the only ‘Princess’ in Montecito.

        “You know you’re a Brat when” … your parent has to point out your ‘a$$hole-ness’. Unfortunately, her parents–who both seem like good people–raised her like a special snowflake. And Gwyneth has spent her entire life letting everyone know it. You just know she was the snooty, head mean girl in junior high and high school–without any apologies whatsoever.

      • JRT says:

        Lol, Gwen must be biggly mad she married another mundane ‘Brad.’ Gwen never supported women cuz she never backed up Angelina Jolie against her other failed ‘Brad’ which she’s so friendly with after so many years.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        @noor & @yvette spot on 💯

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Well, there WAS some noise amongst certain circles in Paltrows’ younger days about her vague resemblance to Grace Kelly.

  2. JAGirl says:

    Gwyneth Paltrow is obviously trying to attach herself to Meghan and her brand to gain attention. It’s a marketing tactic but I’m not sure where she expects it to lead to.

    So many people (women especially) seem very jealous of Meghan and her success…like they really thought she was going to fail and it just isn’t happening and they’re melting down over it. Sad really.

    • Lia says:

      Agreed, I think her and Martha Stewart with the one pot pasta video are trying to get people to pay attention to them again and their products by inviting comparisons. They know that the British media jumps at any occasion to create a narrative of a celebrity being mean or snarky to Meghan and make it a story.
      I say… let them be! If anyhting it shows how much Meghan is part of the pop culture conversation when all of the other lifestyle influencers are all like “don’t forget me”!!!

    • ELX says:

      The one part of GOOP that makes money is the food. The skincare is a fail and they have really skirted the line of fraud and illegality on the quack medicine “wellness” side of things. Gwyneth Paltrow is, as ever, trying to hustle a buck, but I would never consider her some sort of arbiter of who is or isn’t “okay”. She is very problematic.

      • Swaz says:

        She sells Vagina Candles too, I think she should just stick with that 🤣🤣🤣

      • FashionMaven says:

        Yes I know GP has been doing these boyfriend breakfasts for some time. I looked at several before I came to the conclusion I did. In none of them does she stare snarkily into the camera (while the Meghan trailer music comes on). That was the only reason I thought she was mocking Meghan (or us) for coming at her friend. It wasn’t the video itself, it was her song choice and “that look” directly into the camera. That was a deliberate choice. Yall can try to explain that away but I know shade and snark when I see it and that was it. Look at her other videos – you won’t see a look like that in any of them – they are much more benign.

        That’s my only issue with the video. Her cooking and what have you was fine. It was only the part in the beginning.

        Also – her friend says “in my ACTUAL kitchen”, not “back in my kitchen”, hence people seeing shade in what and how she said it.

  3. Sunny says:

    Um, the idea of this being a swipe at Meghan is a reach. GP has been doing this boyfriend breakfast series for more than a year. She has talked at me length publicly loving to make breakfast for her husband on the weekends. The videos are always set to music like this. Have the deranger crowd ever just thought that much of influencer culture is repetitive? This people have so much time trying to find haters! My God.

    • wordnerd says:

      Yeah this is weird. Two wealthy Montecito-based women can both have “lifestyle” content…they’re not hurting anybody.

      The comments on Gwyneth’s IG about how jealous she is of Meghan are equally deranged. How about you just choose to follow whomever you please and leave others alone?

    • FashionMaven says:

      Wordnerd – do you see all the hater comments attacking Meghan in the comments while GP says nothing to them? And that smug look she gives to the camera before hand as the music from MS’ trailer music comes in fully?

      I actually think she’s trolling because she’s mad people called out her bestie – instead of making her bestie take accountability for what she did.

      This makes me angry because it’s definitely deliberate and now I have to be mad GP. I can’t stand this kind of 53% behavior.

      • wordnerd says:

        @FashionMaven I said equally deranged, meaning I think the comments coming for both of them are deranged. And no, I don’t think that it’s Gwyneth’s job to confront trolls on her posts, that’s silly and you’re quick to attack a woman you don’t know. In the end, two women should be able to both post lifestyle content without having it become some sort of competition.

      • somebody says:

        If it’s not up to Gwyneth to correct her own fans spreading hate, who is it up to? And, if she is unwilling to do so, she shouldn’t be putting out statements about defending other women who are being attacked if she isn’t even willing to do so on her own timeline.

    • Amy says:

      Agree! She posts one of these breakfast videos every few weeks. They are all in her feed.

      • Yvette says:

        @Amy … Does she use the ‘With Love, Meghan’ trailer music in those videos as well? If so, then good on her. But if not, then isn’t this lates video a bit obvious?

        Again, I’m not 100% sure this was a diss. It just seems deliberately attention seeking. Perhaps trying to make it through the Sussexes’ security team with a pie might have been a better move.

    • Chelsea says:

      Exactly Sunny. People are reaching and doing too much here. Gwyneth always posts videos like this and while I’m not her biggest defender I have no reason to believe she was being fake in that interview because she has said similar things in the past like when she was mad at the assertion that she dissed Kourtney Kardashian’s lifestyle brand and said instead the more the merrier.

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    Paltrow has always leaned into her privileged life and her connections through them. I never pay attention to her musings. Chris Martin is the only real person I have seen her associated with. Would not surprise me if she is being snarky, I would expect that from her, anything less would not fit into her character. Not surprising she has always made it onto the most disliked celebrity list.

  5. Becks1 says:

    The only part about Gwyneth’s video that seems snarky to me is the music. She’s posted these kinds of videos from that kitchen before so while the timing is suspicious, its also possible that everyone is reading to much into it. But the song seems suspect to me.

    but that said, no, I dont think Meghan’s video was in response to Gwyneth’s at all lol. I think she just wanted to post a cutesy Sunday am video.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, I guess I’m confused at how it’s mocking. Is it bc of the song choice? I mean the fact that people recognize that song from just Meghan’s trailer suggests the reach she has. But other than that?

      • Hypocrisy says:

        It’s only mocking because the rags are writing ✍️ it that way.. this is all much to do about nothing imo these people need a reality check.

  6. Niki says:

    Meghan’s got the royal family (and their cohorts by association) along with all these other bitches in a chokehold. She surpassed them in every way possible; intelligence, capability, kindness, beauty, work ethic, her marriage and her leadership abilities. She reminds them every day how mediocre and unloved they are. They simply cannot take it, they’re dying a slow death from it. Can’t compete where you’ll never compare.

  7. Nicole says:

    Gwyneth being bitchy and shady? Isn’t that kind of how she rolls? The banana split needs yogurt. That’s a lot of sweet.

  8. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t know if she is “mocking” Meghan or if she saw that Meghan caused trends for a full week, increased product line selling, and her Instagram videos are getting 10 million views and wants in on that. I think it’s more likely the latter because if she was feeling some sort of way and wanted to talk crap she had a chance to do that. Especially since there doesn’t appear to be any law of loss between Vanity Fair and Meghan.

    I think it’s just probably her and her friends being unaware in a way that some women can be about copying other women and how that can come off, especially if you have certain histories shall we say.

    Also of course the derangers think that this is her putting Meghan in her place. They live for that idea. That everyone hates Meghan as much as they do otherwise, they’d have to take a step back and look at their lives and wonder why they’re invested in tracking the every move of someone that they don’t care about, and seeing shade thrown at this person by every other person that they watch.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, bc is it mocking or is just being influenced by Meghan? I saw both Emeril Lagasse and Martha Stewart making the one pot dish bc it’s been trending all over. Meghan is getting a lot of attention for WLM and her insta posts. She’s just that girl.

      • Becks1 says:

        to be fair to Martha, she had posted a video with that recipe a while ago (it popped up in my reels in January but I think its much older than that) so that’s why she started her new video with the line about how this recipe is getting a lot of attention now or something.

        And I dont think neither she nor Emeril was mocking Meghan. We see it happen with viral recipes on a regular basis – one person makes it and it goes viral (even if that person didn’t “create” it) and then celebs and influencers try to recreate it. If anything its just a testament to the reach of WLM.

      • jais says:

        Yeah, sorry, to be clear, I didn’t see it as mocking when they posted those vids. I just thought it was cute bc as you said it’s showing the reach of WLM. Martha and Emeril have no doubt had an influence on Meghan and in turn Meghan’s show got that recipe trending again.

  9. Blogger says:

    I think the tabloids would love to create a Meghan vs Gwyneth narrative. They tried to do that when Gwyneth showed off her Montecito place with fireplaces for Architectural Digest because it reminded her of her time in England.

    The tabloids make and create news, they don’t report. They are just full of hate-filled snark. Montecito is big enough for a lot of famous people but the tabloids would dearly love someone as high profile as Gwyneth to come out and say hateful things about Meghan. That is their nature. They want a Lazy Katie version in Montecito.

    I just see these two women living their life in peaceful coexistence in a very wealthy influential enclave of California.

  10. ThatGirlThere says:

    Gwen recently shared a video showcasing several clothing pieces, mostly beige and neutral tones. Is she subtly trolling Meghan with those fashion choices too?

    The British media is super extra, always going for the lowest bar.

  11. somebody says:

    GP’s looks more like a product endorsement for the flour. If so, they might want to reconsider because those biscuits look pitiful. If GP is not being snarky then she needs to shut down some of her fans in the comments who definitely are being nasty. After all she feels like she should defend people being maligned.

  12. Harla says:

    Oh my gawd, this is insane! 2 women posted on IG about their little breakfasts and suddenly it’s a news story?! “Mocking” is involved?? A whole bunch of people need to get out and touch some grass.

  13. tamsin says:

    I know about Gwyneth and Goop, but having never seen the website or her instagram, I would conclude that this is either a riff or a parody of WLM depending on your point of view. It has the same aesthetic- shot of the gorgeous outdoors, the dog, the bright kitchen. Meghan made a “manwich” on her show for her director.

    • Gah says:

      Absolutely- anyone w eyes can see the shots were a troll of Meghan, but when you add in the music and her super casual look it’s obviously a troll. Finally coming in the heels of Tracy’s “my actual kitchen” comment. Geez these two G and T are grown ass women behaving like middle schoolers. So sad

  14. Over it says:

    Fine , I will say what no one else probably will. Gwenny , you should always, always wear makeup on camera. I have never thought this woman beautiful. Just basis and bit-chy

    • Snuffles says:

      I’ve seen Gwyneth in person. She’s incredibly mousy and plain, but she photographs well.

      • Swaz says:

        I’ve seen her too at the Balthazar NY, we couldn’t believe how mousy she was 😮

      • Friendly Crow says:

        Can you be more descriptive? What do you mean by mousey? Fascinated!

      • Meredith says:

        That might just be her age because I saw her in person, little or no makeup, 25 years ago and she was stunning, not at all mousy or plain.

      • L4Frimaire says:

        This is what women look like without makeup and lighting. She looks like herself. Gwyneth has always been this way, maybe a bit shady and smug, but maybe she feels more motivated now. Also I think people used to say the Tig was Goop influenced ( as was every other blog that came out around that time). I didn’t follow the Tig but what I’ve seen of it, they weren’t that similar. What Meghan is doing now isn’t like Goop, and too much in its infancy to gauge how it will end up. Goop is more commercial, much higher price points, broader product range and it’s wellness (sometimes very controversial) focus. As Ever isn’t even out there yet, its just a few curated products so trying to make this a competitive thing is nonsensical in my opinion.

    • wendy says:

      WHY should she wear make up on camera? Or at the grocery store, or in her own damn kitchen…why?????
      No one said it because it is off side — I swear we complain about men and the ‘male gaze’ but it has always been the female gaze that has been our worse enemy.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t think either woman is paying attention to what the other is doing, especially Meghan.

  16. Beverley says:

    Of course the derangers and royal stenographers say Gweneth is better than Meghan. She’s white.

  17. Amy G says:

    I actually interpreted the Martha and Emeril (and other) 1 pot videos as saying “yeah, real chefs can enjoy a one pot pasta too — this is not some sort of terrible idea, and you can put your own twist on it.” So either supportive or just jumping on a bandwagon, but not meant to be insulting.

    On the Gwyneth video, didn’t she have dinner with M&H and some other friends a year or two ago? I would think she would want to get on WLM, not insult someone who has built so many ties in Montecito and elsewhere. I do, though, think Tracy Anderson was trying to be relevant for more than just a fake lips convention and that her video was rude.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      I liked seeing professional chefs like Emeril and an OG like Martha making this recipe. It shows that it tapped into something people were missing and something special but attainable. Meghan is just going about her business posting in promotion of her businesses. It’s for As Ever, With Love with a few personal touches. I don’t think all those shots with jam are just coincidence, lol. Once her podcast launches, the content will veer more towards that.

  18. Lizzie says:

    I feel confident that Gwyneth is promoting Gwyneth, nothing more, nothing less.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      I mean, have we forgotten what she was like in her it girl days when she hung out with Stella McCartney or even how we were all fascinated by her clothes at that trial in Utah. She’s doing what she always does. Why does everyone have to be asked about Meghan? It’s kind of irritating and we see how the press keeps trying to set up a false rivalry and want these other celebrities to disparage her.

  19. tuni says:

    Agree no flames, only the DM trying to get women to assert their dominance over each other publicly. saying, “no I was here first”. If anyone says that then the DM will have got them to fight/disagree on the DM smoke and the DM wins = more stories about Meghan

    Tracy also has been doing recipes for her subscribers for many many years. including videos with her in them with or without the chef. i don’t have Instagram but Tracy hired a chef allie to create weekly recipes in her Tracy’s quarterly magazine she writes.

    as for the ‘back in my kitchen’ comment tracy has said this before over the years because she travel frequently to her many studios. She just came back from Florida where she had a 2 to 3 week intensive bootcamp and she said recently in one of her weekly after class chats she just returned to her home after relocating her family from the fires. She doesn’t have to walkback anything bc the DM created a connection – Tracy responded/explained – didn’t ignore the feedback – and wished everyone well.

    This women is running an empire too – new studios still opening- a health wellness magazine- she creates new workout content [always different] every week – in 3 different levels of skill – beginner to advanced and videos a class every week to put online. plus more. for 20+ yrs She creates products from dvd’s, studio equipment to candles. No one hears from her much bc she is a good person who is busy running a business. People can say her stuff is overpriced but i disagree she offers many lanes and her workouts use less than $100 worth of equipment that lasts years – you can buy anywhere. You can buy more if you want the pricier things but she is cognizant of offering options, its why she keeps expanding. The online cost is less than a gym monthly membership and the online content everyone can have is what she offers to everyone in studio. She is also makin g a very healthy normal salad. She like the scientific aspect of health and will quote studies on neurobiology and neuroplasticity. She created a space for the community [ many countries] to comment and build each other up. she only has rules that comments not be cruel or rude.

    – The Realtor link to the images on Tracy putting meghan in her place [yuck] – the article was written by a former contributor to DM. A “realtor website” but the article reads like a gossip article. the DM is expanding it’s reach so .. can’t unsee that

    from the Realtor.com link
    ‘Charlie Lankston is the executive editor at Realtor.com. She previously worked at DailyMail.com as the associate editor, covering a wide range of topics, including news, celebrities, travel, lifestyle, and the British royals.’

    • kirk says:

      tuni – Thank you for your rational, and informative, comment. Leave it up to DailyFail folk to provoke, then promote a ginned-up catfight.

  20. sdb says:

    I found the tedious misogyny of this made up competition disappointing. Both women are successful actresses and entrepreneurs, and GP was clear from her statement that “competing” with Meghan is not of interest to her. I also like to think that Meghan has bigger fish to fry than proving she is better at making breakfast that GP. GP’s friend on the other hand… that was definitely a mean girl act imo.

  21. MikeB says:

    Mocking someone says more about you than the person you are mocking.

  22. Ben says:

    Knowing how mindful the Duchess is with her friends and supporters it wouldn’t surprise me she sent G a “thank you” note after the article was published. Maybe even invited G over to her next dinner party. Knowing G and now that she’s refreshing the launch of Goop it wouldn’t surprise if she said to M: “you know what would be funny?…” And then the ig videos happened. Pretty sure it was planned.

  23. goop-ettw says:

    GP has been doing these “boyfriend breakfasts” on weekends since pandemic. Fake news baiting.

  24. Hatbox Ink says:

    You do know that Gwyneth and Meghan are poking fun at everyone now? The derangers, the Sussex Squad, and the British media. See GP’s TikTok sharing a pie over with Meghan.

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