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Ryan Seacrest cuts his widdle hand

Ryan Seacrest suffered a bad cut on his hand after falling through a glass table while at an "American Idol" meeting. It sounds incredibly dumb of him to sit on the table in the first place:

"I decide I'm 155 pounds, I can sit on that thing," he says of the table. "So I sit on the glass and I'm sitting there for two-and-a-half minutes, and I put my hand back to the middle of the table and all of a sudden [there's] this huge pop and I fall between the framing, into the middle, my legs up in the air in a pool of glass. I felt like the biggest idiot!"

Seacrest's injury was minor, and he didn't even require stitches from paramedics called to the scene. He says it was worse getting his schedule delayed by 45 minutes than cutting his hand.

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