Category: "Teenagers"
Jack Black: Now that my kids are teenagers they can’t stand my musical tastes
Joel McHale’s kid at Stonehenge: ‘wow look at this pile of rocks’ – typical teenager?
Brooke Shields’s daughter wore her 1998 Golden Globes dress to the prom
Jennie Garth on raising teenagers: ‘it’s definitely not for the faint of heart’
Justin Hartley on teaching his daughter to drive: ‘it’s the worst thing in the world’
Angela Bassett says her teens ‘spend an extraordinary amount of time in their rooms’
Heidi Klum says Leni, 16, is old enough to model if she wants to
Jennifer Garner was asked if Violet, 15, is dating, said she has all girls Zoom classes
Brooke Shields tracks her daughters: ‘If they turn it off I will make their life miserable’
Brooke Shields’ daughter smacked her hard in the face with a purse for TikTok