Cele|bitchy | Chad Lowe & girlfriend welcome daughter Mabel Painter Lowe

Chad Lowe & girlfriend welcome daughter Mabel Painter Lowe

Chad Lowe and Kim Painter
Chad Lowe and his girlfriend Kim Painter welcomed a baby girl on Saturday. The couple named their daughter Mabel Painter Lowe, because Kim apparently gave birth to an old-timey phone operator: “Mabel, I need Butterfield 7-0-2!” Chad and producer Kim have been together since the beginning of 2007. Before that, Chad was married to Hillary Swank from 1997 to 2006. Hillary famously outed Chad as a drug user and abuser in a 2006 Vanity Fair interview, but I’ve always assumed that Chad got help and has been clean for several years now. Mabel is the first child for Chad and for Kim:

It’s a girl for Chad Lowe and his girlfriend, producer Kim Painter, the actor’s rep confirms to PEOPLE.

Daughter Mabel Painter Lowe made her debut on Saturday in Los Angeles. “Everybody is healthy and happy,” says the rep.

The couple announced the pregnancy in January, with Lowe explaining that Painter revealed the baby news to him with a grin. “She woke up with a very big smile on her face and I knew exactly what that meant,” the Emmy-winning actor, 41, told Access Hollywood.

Lowe and Kim began dating in January 2007. Mabel is the first child for the couple.

[From People Magazine]

I always end up feeling badly for Chad, and I’m not sure why. He’s a pretty good actor, and he’s built a resume of solid character work. I suppose I feel sorry for him because I, like so many, tend to compare him to Hillary Swank. Like, where are your two Oscars, Chad? And that’s not fair to him at all.

Chad and Kim have been together for a few years, and I hope they’re settled in their relationship. I bet Mabel is a total cutie, even if she does grow up to be a 1940s sweater girl. Congratulations to the happy family!
Chad Lowe and Kim Painter

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25 Responses to “Chad Lowe & girlfriend welcome daughter Mabel Painter Lowe”

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  1. Arianna says:

    What an ugly baby name. Mabel is from the 50’s.

  2. Sissy says:

    I’m not a big fan of the name Mabel.

  3. photo jojo says:

    I think Mabel can work but… Mabel Lowe? Sounds like one word: mabelowe.

  4. stewie says:


    yeah, while Mabel is a “normal” name (compared to Apple, Bronx, etc), it’s still very outdated. and not very pretty.

  5. ahem says:

    Nice to see Mad About You finally making its mark on culture.

  6. Iggles says:

    Well, it’s like naming your kid Eunice, Ethel or Mildred. She’ll probably go by the nickname ‘May’.

    Anyway, I’m happy for Chad. His ex seemed like a self centered witch. She cheated on him before they split with her manager.

  7. gg says:

    Their next kid will be named Gladys Blanche.

  8. Chicamorena says:

    Did they name her after a great-great-grandmother? Anyway, congratulations on the baby.

  9. lisa says:

    Congratulations to the couple!

  10. Mairead says:

    I think Mabel is a lovely name. Traditional names go through phases of being popular.

  11. TaylorB says:

    Mabel is ok it may be dated but it is certainly better than ‘Apple’ or ‘Pilot Inspektor’ but the middle name ‘Painter’??? seriously?

  12. Anna says:

    “Painter”????? They should have gone all the way. Why not name her Fence Painter, or Wall Painter or might be even Brain Surgery…. some parents need.

  13. Tassi says:

    I love the name Mabel.

  14. Gena says:

    I love both names!

  15. Trillion says:

    A new Lowe in unwarranted public news.

  16. Jen says:

    Is it just me, or does he have a “type”? She looks just like Hilary Swank only girlier.

  17. jennifer says:

    Is it not normal for people to use both the mother and father’s last name for a child? Not in my family but I’ve seen it many times. So the name “Painter” is not like Apple or whatever, it’s mom’s last name. Like, Mabel Smith Lowe (for eg.)

    I can’t even believe I’m writing this, but I guess it’s because I can’t even believe people are confused by it… 😛

  18. Ggirl says:

    Good for both of them. Agree with CB about feeling badly for Chad after he and Hiliary split. Hiliary commented about his alleged drug problem when they divorced. It seemed like a low blow at the time. Glad he seems to have moved on.

  19. CiCi says:

    To Everyone Appalled at the Middle Name Painter: IT’S THE MOTHER’S LAST NAME. a lot of times, the mother’s last name is often a middle name. That’s not uncommon.

  20. Cinderella says:

    It’s nice to see Chad in a better place. I would bet Hilary did very little for his self-esteem.

  21. w0ww0w says:

    at least her middle name isn’t Mowgli.

  22. Casey says:

    Good for both of them.

    I always thought he got pretty screwed over by Hilary, so glad he’s happy,

  23. daisyfly says:


    Mad about You reference = Mothers Always Bring Extra Love

    It’s a classic name and sounds so much better than Moxie Crimefighter or Moon Unit. Sheesh.

  24. orion70 says:

    congrats to them. but just to be bitchy (why not), she needs to ditch that dress and perhaps buy a better bra. She looks frumpy and saggy.

  25. Chicamorena says:

    Mabel was classic back in the 1930s but now it just sounds awful. Every time I hear it, I start remembering that rhyme our mothers used to chant when they were teaching us table manners… something about “Mabel, Mabel, if you’re able, get your elbows off the table…”

    Although I wonder how many names that are popular now are going to seem hilariously old-fashioned 50 years from now?

    You’re right about Moon Unit, though. Any parent who inflicts a name like Dweezil on their poor innocent kid should be tarred and feathered.