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Shaquille O'Neal and his wife have a baby girl

Shaquille O'Neal and his wife Shaunie had a baby girl early Tuesday morning. It is their fourth child:

Shaq and Shaunie told Access Hollywood that they welcomed their fourth child together, Me’Arah Sanaa O'Neal, at 4:57 am in Miami. Me’Arah, which Shaq and Shaunie say means "beautiful one," weighed in at 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21-and-a-half inches long.

The couple, who has been married for three years, has three other children together, daughter Amirah and sons Shareef and Shaquir. In addition, Shaquille has a daughter, Taahirah, from a previous relationship and Shaunie has a son, Myles, also from a previous relationship.

Best wishes to the growing family.

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