Category: "Michelle Pfeiffer"
Jennifer Lawrence in Dior at the Venice ‘mother!’ premiere: princess-fug or fine?
Michelle Pfeiffer worries that ‘one day they’re going to find out I’m a fraud’
Michelle Pfeiffer reveals cult past where she subsisted on only ‘sunshine’
Michelle Pfeiffer, 55, in a Dolce & Gabbana ballerina dress: cloying or timeless?
Michelle Pfeiffer at the age of 55: ‘You can begin to look great for your age’
Sarah Jessica Parker in Pauline Trigère at the ‘NYE’ premiere: lovely or fug?
Katherine Heigl at the NYE premiere with helmet hair: pretty or too Golden Girls?
Michelle Pfeiffer on the botox & plastic surgery epidemic: “It’s kind of sad”
Michelle Pfeiffer is for legalized prostitution & more whipping
Michelle Pfeiffer called ‘old & decrepit’, hates the word ‘cougar’