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Lindsay Lohan wrote an e-mail to gossip mogul Perez Hilton damning the hoards of paparrazi that follow her everywhere. Before you question the authenticity of the e-mail, Perez has hung out with Lohan. He also works out of a Hollywood coffee shop that stars frequent, and just saw Lohan on Wednesday morning. Her grammar isn't that great, but she's probably dashing off the message on her Blackberry while surrounded by photographers:
Almost witnessed 3kids being hit by paparazzi.... Never in my life had an expirience as I just did with the paparazzi. I am not kidding I am shaking, cannot breathe a bit, scared, anxious and sad. If someone doesn't feel bad, than I will feel bad for myself. It is disgusting what these g-d damn people are doing to me. As well as the people in my life that I work with/for. Its vulgar and I'm saddened for myself.
And, ANY of those willing to fall into judging me in any way in the future, or past. Can watch the video tapes that these men/women take of me while they are being invasive towards my DAY off.... Which I never have anymore. (Send that to Morgan Creek)
G-d Bless.
The paparrazi are going too far if some kids almost got hit.
So Lindsay feels sorry for herself? Judging from the amount of photographs of Lindsay that hit the 'net on a daily basis, she must have a hard time just getting away from it all.
She seems torn between loving the publicity and nightlife and wanting to have a little peace and quiet. She certainly plays to the cameras when it's to her advantage.
Maybe if she quit showing up for every event she could stem her popularity just enough to get some precious alone time. It might do wonders for her credibility, too.
A new editorial claims Lindsay is headed for Tara Reid country and that she's the one who courts disaster. We have to agree:
Slow down, Lindsay, and the paparazzi will too. You don't need to be roadkill.
Here is Lohan at the Saturn X Games kickoff party on 8/2. I don't know who the guy is that she's posing with, but some of you probably do. [via]
Posted to Lindsay Lohan | Parties | Perez Hilton | Photos
Jessica Simpson's controlling dad is at it again. Her manager dad Joe is said to be partially to blame for the dissolution of her marriage to Nick Lachey and now he supposedly wants Jessica to stop hanging out with Eva Longoria, because she steals the limelight from Jess.
He didn't just tell Jessica that he didn't like her seeing Eva, he went behind her back to dupe Eva into not attending Jessica's birthday party with the rest of her friends.
Sneaky Joe had an assistant phone Eva and tell her Jessica had to cancel because she was ill. Then he arranged for a private plane to whisk Jess and galpals to Vegas, where they partied hearty at a post birthday bash... without Eva, who had "mysteriously" neglected to RSVP! When Eva realized she'd been duped, she was furious - and Jessica was left holding the bag and apologizing profusely for the snub... but Longoria's livid! Stay tuned.
Poor Jessica is going to be left with a half-assed hairdresser as her only friend in this difficult, single time. She needs all the girlfriends she can get and that's awful of her dad to try to cut Eva Longoria out of her life.
Maybe now that the news has got out Jessica will tell her dad to step off finally. It's about time she dumped him as her manager and stepped out on her own.
Here she is at Lodge Steakhouse in LA with some other girlfriends. The pictures are from Sweet, where they say she "shows off her fuller figure." Teetering between a size 6 and 8 doesn't seem like a full figure to me, but I suppose everything is relative in Hollywood.
And who's that tight-faced woman in the terrible pink gathered dress behind her? She doesn't look fun or trash-talking like Eva. (Not that I like Eva, but she's probably fun to hang out with.)
Posted to Eva Longoria | Jessica Simpson | Parties | Photos
Page Six has this big story that P. Diddy slept through his own party in Saint Tropez, but you know, at least he's oversleeping to attend parties and is keeping his business appointments, unlike La Lohan, who has it the wrong way 'round:
Diddy was supposed to breeze into the exclusive Nikki Beach club at 2:30 p.m., but he didn't show until 8 p.m., with hundreds of revelers wondering whether they were being stood up by their host. Turns out the rapper-fashion impresario was sound asleep, recovering from the raucous after-party that followed his "Unforgivable" bash aboard the 277-foot yacht, RM Elegant. It kept going until 8:30 a.m., and Diddy didn't hit the sack until 9.
Hollywood parties are business appointments, though. I'm all confused.
Diddy throws enough parties that I'm sure people will forgive him for showing up a bit late. I just want to know if he's still serving Cristal.
In attendance were Ivana and a possibly surgically enhanced 24 year-old Ivanka Trump, Paris and Stavros, Penelope Cruz, and the Duchess of York and her oldest daughter, Beatrice.
Diddy has just recorded an album in which he sings for the first time. He said it was nerve-wracking:
Here are some far-away pictures of Diddy on a trampoline at his party from Hello! Magazine, and a few of Paris at the party from
Lindsay Lohan got a harsh letter from the CEO of the production company running her latest film, "Georgia Rule," that makes it clear that her bosses aren't buying the "heat exhaustion" excuse. I initially believed that Lohan was working every day and just had to go to the hospital once for whatever reason, because I'm gullible like that and there are plenty of pictures of her on set. It turns out that Lohan skipped a entire day of work and planned not to go in the next day, either.
Lohan's bosses are pissed that she showed up late to work a bunch of times and held up filming for a day, since
it costs big bucks to keep all those actors hydrated and gaffers fed. They sent a letter to the hotel she stays at last Wednesday.
You have acted like a spoiled child and in so doing have alienated many of your co-workers and endangered the quality of this picture.
This letter hit the Internet, thanks to The Smoking Gun, on Thursday. Instead of staying at home, maybe renting a movie or buying shit on eBay, Lohan was out partying again this weekend, and she didn't just stay close to home.
She went to Vegas with her boyfriend of one whole month and was seen at Jeff Beacher's variety show. She was photographed flashing her trademark peace sign.
Lohan has become a parody of herself and will have a steady career of increasingly more embarassing endorsements if she doesn't slow down and focus on her acting. Oh wait - she can sing too, right?
Lohan is shown at the show in question in Vegas on Saturday. She is also seen outside of The Ivy restaurant with her boyfriend, Harry Morton, who seems to think that a pack of cigarettes can shield him from the paparrazi.
Lohan and Morton got new tattoos in the wee hours of the morning last week, but they didn't pull a Scary Spice 'n Eddie Murphy, and opted instead for trite symbols that will last much longer than their relationship.
Pictures [via]
Posted to Addictions | Lindsay Lohan | Parties | SmartSmartSmart
Lindsay Lohan is recanting her accusation that Paris Hilton is somehow responsible for the nasty missives that were sent to Lindsay's friends from her hacked Blackberry. Paris probably figured out Lindsay's password and sent the messages, which sound just like Paris' hate-filled idiocy, but Lindsay can't prove it and doesn't want to deal with getting sued.
"They weren't," she now said. "We now have her lawyers looking into it."
Defamer has an eyewitness who claims that Paris complained loudly to her entourage that "firecrotch" was calling her "again" and sent two calls from Lindsay to voicemail.
Poor Lindsay needs a gal pal or a trusty hairdresser who can keep up with her. She's wearing out her fuck buddies quickly and doesn't have anyone to have a raspy chat with.
Lindsay attended Jeremy Piven's birthday party in two different flesh-colored bikinis. There are several things wrong with her outfits. In the pictures of other party-goers she seems to be the only wearing a bikini. Does she really need the attention that badly? She also managed to chose swimwear in two colors that are completely unflattering to her skintone. I'm also a fair-skinned strawberry blonde and I know better than to wear pink or light tan. It just makes her looked washed up. I mean washed out. Then again, maybe she was going for that nude look.
Pictures [via]
Posted to Fights | Lindsay Lohan | Paris Hilton | Parties | Photos
Thanks to Millie for pointing out the other two pictures leaked from Angelina Jolie's baby shower. [via] People are saying that it's crappy of one of their friends to shop the pictures around, but that it's likely that they're stolen. One commentor on DListed notes that there's a rumor that one of Brad's bodyguards is behind it.
The photo of Angelina and Zahara on the beach is lovely, and it's nice to see Brad and Angelina laughing and looking like they're having a good time.
We'll have to wait and see where these photos turn up and who gets threatened with a lawsuit. It's sure to be big news come Monday.
Posted to Angelina Jolie | Babies | Brad Pitt | Brangelina | Parties | Photos
Celebirty Baby Blog had this picture that's supposedly from Angelina Jolie's baby shower showing the heavily pregnant actress wearing a feather boa and joking around with Brad:
Whoever has those 450 digital photos of the Jolie-Pitts could easily retire on the income from selling the pictures, but doesn't have a clue how to market them properly if they're e-mailing blogs about it. (No offense to the fabulous Celebrity Baby Blog.)
Stay tuned as more pictures are released. They're sure to spread like wildfire.
Posted to Angelina Jolie | Brad Pitt | Brangelina | Parties | Photos
This is not news, but it does confirm that Kim Kardashian's eBay ID is *styleworld* (with asterisks around it) as we reported yesterday. She was seen out in the Christian Louboutin platform espadrilles, size 9, that she bought on eBay on April 24th for $445.00 plus $16.95 shipping.
Kim, 25, attended the "Entourage" LA premiere on 6/1 wearing the overpriced but discounted shoes. She was hanging out with Paris Hilton at the event. She is dating Nick Lachey and is the daughter of O.J. Simpson lawyer, Robert Kardashian.
Nick Lachey's new girlfriend, Kim Kardashian, attended the Dom Pérignon Rosé Vintage 1996 launch with Paris Hilton on June 2nd in Beverly Hills. She was photographed the day before at the "Entourage" LA premiere with Paris, suggesting the two are friends now. Paris may not be befriending Kim just because she's Nick Lachey's girlfriend and is in all the gossip mags this week - Kim was seen posing with Paris and her good friend Caroline D'Amore at the NFL draft party for Paris' then-boyfriend, Matt Leinart. Nick Lachey was also at the party on May 2nd, and People reports that was where he met Kim.
The first four photographs are HQ [via], the rest are smaller.
According to the NY Daily News, Paris Hilton played an angry voice message for friends from Lindsay Lohan, in which Lohan had some things to say about the "firecrotch" video featuring Paris and a drunken Brandon Davis.
Now Paris'... publicist says [he] has never heard Paris used the C-word
Paris' rep argues, "I've never heard her use that word."
Lindsay admits she's "mad" at Paris and her sidekick Brandon Davis.
Maybe Lindsay will realize that the firecrotch video is the best thing to happen to her image since she was rumored to be considering charity work at an unspecified time in the future. She should just suck and up and relish her status as a victim this week.
Paris has been partying in Cannes, and picked up $200,000 just for showing up at a charity event. She couldn't have even bought her way into a Vanity Fair party, though.
In March Hilton was banned from the magazine's annual post-Oscar bash at Morton's Restaurant after she was blacklisted by the magazine's editor Graydon Carter. Carter said, "Paris who? She will never attend one of the parties I host."
That's awesome that bird face can't get into any more Vanity Fair parties. If only she would get banned from an entire country like Snoop Dogg.
Here she is in Cannes at the X-men 3 premiere and out shopping with Caroline D'Amore. Did you notice that we didn't post any pictures of her for two days? This took a lot of restraint.
Posted to Arrogant | Cannes | Lindsay Lohan | Paris Hilton | Parties
Oprah held her "Legends Ball" last night to honor the achievements of African-American women. Celebrities pictured include Oprah Winfrey, Janet Jackson, Jermaine Dupri, Tyra Banks, Mariah Carey, Spike Lee, Diddy, Smokey Robinson, Pam Grier, Dionne Warwick, Gayle King, Cicely Tyson, Deborah Roberts, Antonio LA Reid , and Nate Berkus.
A two hour special featuring highlights from the 2005 Legends Ball will air on ABC this Monday:
In addition to the honorees, among those in attendance at the weekend's events were Halle Berry, Sidney Poitier, Angela Bassett, Tom Cruise, Barbra Streisand, Sen. Barack Obama, Maria Shriver and Quincy Jones.
In the pictures of the event, Janet Jackson looks fit and happy, and Mariah Carey looks pretty good even though she's wearing a stripper cut-out dress. 70s siren Pam Grier looks pretty bad, but I looked her up and she suffered from cancer in 1988 and was given 18 months to live. She was gorgeous in Jackie Brown in 1997. Hopefully she's on the road to recovery and will get a makeover soon.
Nick Lachey's new album "What's Left of Me" is a clear and heartbreaking exploration of his very public breakup from fellow singer Jessica Simpson. Critics are saying the music is decent pop, if a bit melodramatic and depressing:
If so, then Nick Lachey's new solo album, "What's Left of Me," could prove cathartic; If not, it might leave you a bit depressed...
The disc - a somber, soulful, angsty collection of 12 ballads - is a slickly produced, raw-nerved confessional of his heartbreak and an open letter to Simpson.
In "Shades of Blue," one of the album's best tracks, Lachey pines for a lost love, foolishly awaiting her return. He asks, "Why did you have to leave? Why did you have to set me free? Why did you have to go?" But he takes an angrier tone in "I Do it For You," expressing his wish to see her "bleed and see how it feels..."
Realizing that he must move on ("I don't want to waste another day stuck in the shadow of my mistakes"), the title track has Lachey telling a potential lover to make him "whole once again."
His brooding songs, sung in a clear tenor, span different stages of grief, sometimes within the same track - there's resentment, regret and acceptance in "I Can't Hate You Anymore" - until he reaches his "Resolution," pledging his commitment to let go. Finally.
Set to a pop soundtrack, his pain becomes palpable, raw, universal. His pain becomes ours.
Here's the video for "What's Left of Me." It's pretty good.
The NY Daily News is reporting that Nick decided not to respond to former miss Kentucky Lizzie Arnold, who he was supposedly dating in January. She was said to have sent him several voice and text messages in a vain attempt to get in touch with him before the Kentucky Derby. He was busy with Petra Nemcova the next day, so why would he bother with a past hookup?
Stars attending the CDs release party at Mood in Las Vegas last night include Sophia Bush, Drew Lachey, Wilmer Valderrama, Ryan McPartlin, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, Ryan McPartlin, Sophie Monk, Stacey Keibler, Lance Bass, Traci Swain, Casey Swain and Bonnie Somerville.
Celebrities were in attendance at the XBox 360 E3 party in Hollywood yesterday. The folks at Endgadget were also there, and reported about the new peripherals for the XBox, including an add-on HD DVD drive, to be released this Christmas season. They snapped some covert pictures of the new drive, and are not sure how good it will be
Steel yourself for a shock, but the HD DVD drive was actually looking like it was just going to be a regular 5.25-inch HD DVD drive slapped in a 360-styled external enclosure. Now that you've collected yourself after that bit of hysteria, we can tell you the (non-functional) drive itself had only a power plug (which looked to be of the variety that runs to the wall, no adapter required), a mini USB host port for connecting to the 360, two full USB ports for the device to otherwise act as a USB hub, and a spot for your 360 WiFi adapter to latch on the back since it could possibly be displaced by the use of the rear USB port to get this thing running on the console.
Will you be able to buy their drive at a huge loss? If MS releases with a $200 or less MSRP to make the core pack compete with Sony's lowest-end PlayStation 3, you could. But will you be able to plug it into a computer and have a functioning HD DVD drive (either via USB or by tearing it down)? Will Microsoft introduce an integrated HD DVD drive into future "premium" 360 consoles? There are just way too many questions to be answered with this one people, but what we do know is that in one form or another this thing exists, and we can't wait to get our hands on the real deal.
Here are Paris Hilton, Michael Vartan, rageaholic Bijou Philips, Danny Masterson, Matthew Perry, Caroline D'Amore and Taryn Manning sampling the goods. Of all the games available, Taryn Manning chose to play PacMan. Matthew Perry also seemed confused by the Jenny Holzer-type screensaver text art.
That 70s show is ending its eight-year run with a finale to air May 18th. Aston Kutcher became famous during his run on the show. Topher Grace also made the transition to the big screen, while Wilmer Valderrama became known for screwing starlets:
"I went to Wilmer's high school graduation," Rupp says. "He called and said, "Mrs. Debra Jo, will you come to my graduation?' "
Two of the young actors weren't working in their first language. Kunis was born in the Ukraine, moving to the United States at 7. Valderrama was born in Miami but moved to Venezuela at 3.
All seemed to capture a world that seemed low-key and goofy...
Mostly, these teens horsed around in the Forman basement. Upstairs, Red and Kitty ranged from lust to arguments.
"Kitty was the final word," Rupp says. "She was a feisty little thing."
Meanwhile, the kids drifted through life. Eric moved in and out of his relationship with Donna (Prepon), the girl next door.
Capturing its old-young audience, "That '70s Show" did fairly well in the ratings. In recent years, only a few shows ("Seinfeld," "Friends" and "Everybody Loves Raymond") have drawn better Nielsen ratings in afternoon reruns.
Some of the actors have gone on to bigger things. Grace and Kutcher have moved on to film.
"Ashton, from the beginning, was a go-getter," Rupp says.
Now they've reconvened for a finale. Even on TV, the 1970s must come to a close.
The wrap party for the series was held on Saturday night in Los Angeles. Topher Grace was noticeably absent from the party but Ashton Kutcher showed up with his old lady, Demi Moore, and her daughter Rumer. Other cast and friends shown include Don Stark, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis, Debra Jo Rupp, Wilmer Valderrama, Josh Meyers, Chris Masterson and Melissa Joan Hart.
A party was held Saturday at the Palms Casino to celebrate the opening of their new "Fantasy Tower" :
Several of the rooms in the new tower are themed. There's a suite with two bowling lanes and a giant sized suite with a basketball court.
Living the fantasy will bring you back down to reality. A night in one of the suites can run $5,000 to $50,000.
Avril Lavigne has attributed her new glamorous image to maturity rather than a makeover, saying it's a natural progression:
"When I first broke on the scene, I was a little kid straight out of high school and into skate-boarding and all that.
"Now I'm older. I'll keep wearing the rock look but a little more feminine, a little more of that rock glam thing going on".
Avril Lavigne wore black, making it hard to judge the size of her baby bump. Also attending were Avril's fiance Deryck Whibley, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, Kevin Connolly, Michelle Trachtenberg, Adrian Grenier, Jeremy Piven, Caroline D'Amore, Krista Allen, Seth Green, Travis Barker, Alison Waite and Benji Madden.
Paris was just linked with USC quarterback Matt Leinart after it was announced yesterday that she broke up with Stavros Niarchos. She's not wasting any time because she showed up at a party at Pure nightclub at Ceasar's Palace last night to celebrate Leinart's draft into the NFL. She even sang at the event.
Also attending were Nick Lachey, Danny Masterson, Wilmer Valderrama, Kimberly Kardashian, and Caroline D'Amor. View the e-vite for the event. (Warning - lauches automatic music.)
Leinart has been drafted to the Arizona Cardinals. He won the Heisman Trophy so he must be hot shit.
Here's some quick sports background on Leinart.
Matt Leinart was said to be dating Kirsten Cavallari at one time, but just like Nick Lachey, Cavallari said that they were only friends. Leinart has a blog that centers around his football career.
He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and we doubt he and Paris will last.
Here are pictures from the party.
Update: Images removed upon request.
Posted to Kimberly Kardashian | Matt Leinart | Nick Lachey | Paris Hilton | Parties | Sports | Wilmer Valderrama
The Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art held a ball last night to celebrate the opening of an exhibit on British design. Sienna Miller, wearing an awful gold sequined minidress and black tights, served as co-chair for the event.
The flamboyant show, made up of themed rooms including a Hunt Ball and a Gentleman’s Club, is the latest example of the city’s growing obsession with all things from across the pond.
Celebrities from the UK including Liz Hurley, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell put on their glad rags for the lavish event.
The Americans were represented by A-listers including Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker and Richard Gere.
The British-born editor of American Vogue, Anna Wintour, swept in first.
Miller, who teamed her glittering frock with opaque black tights and wore her hair tied back in a simple ponytail, shared the limelight with Christopher Bailey, the creative director of Burberry.
He and Wintour were the starlet’s fellow co-chairs. The fashion house and Vogue publisher Condé Nast have sponsored the exhibition.
The guy dressed like a cabaret pirate posing with Charlize Theron is Dior designer John Galiano. He's responsible for her monstrosity of an Oscar gown with the giant shoulder bow. Sienna Miller is shown with Christopher Bailey, Burberry's creative director.
We have over 100 pictures from the event. Stars and designers attending include Alexander McQueen, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, John Galliano, Charlize Theron, Lindsay Lohan, Victoria Beckham, Emmy Rossum, Eva Mendes, Gisele Bundchen, Gretchen Mol, Jessica Alba, Josh Hartnett, Lenny Kravitz, Donatella Versace, Rupert Everett, Linda Evangelista and Amber Valetta, Jessica Alba, Marcia Gay Harden, Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Melania Trump, Donald Trump, Molly Sims, Rosario Dawson, Scarlett Johansson, Stella McCartney, Amanda Peet, Andre Leon Talley, Naomi Campbell, Angela Lindvall, Angie Harmon, Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day, Bridget Moynahan, Tom Brady, Chloe Sevigny, Ciara, Dita Von Teese and Marliyn Manson, Drew Barrymore, Elizabeth Hurley, Erin O'Connor, Matthew Williamson, Eve, Gina Gershon, Ginnifer Goodwin, Ivana Trump, Jacquetta Wheeler, Jason Lewis, Jessica Stam, John Legend, Johnny Rotten, Josh Lucas, Joy Bryant, Julia Stegner, Iselin Steiro, Karolina Kurkova, Lily Cole, Lauren Bush, Lily Donaldson, Gemma Ward, Liv Tyler, Francisco Costa, Lydia Hearst, Mandy Moore, Minnie Driver, Nick Cannon, Petra Nemcova, Rachel Roy, Damon Dash, Ralph Fiennes, Richard Gere, Cary Lowell, Thandie Newton, Selma Blair, Shalom Harlow, Sienna Miller, Christopher Bailey, designer for Burberry, Zooey Deschanel, Sophie Dahl, Ivanka Trump, Mark Ruffalo, Taye Diggs, Idima Menzel, and Sarah Wynter.
Younger members of the in crowd picked up lots of swag at the "Desert Oasis" Coachella invite-only party held in La Quinta, California on Saturday at Frank Sinatra's Twin Palms estate:
Andreas Herr, co-publisher of music publication Anthem Magazine, is hosting his second pool party Saturday afternoon at Frank Sinatra's Twin Palms estate. The magazine brought in Reebok, Amp'd Mobile and InSound to sponsor the event, and invited music label executives, fashion-industry types and musicians.
"It's an influential audience. It's something that our sponsors like to reach," Herr said.
Hopefully Nicole Richie got some free sunglasses. The ones she wore to the party look like they came from a joke shop.
Pictured attendees include Taryn Manning, Nicole Richie, Nicky Hilton, Kevin Connelly, Scott Speedman, Busy Phillipps, Alex Nesic, and Melissa Sagemiller.
Paris Hilton is getting paid half a million dollars to host a rock concert this weekend in Austria. I would work 60 hour weeks for two years straight for that kind of money and consider myself lucky as hell.
Her idea of working hard is seriously skewed. Her house is enviable though, of course.
In the pictures of Paris' Hollywood villa below that were published in Hello Magazine, you can get a sense of the "Old Hollywood" style favored by her interior designer, and see the chandeliers hanging in her closet and over her bed. She also has a huge picture of herself hanging in her lounge.
Among her memorable quotes in the article accompanying the pictures:
Other revelations in the article include the fact that Paris' dogs have their own gated area, and that her bed is worth nearly $20,000 USD.
Pictures [via]
Here are also some pictures of Paris celebrating Stavros Niarchos' 21st birthday at Fix Restaurant in Vegas on 4/12. The cake is just incredible.
Us Weekly's Hot Hollywood Awards were held Wednesday night. Jessica Alba had a near nip-slip that resulted in some cute picture of her pulling her dress strap up. (Wireimage did not capture this, so you'll have to see it everywhere else.)
Despite Us Weekly's content, stars were pleased to show up for the party.
We have over 50 pictures of the party arrivals, including Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Alba, Alessandra Ambrosio, Brittany Murphy, Cindy Margolis, Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon, Ludacris, Harry Hamlin, Lisa Rinna, Haylie Duff, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Paris Hilton, Victoria Silvstedt, Avril Lavigne, Carmen Electra, Dave Navarro, Michelle Trachtenberg, Rachael Leigh Cook, Nicky Hilton, Gabrielle Union, Kelly Osbourne, Kimberly Stewart, Stacy Keibler, Ryan Seacrest, Sofia Vergara, Taryn Manning, Maria Sharapova, Melinda Clarke, Tom Green with a fanny pack, and Tori Spelling.
Update: Images removed on request.
Posted to Avril Lavigne | Brittany Murphy | Carmen Electra | Dave Navarro | Haylie Duff | Jennifer Love Hewitt | Jessica Alba | Kelly Osbourne | Nicky Hilton | Paris Hilton | Parties | Photos | Ryan Seacrest | Stacy Keibler | Tori Spelling
Maybe Paris Hilton can act. According to the Swedish newspaper, Aftonbladet, the hard-partying heiress cried to get out of a ticket for driving without a registration for her new car:
So Paris didn't even get a ticket for driving with an unregistered vehicle. She's had the car for about a month, so you think she could send one of her minions to the DMV for her. Here are some pictures of Paris getting a parking ticket, so she's at least suffered that indignity.
Here's a German commercial for online yellow pages featuring Paris ordering some rolls:
And here are pictures of Paris celebrating her boyfriend Stavros Niarchos III's 21st Birthday Party at Tao Night Club in Las Vegas on 4/22. [via]
Update: pictures of Hilton at the opening of the "replay" clothing store in LA last night. Brandon Davis is launching his line of jeans at the new store. Davis is a former friend of Hilton, and spoke out against her last year, calling her a racist. Nick Hilton also attending the opening.
Paris will host a rock concert at an Austrian ski resort this weekend, and will have to introduce Pink to the crowd. Pink mocks the skinny heiress in her video "Stupid Girls."
TMZ reported that Britney Spears planned to attend the listening party for her husband Kevin Federline's excuse for a rap album at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas this past Friday.
But in an interesting turn of supportive wifeliness, Britney Spears is planning to attend and has even gone so far as to put 11 of her own friends on the guest lists for the party, sources say.
The pictures have come out from the event, and Britney is nowhere to be found. Is she fed up with K-Fed? We reported on Saturday that she was said to be enraged with Kevin when seven month-old Sean Preston fell off the couch when Kevin was supposed to be watching him. Sources say this may have been the fall that fractured the baby's skull, not the incident with the highchair.
Britney may have stayed away because Kevin asked her to. The couple was said to be fighting over the fact that Britney gets all the attention at events promoting Kevin. The last time they made a public appearance together was at a belated birthay party for Kevin on March 25th.
Britney is also said to feel threatened by reports that her ex-bodyguards plan to dish the dirt on her, which could include allegations of drug use and details of her sloppy lifestyle.
Here is K-Fed looking like a royal ass at his show on Friday. [via]
Update: Britney may have been pissed that Kevin asked Paris Hilton to come to the party. Paris didn't attend, and sent her parents instead. Another report has Britney and Kevin arguing in Vegas before the gig, with Britney crying before she went back to their suite.
Instead of fulfilling her dream to model for Karl Lagerfeld, Lohan will have to settle for snapping the fashion designer herself. She's scheduled to take pictures of Lagerfeld for an upcoming issue of Interview magazine:
Lohan was passed up for a fashion contract by Lagerfeld for being too young, and is said to be desperate to get a high-end fashion endorsement deal. At least she has a sense of humor about it, but it seems rather lame that she's going to take pictures of Lagerfeld.
Lohan has a lot of projects coming up and will eventually star in a "dark comedy" called Georgia Rule with Jane Fonda and Felicity Huffman. The movie has yet to be written.
Here are Lohan and Lagerfeld at an art opening for Visionaire magazine last night in NY. Also shown are Cher, Michael Stipe and Chloe Sevigny. Sevigny needs to get her eyebrows and hair done.
Posted to Cher | Chloe Sevigny | Lindsay Lohan | Parties | Photos
P. Diddy says that he likes a woman's nether region fully waxed so he can do his thing. Now that's normal and a lot of guys agree with him. What's not normal is the fact that he goes on to say that he likes to wash their hair before he gets busy:
The star, who used to date Jennifer Lopez, claims he works ladies up into a lather by sensually shampooing their locks.
He said: "I do it old school, using a pot to rinse their hair. I do it slowly, lather her up, letting the water trickle over her.'
All I can think of is that episode of The X Files where the serial killer washed his victims' hair and trimmed their nails before killing them. It's creepy to say that you like to wash women's hair and it skeeves me out that Diddy is into that.
Here's Diddy at a listening party for Cheri Dennis' Album on April 12th. He is shown with Usher, Andre Harrell, Cherri Dennis, Sean Combs and Tracey Weyper.
Posted to Odd | P. Diddy | Parties | Photos
Tori Spelling's mom was said to be pissed that Tori was planning on making fun of her eBay obsession on her new faux-reality series for VH1, sonoTORIous. Now that the show has aired, with Loni Anderson playing Tori's bitchy mom, Tori's real mom won't even talk to her.
Tori's divorce from Charlie Shanian is due to be finalized after a million-dollar wedding and a mere 14 months of marriage. She is now free to marry her fiance, Dean McDermott..
Here she is at the Hollywood Life Reception For "So noTORIous" at Pizarro Design Studio last night.
Posted to Parties | Photos | Television | Tori Spelling
Paris Hilton is launching a new line of cellphone games, starring herself of course.
"Mobile gaming is really hot right now, and I'm excited to be part of this project," Hilton said in the Gameloft statement. While Hilton might not be a big gamer, she's made appearances at industry parties sporting a bejeweled Nintendo DS and flashy PlayStation Portable, courtesy of her hosts.
Hilton won't have anything to do with the project except for lending her name and likeness to the game.
Paris held a party at her place Monday Night for her boyfriend Stavros Niarchos' 21st birthday. (We said it was next week, but we were wrong.) Perez Hilton has the details:
Around midnight, Courtney Love made a surprise appearance, accompanied by Billy Corgan and her drummer/friend Lisa.
Miss Love looked gorgeous, dressed in all black, wearing strappy, diamond-covered heels, and her hair adorned with decorative fabric.
At 1:30 A.M., some boys and girls jumped in the pool, including Stavros - clad in his boxers - and Paris (who went swimming in her dress). Quite a fun way to cap the evening!
Here are Perez' pictures. He doesn't have to make his tag so obtrusive - we know he was there.
Posted to Paris Hilton | Parties | Perez Hilton | Photos
Paris Hilton sang happy birthday at a party held for 80 year-old Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner. She wore a bra, panties and garters and exhibited a surprisingly good singing voice. Hef was also feted by Donald Trump, Three-6 Mafia, Jenna Jameson, Bill Maher, and Oliver Stone.
Here's the video of Paris singing to Hef and some photos of Paris and her mom Kathy at the LA Lakers "3rd annual Mirage Las Vegas Casino Night and Bodog Celebrity Poker Invitational" benefit on April 12, 2006 in Santa Monica, California. She certainly likes to suck on things.
Pictures [via]
Posted to Paris Hilton | Parties | Photos | Video
The launch party for the architect Frank Gehry's jewelry line was held at Tiffanys in New York last night. Gehry uses different materials to create unique, modern pieces:
Frank Gehry utilizes an unusual array of materials, such as black gold, pernambuco wood and cocholong stone, in his collection. Along with sterling silver, diamonds and gemstones, these materials define six intriguing motifs inspired by structural elements, childhood memories, renaissance masters and contemporary painters.
Plenty of stars attended the event, including Ashton Kutcher, Kyra Sedgwick, Kevin Bacon, Susan Sarandon, Rosie Perez, Famke Janssen, Kristin Chenoweth, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Billy Crystal, Ashton Kutcher, Dennis Hopper, Lake Bell, and Lorraine Bracco. DJ AM performed.
12 pictures total.
Continue reading "Tiffany & Co Frank Gehry launch party" »
Posted to Ashton Kutcher | Parties | Susan Sarandon
The Maxim 100th issue party was held on April 8th at Club Tryst at the Wynn Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. While Christina Aguilera and Haylie Duff showed up, Paris and Nicky Hilton are noticeably absent from the arrival and inside pictures of the party. We know that they were at the Maxim weekend event as they attended the poker tournament the day before.
The sisters must have been too exhausted to party on Saturday night, because Perez Hilton reports that they were out quite late with a group the night before. Vanessa Minnillo had a cat fight! Paris also gave an impromptu performance of her entire CD at club Pure at 2:30 in the morning.
The highlight of the evening had to be when MTV VJ and Nick Lachey's new paramour, Vanessa Minnillo, was escorted out of the club for allegedly getting into a fight with a girl in the VIP area.
Around 2:30 in the morning, Paris, Nicky, Jon Alagem, Perez and The Craigster all hopped in the car and headed over to Pure at Caesars' Palace, where Paris put on a show for the adoring crowd!!
Totally spontaneous and utterly amazing, Paris handed the DJ at Pure her CD and proceeded to perform her entire album.
Yeah, it was "hot." So hot that the crowd kept asking for more encores and Paris - eating it up - vamped and worked in on the stage, even doing some songs twice.
Oh no. The crap has just begun with Paris' album. You can bet her singles are going to get more airplay and become stuck in a loop in your head worse that Madonna's "Hung Up."
Here are some of the more sober people at the Maxim party the next night, including Jordan Bratman and Christina Aguilera, Hayden Christensen, Shannon Elizabeth, Taye Diggs, Usher, Lucy Lawless, Vanessa Minnillo, Carey Hart (without his wife pink), Haylie Duff, Kristy Swanson and James Franco. Lil Jon, Ludacris and Usher performed.
16 pictures total.
Continue reading "Maxim 100th issue party: Vanessa Minnillo catfight and Paris sings" »
Posted to Christina Aguilera | Paris Hilton | Parties | Photos | Usher | Vanessa Minnillo
Yesterday we mentioned that Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth attended a party by watchmakers IWC in the Swiss city of Geneva. Today we found the pictures from the event which include the lovely Cate Blanchett.
The theme of the night was 30s and 40s glamour, and the party was held in an aircraft hangar at Geneva airport. The band played big band music, and stars posed with classic airplanes.
Cate Blanchett is currently starring in the film "Little Fish" as an ex drug addict trying to reclaim her dignity. She will also star in the sequel to her critically acclaimed film, "Elizabeth," which will begin shooting next month.
Here are Blanchett, Bloom, and Bosworth at the party.
Pictures [via]
6 more after the jump.
Continue reading "Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth in Switzerland" »
Posted to Cate Blanchett | Kate Bosworth | Orlando Bloom | Parties | Photos
It looks like our country is the hip place to be because Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis are also in Geneva. Depp and Paradis were at the "Mont Blanc" watch company's 100th Anniversary Party at Palexpo last night.
Depp and Paradis, a French singer and actress, have been together since the summer of 1998. They have a daughter, Lily Rose Melody, who will turn 7 this May, and a son, Jack, who is 4. The family splits their time between France and the states.
Update: Depp appeared in public service ads for Mont Blanc last year to advance arts in education.
Posted to Johnny Depp | Parties | Photos | Vanessa Paradis
People speculated that Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth were broken up based on a blind item in the NY Post that seemed to suggest that Bosworth split with Bloom when she found out he had herpes. The two have not been photographed together in some time, suggesting that the rumor was true.
It seems that their relationship is fine, because Katie and Orlando were spotted in Geneva last night attending one of the jet-set parties taking place in the Swiss city:
The Hollywood lovebirds were wrapped round each other all evening, chatting intimately and laughing at a glamorous Forties-inspired bash thrown by Swiss watchmakers IWC at an aircraft hangar in the city's airport.
Other stars in Geneva include Cate Blanchett, Johnny Depp, Vanessa Paradis, and the evil Naomi Campbell, as mentioned below.
Here's Orlando out in London recently.
Pictures [via]
Posted to Kate Bosworth | Orlando Bloom | Parties | Photos
Liev Schreiber hosted Dewar's "Hot Scot" party at Cielo last night in New York. Noticeably absent was his girlfriend of one year, Australian actress Naomi Watts.
Watts and Schreiber have been plagued by breakup rumors since Watts attended the Oscars alone. The NY Daily News reported a couple weeks ago that the two were seeking different partners and that a source said Watts found Schreiber too controlling.
Reader Millie e-mailed her take on the relationship. She thinks that the control issue is bogus and that Schreiber remains interested and wants to marry Watts, but that she has cold feet. She also points out a video of Schreiber protecting Watts from the paparrazi that was filmed in late January as clear evidence that he cares for her.
To further complicate matters, Watts might be pregnant.
Here's Schreiber at the party last night. Other pictured guests include Stephanie March and Fisher Stevens.
Posted to Babies | Liev Schreiber | Naomi Watts | Parties | Photos | Relationship trouble
Nicky Hilton attended a cocktail party held by retail consulting firm Directives West in LA last night. She donned her typical black satin attire with black boots worn over jeans. Nicky needs to liven up her wardrobe a little and call in some help with her boring clothing line.
Here's Nicky's sister Paris walking the runway at the 2BFree fashion show. There are also interviews with Kelly Osbourne, Haylie Duff, and an obviously drunk Tara Reid.
Posted to Fashion | Nicky Hilton | Paris Hilton | Parties | Video
Teen Princesses Beatrice, 17, and Eugenie of York, Sarah Ferguson's daughters, held a Pirates of the Caribbean-themed party for Eugenie's 16th birthday* that soon went wild. Guests got wasted and trashed the house, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage:
"To be honest it was the best party I've ever been to. Within a couple of hours it was out of control," one guest said.
"At one stage someone tried to get into Fergie's bedroom — but the door was locked and Eugenie stopped them," another guest told The Sun.
The clean up of the million-dollar mansion, known as Sunninghill Park, was quite an effort, a cleaner said.
"It was like a bomb had gone off, the house was in a real state. There were empty bottles and broken glasses. It too
The article states that the party ended up costing the Fergusons nearly $50,000. The royal family denies the account of the chaos, saying that "up to 10 adults were present" and that no alcohol was served after 11.
It looks like the British princesses are ready to make their mark on the world. We look forward to more stories of their debauchery.
*The source article states it was Eugenie's 17th birthday, but Wikipedia and another source say she was born in 1990.
Posted to Parties | Royals
DJ AM's surprise birthday party was held on April 1st at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas. AM turned 33 on March 30th. AM's girlfriend, Nicole Richie, 24, was there along with guests pictured including DJ Jazzy Jeff, Tone Loc, Vanessa Traina, and Richie's stylist, Rachel Zoe. The cake featured an edible old school turntable complete with vinyl-looking record.
Three more pictures after the jump.
Continue reading "DJ AM's surprise birthday party" »
Posted to DJ AM | Nicole Richie | Parties | Photos
The countdown to the Young Hollywood Awards party presented by Diesel was held yesterday at Liberace's penthouse in Beverly Hills.
Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards will air this Saturday at 8pm, and will be hosted by Jack Black. We assume that's what the Young Hollywood Awards party is celebrating. Nickelodeon is set to offer a new online component to the awards, which will allow users to view the event live from different camera angles on demand from the Nickelodeon website.
Guests pictured at last night's party include Lindsay Lohan, Nicky Hilton, Haylie Duff, Maggie Grace, Natasha Henstridge, Jesse Metcalfe (who brought a female friend), Ryan Cabrera, Brittany Snow, Deborah Gibson, Stacy Keibler, Shannon Elizabeth, Ben Foster, Frankie Muniz, and Melinda Clarke.
20 more pictures after the jump
Continue reading "Diesel party to countdown to the Young Hollywood Awards" »
Posted to Haylie Duff | Lindsay Lohan | Nicky Hilton | Parties | Photos
Keira Knightly donned a god-awful getup for her 21st birthday in London at the club Paper last night. Keira's boyfriend, Rupert Friend, looked decent in costume, but Keira's look seemed as forced and fake as the actress herself. She tried to pull off a 20s flapper look but her smug face and a tight ringlet hairdo made her seem like an ugly kewpie doll. Then Keira put on a pig's mask to avoid being photographed as she left the party.
Pictures via
Posted to Arrogant | Keira Knightly | Parties | Photos
Plenty of stars attended the Tiffany and Company party launching the Frank Gehry premium jewelry collection. Guests pictured include Jennifer Love Hewitt and her boyfriend Ross McCall, Quincy Jones, Samaire Armstrong, Mira Sorvino, Roselyn Sanchez, Poppy Montgomery, Christina Ricci, William H. Macy, Felicty Huffman, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi, Elijah Kelly, Laurence Fishburne, Gina Torres, and Ian Somerhalder. Patty La Belle, John Legend, and Elijah Kelly performed on stage.
19 more pictures after the jump.
Continue reading "Tiffany & Co. party for the launch of the Frank Gehry collection" »
Posted to Christina Ricci | Felicity Huffman | Jennifer Love Hewitt | Parties | Photos
Paris Hilton partied with Three 6 Mafia last night at the Opium Garden in Miami Beach. The event was part of the Winter Music Conference that we mentioned earlier.
Three 6 Mafia, recent Oscar winners for the Hustle and Flow song "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp," are being sued by a fan injured at a concert. Ramone Williams, 19, claims that Three 6 Mafia incited a riot in a Pittsburgh bar in 2003 while playing the song "Let's Start a Riot" and is trying to hold the band responsible for the beating he suffered. He also blames them for letting him in the club in the first place since he's underage. We don't think the guy has a case. He certainly waited until the band was sufficiently famous and the statute of limitations nearly ran out before filing his claim.
Here's Paris the attention whore (watch her take pictures of herself over and over in this video) and Three 6 Mafia. Other guests included Paul Oakenfold, Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Kelly Rowland, Perez Hilton, Tracy Young and Brooke Hogan.
Seven more after the jump.
Continue reading "Paris Hilton and Three 6 Mafia in Miami" »
Posted to Paris Hilton | Parties | Photos | Three 6 Mafia
Mischa Barton and The Veronicas hosted a party put on by Jane Magazine at the Tropicana Bar in Hollywood last night. The purpose was to launch the 2006 Keds collection, and I must say that the shoes look really cute and comfortable. These aren't your average plain canvas shoes, and I would wear them. (Keds is not paying me, but if you would like to sponsor this site, please consider it because I'll hype your product or service as well as Perez.)
Yesterday we mentioned how intelligent and thoughtful Mischa seemed in a recent interview. She's quite a good spokesperson for Keds and she's sure to get more high-profile contracts.
Mischa is pictured above with Jess and Lisa Origilasso of The Veronicas.
Posted to Mischa Barton | Parties | Photos
Paris Hilton hosted the Louis Verdad fashion show after party last night in West Hollywood. Hilton's sister Nicky and Michelle Trachtenberg were in attendance.
Trachtenberg is working on a film that is now shooting in Vancouver called Black Christmas. It is about "four sorority sisters being harassed with anonymous and terrifying calls and then killed off one by one during Christmas break." It's a remake of a classic horror movie that we've never heard of. We can't wait.
This guy Louis Verdad looks like a smug little prick. No wonder he's friends with Paris.
Four more pictures after the jump.
Continue reading "Paris Hilton hosting the Louis Verdad after party" »
Posted to Fashion | Michelle Williams | Paris Hilton | Parties | Photos
Via Oh no they Didn't we found these pictures of P. Diddy, JD, and Nelly with a bunch of strippers.
Concrete Loop reveals that the event was the "Stack Attack" birthday party in Atlanta held for the stripper Jazz. Now that doesn't sound as nasty as we were hoping. It was just a birthday party, after all. Pictures are blurred and covered with dollar bills in the right places, but they're still not safe for work.
Sandra Rose was there, and her gallery has lots more pictures.
Eleven more after the jump.
Continue reading "Diddy drops some cash on the hos" »
Posted to P. Diddy | Parties | Photos
Courtney Love, Scott Weiland of Velvet Revolver, Michelle Tractenberg, and Ben Kingsley were among the stars at the kick-off to fashion week 2006 at Mr. Chow's in LA last night.
Love was recently linked with "Capote" director Bennett Miller, and toured with Weiland in 2004. They look cosy and may be a couple, but we doubt it.
Love will be taking advantage of her sobriety by recording again soon. Page Six reports:
"In the gutters of this earth you can always find Love." She must be referring to herself.
Eight more after the jump.
Continue reading "LA Fashion week kick-off dinner" »
Posted to Courtney Love | Fashion | Michelle Tractenberg | Parties
Page Six reports that Paris Hilton sought male companionship at the premiere of "The Godfather: The Game" in LA on Wednesday night. Her antics suggest that she's rid of Stavros Niarchos III. We reported at the end of February that she was wearing an engagement ring, but that appears to be short-lived.
At least she hooked up with her cousin, cutie celeb blogger Perez Hilton.
Eleven more pictures after the jump.
Continue reading "Paris seeks mate" »
Posted to Paris Hilton | Parties | Photos
Samaire Armstrong is set to return to the O.C. this season as Anna. Her character will provide a much-needed challenge for bickering on-screen and real life couple, Summer and Seth.
In a recent interview with gaming site IGN, Armstrong revealed that she thinks she's tougher than Bilson:
Armstrong: I don't know if she can. [Laughs]
IGN: Wow!
Armstrong: I'm serious. Come on. I really don't think Rachel Bilson could kick my ass. She's too sweet.
Now that's a fight we would pay money to see.
The Nylon Magazine Guys Spring 2006 launch party was held last night at the Roosevelt Hotel. Guests included cover boy Adam Brody, his girlfriend Rachel Bilson, and singer Avril Lavigne.
Three more after the jump.
Continue reading "Samaire Armstrong thinks she could kick Rachel Bilson's ass" »
Posted to Adam Brody | Avril Lavigne | Parties | Photos | Rachel Bilson | Samaire Armstrong | Television
The DVD release party for Liza Minelli's Liza With A "Z" was held last night at the Ziegfeld Theatre. The DVD features Minelli's 1972 television special and includes new special features and interviews. Attendees pictured at the party include Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Alan Cumming, Joan Collins, Lili Taylor, Tony Danza, Michael Feinstein, Parker Posey, Peter Boyle, Bebe Neuwirth, Linda Lavin, Rosie O'Donnell, George C. Wolfe, Jane Krakowski, and John Waters.
Minelli just celebrated her 60th birthday March 12th.
16 more pictures after the jump.
Continue reading "Liza with a "Z" DVD release party" »
Posted to Liza Minelli | Parties | Photos
Halle Berry, Josh Lucas, Robert Duvall, and Aaron Eckhart attended the "Thank you for Smoking" premier after-party in NY at the MOMA last night.
"Thank you for Smoking" portrays a tobacco lobbyist in a positive light, and takes a humorous stance on the taboo subject of the dangers of smoking. Critics like the film, which is supposed to be side-splittingly funny.
William H. Macy, Rob Lowe and Katie Holmes are also featured in the film.
Three more after the jump.
Continue reading ""Thank you for Smoking" after-party" »
Posted to Halle Berry | Movies | Parties
Mary-Kate Olsen has reunited with her ex-boyfriend, David Katzenberg. Katzenberg is the son of Dreamwork's head Jeffrey Katzenberg. They were together for nine months in 2004, and broke up when Olsen dumped Katzenberg for Stavros Niarchos III. Niarchos is now dating Paris Hilton.
According to Sky Showbiz, Katzenberg adores Olsen and plans to propose to her. Olsen may be reluctant to accept, however:
"He's totally gone! He said he knows he wants to marry Mary-Kate and have children with her, and he's just trying to build up to the right moment to ask her...
"Mary-Kate's happy to be back with him again and is enjoying his company, but I don't think she's ready for marriage or anything just yet."
Katzenberg was so crazy about Olsen after they broke up in 2004 that he flew to LA and went to places she hangs out hoping to run into her.
Mary Kate was solo at a party Tom Arnold threw last night in Beverly Hills. Tom was honoring his real estate agent, Stephen Shapiro. (We are assuming that Shapiro is Tom's real estate agent based on some scant information we found. If we are wrong, please let us know.)
Guests included Mary-Kate Olsen, Amanda Bynes, Anthony Keidis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Nick Warnock from The Apprentice. Three more pictures of the party after the jump.
Continue reading "David Katzenberg to propose to Mary-Kate Olsen" »
Posted to Amanda Bynes | Engagements | Hookups | Mary-Kate Olsen | Parties | Photos
Shaquille O'Neal had his 34th birthday party in Miami on Friday and guess who was there? Big gay Al and Star Jones! Vivaca A Fox also attended and wore a jacket to cover up her capsized boob. Star Jones seemed not to realize that her boobs are sagging down to her waist and made a very unfortunate dress choice. I'm so sorry to inflict this picture on you.
Star has had so much plastic surgery her face looks like an alien. Maybe she can ask Vivaca for the name of a good surgeon to fix her tits too.
The party looks fabulous and seems to have taken place at Shaq's house, from what we remember of his Cribs episode. Live tigers were there and there was a special pampering room for guests.
Other attendees included Fat Joe, Julio Iglesias Jr., Alonzo Mourning, Terrell Owens, Dwyane Wade, James Posey, Tracy McGrady, Udonis Haslem, and Gary Peyton. (Disclosure: I don't follow basketball and my husband is foreign so I don't know who most of these guys are.)
Here's Vivaca, Star and Al. 18 more pictures of the party are after the jump.
Continue reading "Star Jones and Vivaca A. Fox: the ugly boob twins" »
Posted to Parties | Photos | Plastic Surgery | Sports | Star Jones
Ok, it isn't news that Lohan gets around, but she was at the NY party celebrating Blondie's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night. The party was hosted by designer Marc Jacobs and Johnathan Lewis. Lohan also attended the "Ask the Dust" after party with Salma Hayek.
Other attendees in the 12 pictures after the jump include Moby, Molly Ringwald, Richie Rich, Ron Jeremy and The MisShapes.
Continue reading "Lindsay Lohan attends two parties in one night" »
Posted to Lindsay Lohan | Parties | Photos
"Ask the Dust," starring Salma Hayek and Colin Farrel, is the story of the sadistic relationship between a struggling novelist and a Mexican waitress in the 1930s. It is playing in limited release.
Hayek stars as the beautiful Camilla Lopez. She put on weight for her character by eating hamburgers and suffered hypothermia while filming an ocean-set love scene. Farrel was a gentleman on set and did not sneak a peek at Hayek while they were both naked while filming. He was also comfortable with his nudity, and did a little naked dance to help Hayek relax for the the scene. Hayek was so moved by her character's plight that she broke down and cried when she tried to read the book that the film was based on.
Celebrities in attendance at the party after the NY premiere last night included Hayek, Lindsay Lohan, Petra Nemcova, Iman, and Indina Menzel.
Fifteen more pictures after the jump.
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Posted to Lindsay Lohan | Movies | Parties | Premieres | Salma Hayek
Matthew McConaughey was said to be wearing a gold band on his left ring finger in his Wednesday morning appearance on "Live with Regis and Kelly." This comes after speculation that his girlfriend of a year, Penelope Cruz, is pregnant. McConaughey wore a ring on his right hand to the "Failure to Launch" premiere. Life and Style reported that McConaughy was sporting a wedding ring a week ago, but they used a horizontally flipped photo to prove it.
Salma Hayek showed up at the "Failure to Launch" after party in New York last night. She looks gorgeous as always. We just wish Penelope could have made it.
Three more after the jump.
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Posted to Matthew McConaughey | Movies | Parties | Photos | Premieres | Sarah Jessica Parker